Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! -May 11, 2016 ~ 16 posts.

Real Life is Lived Within, Not Without. ~ Beloved One via Lytske.




Real Life is Lived Within, Not Without.

Teacher: The Beloved One.

Message received by Lytske.

Urantia, May 1, 2016.





The Beloved One: “As per divine appointment, you are willing and ready to take another dictation to help your understanding of why and how matters unfold in life. Child, do you ever stop to think that God’s plans are always in motion as they are carried on the divine energy flowing from Paradise in a never-ending cycle? 

“Most people live unawares and never entertain even the slightest notion as to how they could improve...

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How The Government & Dairy Industry Tricked Us Into Thinking We Need Milk (Video)



How The Government & Dairy Industry Tricked Us Into Thinking We Need Milk (Video)

By Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

Oh, good old dairy! I’m sure you remember being a kid and having your mother tell you,  Drink your milk! You need it to grow and be strong! Or perhaps your mom was ahead of the curve and saw through the mass marketing campaign designed to convince us that we require milk to live a healthy life.
Aside from the obvious reasons why we don’t need cow’s milk — no other animal drinks the milk from another species; we no longer...

Tags: alanna ketlercollective evolution

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White House’s ‘Skull and Bones’ Files Due Out.


White House’s ‘Skull and Bones’ Files Due Out.


By Josh Gerstein,

May 6, 2016 

(Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia)

May 11, 2016

More than 50 nations played a role in the extraordinary rendition of terrorism suspects in the years after 9/11, a new report has found. The program, started under President George W. Bush, involved shipping suspects off to foreign prisons and CIA "black sites," where they often faced torture. (Photo: Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images/File)

More than 1,000 pages of letters, memos, a draft speech and other materials relating to Skull and Bones and George W. Bush are set for release in July. Credit: Getty Images

White House’s ‘Skull and Bones’ files due out

By Josh Gerstein,, May 6, 2016 (Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia)

One of America’s most prestigious and storied secret societies, Yale University’s Skull and Bones, may be a little less...

Tags: josh gersteinpolitico.comskull and boneswhite house

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A Vision for the End of Suffering



The Vision Alignment Project.


A Vision for the End of Suffering.

We see a world where suffering has ended; where all living creatures - the plants, the animals, the people - are living in a state of exaltation and joy because no one is harming anyone else, no one is in competition with anyone else, and no one is encumbering or enslaving anyone else.

We see people feeling safe, feeling secure, feeling serene, and it is in this environment that our potentials begin to blossom. Creativity in all its wondrous forms is now expressed by all as...

Tags: a visionalignment project

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The Hijacking Of Consciousness. - By Elva Thompson.



The Hijacking Of Consciousness.

By Elva Thompson, Thanks to


Toy bewitched.
Made blind by lusts, disinherited of soul,
 No common centre Man, no common sire Knoweth! A sordid solitary thing Mid countless brethren with a lonely heart Through courts and cities the smooth savage roams, Feeling himself, his own low self, the whole.
Coleridge: Religious Musings.

Frequency War

Many of us are waking up to the fact that the world we live in is being engineered into a nightmare of controlled reality. We...

Tags: elva

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Hacker Arrested and Jailed After Exposing Flaws in Election Website.


Hacker Arrested and Jailed After Exposing Flaws in Election Website.

By Claire Bernish, Anti Media


May 11, 2016.


(ANTIMEDIA)Lee County, FL — A hacker in Florida exposed security vulnerabilities in one county’s elections web domains so officials could fix the problem — but, instead, he ended up behind bars.

Hacker David Michael Levin, owner of Vanguard Cybersecurity, was arrestedon Wednesday after the Florida Department of Law Enforcement received a referral from the Lee County Sheriff’s Office after his apparently misguided attempt to help prevent election fraud by pointing out online vulnerabilities....

Tags: anti mediaclaire bernish

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Worthiness. ~ The Creator via Jennifer Farley.




The Creator Writings.


transcribed by Jennifer Farley.

ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner





Your worthiness is not determined by what others feel or say about you, buthow you feel and what you say about yourself.


Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here.

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

More @

Like this!...

Tags: creator writingsjennifer farley

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DOJ Drops Prosecution of Biggest Medical Marijuana Dispensary in US. - Julie Fidler



DOJ Drops Prosecution of Biggest Medical Marijuana Dispensary in US.

By Julie Fidler, Natural Society



On Tuesday, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) dropped a 4-year-long effort to shut down Harborside Health Center in Oakland, California, thelargest marijuana dispensary in the US.

Employee Derek Flores, right, waits for a patient at a display case at the Harborside Health Center in Oakland, Calif. The center will be one of the models for Maine's first medical marijuana dispensaries. Credit: John Patriquin/Staff PhotographerEmployee Derek Flores, right, waits for a patient at a display case at the Harborside Health Center in Oakland, Calif. The center will be one of the models for Maine’s first medical marijuana dispensaries. Credit: John Patriquin/Staff Photographer
Providing medical marijuana to  more than 100,000 patients, Harborside...

Tags: julie fidlernatural society

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The Distorted Heart of the New World Order. ~ Makia Freeman.



The Synthetic Agenda: 

The Distorted Heart of the New World Order.

By Makia FreemanWaking Times


Artificial Intelligence 
The synthetic agenda is the over-arching agenda of the New World Order worldwide conspiracy. Think about it – so many aspects of the conspiracy are about supplanting the real with the fake, the organic with the inorganic, the carbon with the silicon and the biological with the artificial. In the synthetic agenda, everything in our world is being threatened with replacement by an inferior version or fake replica of itself – which sells itself as superior so...

Tags: makia freemanwaking times

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Through Joan Mills.



That which is Cosmic Awareness is today available. That this Awareness would ask you now, Joan, to proceed.
Thank you, and welcome Cosmic Awareness, thank you for being with us today for the Rainbow-Phoenix Membership session of April 17, 2016. Will Berlinghof is the Voice of Cosmic Awareness, Joan Mills is the questioner and Energizer. Is there an opening message or any event you would like to discuss please, at this time? Thank you.
That this Awareness...

Tags: joan millsrainbow-phoenix

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The Dark Side Of Spirituality. ~ By Luke Miller



The Dark Side Of Spirituality.

By Luke Miller, Truth Theory,  

Thanks to Body Mind Soul Spirit

May 11, 2016


I think it’s safe to say that spirituality is indeed a good thing. The problem is that some people can enter the spiritual world with a pre conceived misconception that it is going to be an all-round positive experience. 

Spirituality is not one thing and can be expressed in multiple ways. Some will find enlightenment through their work, others through religion, others through spiritual practice like meditation and yoga, others through the use of psychedelics and...

Tags: body mind soul spiritluke millertruth theor

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