Rebirth and Renewal as Spring Blossoms. ~ Lydia Dawn.
Rebirth and Renewal as Spring Blossoms.
By Lydia Dawn.

Spring is:
Spring is soft, like a breeze upon my skin
It’s radiant warmth is a loving embrace
Spring is a promise of renewal
It is a bloom, and a bud yet unopened
A simple reminder of tender young love
Spring is the hope of our coldest, darkest night — unfurling into vibrancy all around us
Rebirth and Renewal encompass us at this time, it is...
Tags: ambrosia writings, lydia dawn
Posted at: 19:34 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
That One Thing. ~The Creator via Jennifer Farley.
That One Thing.
The Creator Writings.
Transcribed by Jennifer Farley,
ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner.
March 24, 2016.

How often to do you let one fear stand in your way of experiencing miracles?
All of the joy, love, peace, abundance and exhilaration of your existence on your Earth plane await your forward motion.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility.
No religious or political belief is defended here.
Individually you can be helped to...
Tags: creator writings, jennifer farley
Posted at: 19:29 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Prepare For Change - 2016/03/24.
Prepare For Change
Tags: prepare for change
Posted at: 19:21 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
6 Books You Probably Don’t Know About That Will Keep Your Attention Until The Very Last Page.
6 Books You Probably Don’t Know About That Will Keep Your Attention Until The Very Last Page.
March 24, 2016,
Reading is incredible. It sparks our imaginations, enhances our critical thinking skills, improves our vocabulary, exercises our brain, and much more. While our love for reading in general will never die, it does seem that, these days, its popularity has waned significantly.
Many kids today, and plenty of adults too, can’t seem to wrap their heads around sitting and doing ‘nothing’ for any extended amount of time when they could instead experience new and...
Tags: arjun walia, collective evolution
Posted at: 19:15 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Wikipedia Establishes Brussels Bombing Storyline within 20 Mins of Blast.
Wikipedia Establishes Brussels Bombing Storyline within 20 Mins of Blast.
Our ‘suspects.’
Just as with the Paris attacks, Wikipedia saw an article posted on the Brussels bombings within a short time of the actual event.
The bombings happened at 8:00 a.m., Tuesday, 22 March, 2016.
Apparently, within 20 minutes, an article appeared on Wikipedia as “Brussels Bombings.” It’s what’s called a “stub,” an article that serves as a placeholder and is fleshed out later on.
Within twenty minutes of the blast, the writer is...
Tags: golden age of gaia, steve beckow
Posted at: 19:08 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
“Make Wrong” and Dimensionality. ~By Steve Beckow.
“Make Wrong” and Dimensionality.
March 24, 2016.
Imaginative interpretation of the journey to the heart of darkness.
The sword is to cut away the bondage of illusion.
Credit: Michael D. O’Brien,
Note from Wes Annac: As Steve writes here, the need for discernment is high when dealing with channeled messages.
I’d encourage using your discernment when you ready anychannelings, as well as when reading this article on the issue from Steve. Take only what resonates with you and don’t be afraid to question.
Tags: golden age of gaia, steve beckow
Posted at: 17:13 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Research Finds Fluffy White Snowflakes Full of Pollutants. ~Julie Fidler.
Research Finds Fluffy White Snowflakes Full of Pollutants.
March 24, 2016.

We’ve all stood outside on a wintry day, trying to catch snowflakes on our tongues. Heck, some people even make snow ice cream.
But scientists in Canada have found that snow absorbs nanosized particles and certain organic components of car exhausts. [1]
Maybe you should avoid the white snow as much as the yellow kind.
Research has shown that tiny particles spit out by exhaust fumes negatively impact both the environment and human health. This type of...
Tags: julie fidler, natural society
Posted at: 17:07 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Put Your Spiritual Thinking Caps On. ~Beloved One via Lytske.
Put Your Spiritual Thinking Caps On.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Message received by Lytske.
Urantia, March 3, 2016.
The Beloved One: “We shall have a wonderful time together, with you listening and I instructing you, even when as per usual you have no idea, where this conversation is going. Such is the trust a humble mortal develops, when taking the time and giving their will over to honor that promise when prompted for a ‘date’ with their Beloved within, as it feels like a sacred appointment.
“You often wonder how it is possible that such get-togethers can already...
Tags: beloved one, lytske
Posted at: 16:39 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Seek out the great potential of the Universe. ~A Wisdom, Sharon Taphorn.
Cedella Marley: Surround Yourself with Those You Love.
Surround Yourself with Those You Love.
Positive Vibrations,
March 24, 2016.
Life will often make you feel like you may break. But no one can protect you from that feeling, and confining yourself to solitude can also push you to a negative place. You have to surround yourself with those you love and those who inspire you. It is the reason you are here on earth, to love, feel and realize you are not alone. One love…
Tags: a nice time cedella marley positive vibrations
Posted at: 04:49 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Lisa Gawlas: The Magnetic Keys are Now In the Engines of Your Life!! Vroom, Vroom!!
The Magnetic Keys are Now In the Engines of Your Life!!
Vroom, Vroom!!
March 24, 2016.

I had a feeling, even as I was writing my blog yesterday, my energy system was so low from the lack of sleep, the day of readings was going to be challenging.
Forget challenging, they were just non-existent… sort of. I think the easiest way to explain the enormity of understanding and experience yesterday, is to explain what I could see, when and why.
As I tried to connect to...
Tags: lisa gawlas, shift of time and energy
Posted at: 04:44 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
America Should Take Responsibility for the Brussels Terror Attacks.
America Should Take Responsibility for the Brussels Terror Attacks.
March 24, 2016.
(ANTIMEDIA) Before the bodies had been counted. Before the injuries had been assessed. Before any group claimed responsibility for perpetrating the attacks in the Belgian capitol Brussels, the lazy condemned the entire religion of Islam. This blame, meted out to a religion whose tenets expressly forbid killing innocents — “it is as if he had slain mankind entirely” — lacks fundamental logic. Worse, it lacks precision. Without precision and studied consideration of the conditions which...
Tags: anti media, claire bernish, op-ed, safety
Posted at: 04:38 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Chef Wins Reality Show, Uses Funds to Feed Chicago’s Homeless. ~Amanda Froelich.
Chef Wins Reality Show, Uses Funds to Feed Chicago’s Homeless.
March 24, 2016.

Passionate about being the change, this chef closes his restaurant one day a week to feed people living on the street. His compassion and gift for cooking won him $36,000 … and he donated that too!
Chef Quentin Love isn’t like most foodies; he has a compassionate heart to help the homeless. With the help of a weekly team of volunteers,
Love has paid nearly...
Tags: amanda froelich, earth we are one,
Posted at: 04:31 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Government, Terrorism, Money, Education and Other Important Discussions.
Government, Terrorism, Money, Education and Other Important Discussions.
March 24, 2016.
The elite power structure – which uses the monetary system, war, false flags and the monopolized media as their primary mechanisms of control – has infiltrated every major government of the Western World. How do we know this? It’s simple; if they hadn’t been hijacked, then governments would have already begun a process of revolutionizing the way in which our societies are organized so that it benefits all of us, not...
Tags: mind unleashed, phillip j. watt
Posted at: 04:22 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
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