Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! -March 18, 2016 #1 ~ 12 posts!

Michael Quinsey's Higher Self Message: March 18, 2016


Message from Higher Self.

Channeled by Mike Quinsey. 

 18th. March 2016.

Much is happening as the Light awakens more souls to the truth of theirexistence. For too long you have been literally kept in the dark, but are nowresponding to the higher vibrations. You have broken out of the cocoon offorgetfulness, and are beginning to understand your true place in the Universe.If only you could grasp the truth of your magnificence and take your true placeas a Being of Light. The veils of darkness are being lifted and you are slowlycomprehending your destiny. You are much greater than...

Tags: higher selfmike quinsey

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Simplify your Life. ~ Angel Wisdom - Sharon Taphorn.





Simplify your Life

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn.

March 18, 2016






Eliminate clutter from your material world as well as energetically as there is much going on and much that can distract you from what is truly important. Clear the energy in your home and work environments as well as in your life by being sure to balance the flow of activities.

Have you been feeling scattered or perhaps an inability to focus? Your energy has been fragmented, and it's time to make some adjustments. You are asked to take drastic measures...

Tags: angel wisdomsharon taphorn

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The Experience of Fear. ~ Adjuster via Oscar.


The Experience of Fear.

Thought Adjuster.

Received by Oscar.

Alabama, USA, April 17, 2012.


Thought Adjuster: “You have experienced fear in your life. It has been a constant struggle to overcome it. The root of this fear is in reality genetic and inherited. All the uncertainty and the difficulties that this planet has gone through in the past have left deep wounds and maladjustments on its population.

“In spite of how displeasing the experience of living with fear may have been, it has served you to understand how many in your world live. There are some who feel...

Tags: oscarthought adjuster

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Double Comets Debris Trail Will Strike Earth.




Double Comets Debris Trail Will Strike Earth.





There is a chance that the comet's approach could cause a minor meteor shower. According to the International Meteor Organization, "[modeling by forecaster] Mikhail Maslov indicates that there might be a weak episode of faint, very slow meteors (15.5 km/s) on March 28–30 from a radiant near the star μ Leporis." Little is known about meteors from this comet, so estimates of the meteor rate are very uncertain. Maslov's models suggest no more than 5 to 10 per hour.


This is a southern hemisphere event. At...


Tags: comets debris

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My Prayer. ~ Wes Annac,



My Prayer.

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

March 18, 2016.


To the Source, I pray that you be with us all in times of uncertainty. 

To life, I pray that in time, you reveal your greatest secrets. 

To the planet, I pray that you find peace, healing and stability. 

For humanity, I pray that we see the light in the darkness and come to terms with our differences. 

To the plant and animal kingdom, I pray that you forgive humans for what we’re doing to you. As strange as it sounds, we know not...

Tags: culture of awarenesswes annac

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The Man Who Fights Grey ETs on His Land.


The Man Who Fights Grey ETs on His Land.


Above: actual undoctored image of a grey alien. John Edmonds was reluctantly drawn into the world of aliens and had to defend himself, his family & his animals against invading and hostile grey ETs. Image credit:

Grey ETs (Extraterrestrials) are the most common ET or alien reported in contactee and abductee encounters. So who or what are they?

In eyewitness accounts, grey ETs (aka gray ETs, grey, grays) are typically described as...

Tags: etsfreedom articlesgreysmakia freeman

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Student Sentenced to 15 Years Hard Labor in North Korea Claims US Set Him Up. ~Jake Anderson.



Student Sentenced to 15 Years Hard Labor in North Korea Claims US Set Him Up.

By Jake AndersonAnti Media 

 March 18, 2016.



(ANTIMEDIA) — North Korea has sentenced 21-year-old University of Virginia student Otto Fredrick Warmbier to 15 years of prison and hard labor. Otto has been in North Korean custody since January 2nd, after authorities detained him at the airport. The DPRK alleges Otto stole a propaganda poster from his hotel, which they maintain constitutes the crime of subversion. 

As more details of the case trickled out, the government...

Tags: anti mediajake anderson

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Heavenletters: “My Heart Is Bare, and I Am Lonely.” - Gloria Wendroff.




“My Heart Is Bare, and I Am Lonely.”

Through Gloria Wendroff,

March 18, 2016.


God said: 

I have heard you cry out. I hear your words, and I hear your heart. I hear you say: 

“Beloved God, You are the Prow of the Ship I ride on. You are the Bells That Toll. Yours is the Hand I hold. You make me safe. How can I fear when You are beside me? When I look away from You, I am made of nonsense and, so, foolishly, I wound myself on Earth. 

“Teach me to...

Tags: gloria wendroffheavenletters

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This App Can Identify the Types of Plants You Photograph.



This App Can Identify the Types of Plants You Photograph. 

  From Body Mind Soul Spirit

March 18, 2016.

Ever wonder what species you’re looking at as you admire wildflowers (or a stranger’s garden)? Pl@ntNet—an app developed by several French research institutions and a network for botanists called Tela Botanica—uses technology similar to facial recognition software to identify species of plants from user-uploaded photographs. It’s Shazam for plants, as Modern Farmer dubs it. 

Because the app was designed for French users, it was originally geared toward the native flora of Western Europe. It can currently...

Tags: appbody mind soul spirit

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Incredibly Detailed Drawings Show the Ugly Truth of What We’ve Done to Mother Earth.


Incredibly Detailed Drawings Show the Ugly Truth of What We’ve Done to Mother Earth.

By Anna LeMind, The Mind Unleashed

March 18, 2016.



Humanity has never reached such a level of economic development and technological sophistication before – we have super fast vehicles and all kinds of appliances and gadgets that make our daily life easier. 

At the same time, the economic growth of the past few decades has dramatically changed the look of our planet. The areas that were covered with dense forests just 30 years ago are now turned into lifeless realms of concrete and...

Tags: anna lemindmind unleashed

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The Psychic Roots of Tyranny. ~Alex Vandenberg.



The Psychic Roots of Tyranny.

By Alex VandenbergWaking Times

March 18, 2016.

“…the final goal of world revolution is not Socialism or even Communism, it is not a change in the existing economic system, it is not the destruction of civilization in a material sense; the revolution desired by the leaders is a moral and spiritual revolution, an anarchy of ideas by which all standards set up throughout nineteen centuries shall be reversed.” – Nesta Webster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements 

The signs of our collective insanity in today’s world are ubiquitous. Looming overhead like some...

Tags: alex vandenbergtyrannywaking times

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Montague Keen - March 13, 2016 - Veronica Keen,



Message from Montague Keen.

Through Veronica Keen.

March 13, 2016 



The real self is dangerous; dangerous to the established CHURCH, dangerous to the STATE, dangerous to the CROWD, dangerous to TRADITION, because once a MAN knows his REAL SELF; HE BECOMES AN INDIVIDUAL."


The awakened man sees everything as it is. He shares his knowledge and so he becomes a target for the Cabal. What you are experiencing today is the Cabal flooding your lives with FEAR in all its many guises. CANCER is a very productive industry for them....


Tags: montague keenveronica keen

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