Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! -March 10, 2016 #1 ~ 12 posts!

Archangel Uriel, 2006/02/15 ~Gülçin Önel.


Message from Archangel Uriel.

Through Gülçin Önel.

February 15, 2016.

Translated from Turkish.



When you think that events are not going the way you wish, take a breath and let go of all resistance. 


Rather than steering forcefully to the point you want, when you let yourself go to the process with surrender you will experience being One with everything in harmony. 


The flow will begin and what you define as misfortunes will disappear and all control will be removed, negative patterns will dissolve and you will reach your desired point by going through doors...


Tags: archangel uriel, glin nel, gulcin onel

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Fracking Tied To US Methane Surge



Fracking Tied To US Methane Surge.


March 9, 2016 

fracking text

Satellite Data Reveals Industry May Be Major Global Warming Culprit
A new Harvard University study is suggesting a recent surge in US methane emissions is tied to the growing fracking industry in the country. The study notes that emissions of methane, a much more powerful warming gas than carbon dioxide, have increased 30 percent in over the past decade. However, researchers admit they cannot “readily attribute” US shale gas production to the rise of any particular pollutant.

“I’d say the biggest takeaway is that there...

Tags: dane arr, fracking, methane, prepare for change

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Pesticides and Herbicides like Glyphosate linked to Parkinson’s Disease and other Neurological Disorders.




Pesticides and Herbicides like Glyphosate linked to Parkinson’s Disease and other Neurological Disorders.

by Dane Arr

March 9, 2016 


The genes of the human race have never been under such intense pressure from their surrounding environment. Pesticide and herbicide chemicals that confuse, distort and destroy the natural chemistry of life and microbiology, are being sprayed directly on the foods that people eat. The ill effects are being measured all the way down to the genetic level.

(Tuesday, March 08, 2016 by: L.J. Devon, NaturalNews) The genes of the human race have never been under such...

Tags: dane arr, glyphosate, herbicides, neurological disorders, parkinson, parkinsons disease, prepare for change

Posted at: 19:37 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

A Man Built A Gold Pyramid In Illinois & Found Remarkable Energy.




A Man Built A Gold Pyramid In Illinois & Found Remarkable Energy.

by Dane Arr

March 9, 2016 

In a world now filled with outlandish and unconventional architecture, the idea of someone building a gold pyramid certainly doesn’t seem newsworthy, but the story of this Illinois man is simply remarkable.

One day after stumbling across a university study suggesting that the pyramids at Giza generate energy, Jim Onan decided to test the theory by building a number of small pyramids to put around his house. Once completed, Jim and several others were astonished by the “weird sensations”...

Tags: dane arr, energy, prepare for change, pyramid

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E-Cigs Have A Million Times More Cancer-Causing Chemicals Than Polluted Air – Hong Kong Study.



E-Cigs Have A Million Times More Cancer-Causing Chemicals Than Polluted Air.

Hong Kong Study.

by Dane Arr


March 9, 2016.



According to a new study out of Hong Kong, China, the chemicals most commonly included in e-cigarettes contain more cancer-causing substances than polluted air. The researchers also discovered that a type of flame retardant used in the devices themselves can affect the body’s reproductive system, which could also lead to cancer.

The study analyzed thirteen different electronic cigarettes that were sold on the Chinese market, and found that the level of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which is a...

Tags: cancer, dane arr, e-cigs, prepare for change

Posted at: 19:34 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

The dangers of group thinking – Asch’s Conformity Experiments.



The dangers of group thinking. 

Asch’s Conformity Experiments.


by Colaborama

March 9, 2016 

Tanks to Prepare for change.

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Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

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PT: a chama ~ Israel ou Cazária!? ~
EN: VioletFlame ; CPLP ; Light a Candle for PEACE...

Tags: colaborama, group thinking, prepare for change, solomon asch

Posted at: 19:33 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

Prepare For Change - 2016/03/09


Prepare for Change


NESARA The National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act
2016-03-08 01:02:47-05

Prepare for Change Members, I have no way to verify that this is the genuine NESARA Bill, but it seems to have everything I heard about over the years. I first heard about it from some retired NSA people who had been very close to the Admiral before he died. After he was gone all of ... Read more

The Ascension Plan ~ A Cobra Update
2016-03-08 04:42:23-05

Monday, March 7, 2016 The Ascension Plan Time has come to release a great portion...

Tags: prepare for change

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Do not be deterred by life's challenges right now. ~A Wisdom - Sharon Taphorn.




Take Action.

 Do not be deterred by life's challenges right now.

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn.

March 9, 2016





You have some amazing ideas that you should act upon, however you are either not trusting yourself or you are distracted by drama and life happening around you. It is important to be clear right now and also pay attention to details. Be cautious but take wise action on your behalf as these challenges are meant to help you find that clarity you desire. Take your time if you feel you need to,...

Tags: angel wisdom, sharon taphorn

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Our New Operating System. ~Terry Andrews.



Our New Operating System.


By Terry Andrews.

(Contributor for the Culture of Awareness),  

New Earth Experiences


March 9, 2016


More people are getting hooked up. I just had coffee with a friend. The last time I saw her about a month ago she was experiencing mega fear and made it clear she did not believe that humanity is currently shifting/evolving into a new phase.

But this time, she told me about all the physical symptoms she has been having, which necessitated a visit to the ER. After a battery of tests she...

Tags: culture of awareness, new earth experiences, terry andrews

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Ibuprofen Kills Thousands Each Year. So Here’s The Alternative. ~Arjun Walia.




Ibuprofen Kills Thousands Each Year. So Here’s The Alternative.

By Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

March 9, 2016.

The legal ‘drugs’ we take today, both over-the-counter and prescription medication, are responsible for at least 100,000 deaths per year in the United States alone. As many reports have indicated, most of the published research supporting these drugs is completely false; results are manipulated in order to get products onto the market as quickly as possible, rather than to ensure their safety.

This kind of corruption in rampant in the industry and poses a significant risk to public health...

Tags: arjun walia collective evolution

Posted at: 19:28 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

No One Would Even Think of It.


No One Would Even Think of It.

By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia

March 9, 2016.


We talk a lot about love, but not as much about free will. But they’re equally important topics.

May I go a little ways into the latter subject please, from my point of view?

The failure to respect free will is, for me, one of the biggest obstacles to having successful relationships, business arrangements, friendships and families.

Don’t tell me what to do; stop giving me orders, I hear myself saying to people, over and over again. Of course...

Tags: golden age of gaia, steve beckow

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This Nationwide Fix Could Save 200,000 Lives Over 15 Years. ~Julie Fidler.


This Nationwide Fix Could Save 200,000 Lives Over 15 Years.

By Julie Fidler, Natural Society


March 9, 2016.


Do you find yourself often eating junk food because it’s less pricey than food which promotes optimal health? A new study published this week by researchers at Harvard University found that lowering the price of fruits and vegetables is key in preventing people from dying of heart attack and stroke.

Source: Daily Mail

One of the reasons so many people are suffering from obesity and overall weak health is because healthy food can cost so much more than cheap junk. Fat- and...

Tags: julie fidler, natural society

Posted at: 19:22 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

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