Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! -June 21, 2016 ~ 19 posts.

Welcome to the Big Juice Challenge July 2016! ~ Dreama Vance.



Welcome to the Big Juice Challenge July 2016!


by Dreama Vance



Spiritual Dynamics Newsletter

Living in Wholeness

It's that time again! If you have joined me before when I announced Jason Vale's Juice Challenge, you will know that your body begins to tell you when it is time for another one! Yes, it is true. Your body actually begins to "give notice" that it is time to cleanse again. Cleansing with the seasons is a powerful way to enhance our wellness. We are so connected to Nature. Once you begin to pay attention to...

Tags: dreama vanceliving in wholenessspiritual dynamics

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Channeling the Guides and Angels of the Light (1) - Melanie Beckler


A Series of Channeled Messages with the Guides and Angels of the Light.

Channeled by Melanie Beckler.


Channeling 1024w, 200w, 1100w" />

The following channeling is a part of a series of messages I received with the Guides and Angels of the Light…

These messages are available as a Kindle Book Here, but I’ve also decided to simply publish these messages as a series of free angel message posts for you.

This series of angel messages is text only, but in reading them you will find you are guided to lift in vibration so you can experience the message and frequency broadcast from the Guides and Angels...

Tags: angels of the lightmelanie beckler

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Soulstice to Equinox: acceleration of creation. ~ Lauren C. Gorgo.


Soulstice to Equinox: 

acceleration of creation.

By Lauren C. Gorgo.

June 21, 2016

Happy summer/winter people of HEART!  But that’s not even the best news.  The best news is that Mars is  f.i.n.a.l.l.y. fixin’ to turn direct (June 29) and we are THIS close to completing quite a legendary (physical) transmutation cycle in preparation to receive more of our soul Self in form. If you can remember back to when Mars turned retrograde (April 17th) I am sure that particular theme of your personal transcension expedition is quite obvious to you by now…i.e. those places in your physical body and/or...

Tags: creationlauren c. gorgo

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Language and Enlightenment – Part 1 /2 ~ Wes Annac.



Language and Enlightenment. 

Part 1 /2 

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

June 21, 2016



Language fascinates me.
It provides us with a way to express what’s in the mind, heart and soul, and as if the ability to speak weren’t enough, we also have writing – the manipulation of symbols to express long, flowing thoughts that build upon one another like bricks.
I’m interested in expanding the stream of thought, which can be expressed vocally or in the form of writing, and I’m especially interested in the vibration of sound.
I want to...

Tags: culture of awarenesswes annac

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Man Builds Gorgeous Custom House In 700 Year Old Cave. ~ Mark DeNicola.



Man Builds Gorgeous Custom House In 700 Year Old Cave.

By Mark DeNicola, Collective Evolution

June 21, 2016.


By this point we’ve all seen a number of remarkable alternative living structures. Whether it be something as innovative as an earthship, or as minimizing as a tiny home, there are more and more people stepping away from traditional living.

Despite this seeming trend, I doubt you’ve ever seen a space quite like the one built by Angelo Mastropietro, the former head of an Australian recruitment company.

Ten years after taking refuge in...

Tags: collective evolutionmark denicola

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Steve Beckow: Research in Support of a New World.



Research in Support of a New World.

By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia


June 21, 2016.

Sacred 333

In the course of Matthew’s latest message, he said:

“We cannot recommend being unaware of what is happening. You don’t remember this, but when you eagerly volunteered to go to Earth, you knew what you would encounter and that you would be well fortified with spiritual strength and wisdom to accomplish your mission: to help the peoples awaken from third-density consciousness and in so doing, further your own evolvement. Your effectiveness in both would be limited...

Tags: golden age of gaiasteve beckow

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Boost Your Memory by Doing This Soon After Studying. ~ Julie Fidler.



Boost Your Memory by Doing This Soon After Studying


After an intense study session, you’re probably not thinking about working out. But a new study suggests that getting physically active 4 hours after studying might help students retain the information they just learned.


For the study, researchers recruited 72 men and women, and had them take a 40-minute memory test that involved looking at pictures of common objects presented in 1 of 6 locations on a computer screen. Participants were asked to...

Tags: julie fidlernatural society

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Harmonic Arts: Dandelion – Natures Hard Worker (with Herbal Guest Dr. Terry Willard Ph.D.)



Harmonic Arts: Dandelion. 

Natures Hard Worker 

(with Herbal Guest Dr. Terry Willard Ph.D.)



Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here.

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

More @

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PT: a chama ~ Israel ou Cazária!? ~

Tags: harmonic artsterry willardtim bubb

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Connect with the Natural World – Spoken Word by Yarrow Willard of Harmonic Arts.



Connect with the Natural World. 

Spoken Word 

by Yarrow Willard of Harmonic Arts

Thanks to Tim Bubb


Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here.

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

More @

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PT: a chama ~ Israel ou...

Tags: harmonic artsnatural worldtim bubbyarrow willard

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LET GO! ~ The Creator via Jennifer Farley.




The Creator Writings


transcribed by Jennifer Farley, 

ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner.





Let go and welcome the unexpected. 

In what appears to be chaos, the most wonderful and needed gifts arrive. 


Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here.

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

More @

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Tags: creator writingsjennifer farley

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Discover Love. ~ Thought Adjuster; Oscar.




Discover Love.

Thought Adjuster.

Received by Oscar.

Alabama, USA, June7, 2012.





Thought Adjuster: “In this life it is not so important to make an effort to understand eternal realities. It is not expected from human beings that they manage to comprehend those realities that are well beyond the confines imposed by their material existence and their current capacity. 

“The measure used to determine your spiritual progress is not by the degree of your intellectual understanding. It is not that which is known among you as intelligence that determines your growth in spirit. True...

Tags: oscarthought adjuster

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Prepare for Change 2016/06/21 ~The Day Israel Attacked The USS Liberty



Prepare for Change.


The Day Israel Attacked The USS Liberty
2016-06-20 00:03:21-04

For those who don’t know the story of the USS Liberty, this is an excellent 5 minute summary to learn something that your government has tried to keep from you for many years.

What It Would Take
2016-06-20 01:16:28-04

TZ here: I am reposting this ‘conversation’ by Steve Beckow about what will be needed on the other side of the bridge after The Event. Steve questions whether it might be too early for this conversation? I feel that it’s absolutely not too early,...

Tags: prepare for change

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Cedella Marley: A Little Extra Effort.



A Little Extra Effort

Positive Vibrations,

 by Cedella Marley, A Nice Time



Cedella Marley

A little extra effort will go a long, long way. When you’ve already done what must be done, go ahead and do just a little bit more. Once you’ve established some good, solid momentum, make full use of it.

When you’re in the mode of accomplishment, keep on cranking out those accomplishments. Beyond your original goal is the opportunity to raise your performance to a higher level. With a little extra effort you can get a lot of...

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It’s Already There – Which World Will You Choose?



It’s Already There.

 Which World Will You Choose?

By Gregg Prescott, M.S.,

June 21, 2016



In regard to the New Earth, your ability to perceive reality determines which world you are living in. 
While we sometimes feel like we are muddled in a 3rd dimension reality, we are transitioning between two worlds; 3rd dimensional Earth and the New Earth.

According to Julia Cannon, daughter of the late past life regression hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon, the Universe is “simple” and only requires you to believe in that the New Earth has already been created.


Tags: gregg prescott

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US Political Prisoner Update. ~ By Janet Phelan.



US Political Prisoner Update.

By Janet Phelan

In a recent US government human rights report, the US voiced sharp criticism of China’s treatment of human rights lawyers and dissidents.

“The crackdown on the legal community was particularly severe, as individual lawyers and law firms that handled cases the government deemed ‘sensitive’ were targeted for harassment and detention,” the report stated.

The report, which is issued annually by the US State Department, failed to take note that similar repressive tactics are currently being leveled against attorneys and human rights activists in the US.

In particular,...

Tags: janet phelan

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Scientists Show What LSD Does to Your Consciousness.



Scientists Show What LSD Does to Your Consciousness.

From Earth We Are One

June 21, 2016." alt="lsd-conciousness" width="506" height="289" />

Major results have been published in reference to LSD, ultimately affecting our consciousness. A thorough imagery examination of the brain during the psychedelic effects of lysergic acid diethylamide, displayed an increased connectivity between the brain’s visual cortex and other brain regions.

For any study to be relevant, placebo subjects were involved and their brain imagery revealed as anticipated, noticeably lower regional cerebral connectivity. This experiment focuses on the biological phenomenon of consciousness.

David Nutt, a neuropsychopharmacologist at Imperial College London had...

Tags: consciousnessearth we are onelsd

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7 Sweet and Meaningful Ways to Celebrate Summer Solstice.



7 Sweet and Meaningful Ways to Celebrate Summer Solstice

Source: Mystic Mama

(Thanks to Conscious Life News)




For those of us who live in the Northern Hemisphere of our beautiful planet, we are reaching Midsummer, the peak celebration of the Summertime when the days are longer than the nights. Physically we are experiencing more *light* and since the beginning of time, our ancestors have marked this period with ritual and celebration.

As you know, there are thousands of ancient sites created around solstices and...

Tags: mystic mama

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Matthew Ward - June 19, 2016 ~ Suzanne Ward.




Message from Matthew Ward.

Through Suzanne Ward.

June 19, 2016.


With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Earth’s energy field of potential is teeming with activity that reflects ever-rising vibrations, and if we were asked to describe in one word what we are observing, it would be thrilling. Upheavals will continue for a while as the Illuminati make last gasp efforts to retain their slim toehold, but the intensifying light spells their doom and is paving the way for changes that can be welcomed by a chorus of hallelujahs. 

If we...

Tags: matthew wardsuzanne ward

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5 Ways Angels Communicate With You! ~ Melanie Beckler.


5 Ways Angels Communicate With You!


By Melanie Beckler.


How Do Angels Communicate?

There is plenty of information out there, about how spirit guides and angels will communicate with you through 4 main channels, often called the 4 C’s or 4 Clairs.

You’ve probably heard or read about the 4 C’s before. But just in case you haven’t, the 4 C’s are clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance…  In other words clear seeing, hearing, feeling and knowing.

While is true that through these subtle psychic senses, people receive guidance from spirit, this is NOT what this article...

Tags: melanie beckler

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Ask The Masters. 2016/06/21 ~ Toni and Peter


Ask The Masters.

By Celestial Voices.

Through Toni and Peter.

21 June 2016



A preview of the Masters' Tuesday Teachings.

An Australian woman, obviously searching for why her daughter committed suicide, has questions about an incarnated soul's contact with souls at Home and whether such contact could influence the soul's decisions. The Masters explain, stressing that each soul decides its own course.
A man in the UK asks about a light within a soul - does it shine and affect others? The Masters' answer is rather more complex than the man probably expects.

Tags: ask the masterscelestial voicestoni and peter

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Matthew Ward - June 19, 2016 ~ Suzanne Ward.



Message from Matthew Ward.

Through Suzanne Ward.

June 19, 2016.


With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Earth’s energy field of potential is teeming with activity that reflects ever-rising vibrations, and if we were asked to describe in one word what we are observing, it would be thrilling. Upheavals will continue for a while as the Illuminati make last gasp efforts to retain their slim toehold, but the intensifying light spells their doom and is paving the way for changes that can be welcomed by a chorus of hallelujahs. 

If we could...

Tags: matthew wardsuzanne ward

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5 Ways Angels Communicate With You! ~ Melanie Beckler.


5 Ways Angels Communicate With You!


By Melanie Beckler.


How Do Angels Communicate?

There is plenty of information out there, about how spirit guides and angels will communicate with you through 4 main channels, often called the 4 C’s or 4 Clairs.

You’ve probably heard or read about the 4 C’s before. But just in case you haven’t, the 4 C’s are clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance…  In other words clear seeing, hearing, feeling and knowing.

While is true that through these subtle psychic senses, people receive guidance from spirit, this is NOT what this article...

Tags: angelsmelanie beckler

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Sheldan Nidle 2016/06/21


Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation.

4 Caban, 10 Kayab, 12 Manik (Jun, 21 2016)

Selamat Jalwa! Many amazing events are at last beginning to happen. 

Those who are preparing your blessings are nearly ready to disperse them. Those who are to correct the American governance are also working at shifting from a de facto regime to a true de jure republic. This shift is to collapse the Fed and end the war-like actions of America over the past three decades. As stated earlier, it has taken a much longer time...

Tags: ascended mastersgalactic federationsheldan nidlesiriusspiritual hierarchy

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