Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! June 18, 2016 ~ 15 posts.

If You Choose. ~ The Creator via Jennifer Farley.


If You Choose.

The Creator Writings.

transcribed by Jennifer Farley, 

ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner

 June 18, 2016



During this particular time of change it is important for you to begin the sorting process.  
Thoughts, actions, physical relationships and emotions are being brought to the surface and shown to you in an effort to help you recognize what you will keep and what you will let go.  
For the majority of them, no conscious awareness is needed….some will just fade away.
Remember… this gift of only challenging if you choose it to be. 

Tags: creator writingsjennifer farley

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“Incubation” by Eliza Ayres




 Blue Dragon Journal  Entry.

by Eliza Ayres

June 18, 2016

Journal Entry 06.18.2016 - Incubation

This past month has gone by in a blur, hour fading into hour and day into day until I’m losing all sense of time. Or more precisely, I am releasing the hold that time has had upon me.

The article below by Matt Kahn (see link) addresses much of what I have been undergoing, but I will strive to put it into my own words and manner of expression.

Last weekend found me and a friend moving our belonging...

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Prepare for Change 2016/06/18 ~ If Your Doctor Insists That Vaccines Are Safe, Then Have Them Sign This Form


Prepare for Change


Ascension Conference Notes Pt 3 – Glarus, Switzerland – April 16-17...
2016-06-17 16:39:54-04

Disclaimer: The following conference notes are an interpretation of the person who wrote these notes. Many details are omitted and some original meaning is lost. They are NOT exact words from Cobra and Isis. Transcript by Antares from Transinformation, Translation by Kleines Sandkorn, edited by Nova and Cobra Original Post (in German): Link to Part ... Read more

Ascension Conference Notes Pt 4 – Glarus, Switzerland – April 16-17...
2016-06-17 16:40:15-04

Disclaimer: The following conference notes are an...

Tags: prepare for change

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Ascension Conference Notes - Pts 3 and 4 ~ Glarus, Switzerland.


Ascension Conference Notes 

Pt 3

Glarus, Switzerland – 

April 16-17, 2016


The following conference notes are an interpretation of the person who wrote these notes. Many details are omitted and some original meaning is lost. They are NOT exact words from Cobra and Isis.
Transcript by Antares from Transinformation, Translation by Kleines Sandkorn, edited by Nova and Cobra
Original Post (in German):
Link to Part 1 (English): ascension-conference-notes-pt-1-glarus-switzerland-april-16-17-2016/
Link to Part 2 (English): ascension-conference-notes-pt-2-glarus-switzerland-april-16-17-2016/
Link to Part 4 (English): ascension-conference-notes-pt-4-glarus-switzerland-april-16-17-2016/
Link to Part 5 (English): Coming Soon!
Isis on...

Tags: ascension conferencecobracolaborama

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Jadav Molai Payeng | Forest Man


Jadav Molai Payeng 

Forest Man

Posted June 18, 2016


Jada Molai Payeng inside Molai Catoni, the forest he created by daily planting and care. Photo: Shailendra Yashwant 

A film, Forest Man, by Canadian film-maker Will McMaster chronicles the Forest Man’s ongoing efforts to nurture and expand the forest he created on a Brahmaputra sandbar.
Early morning, on the day before Bihu, the Assamese new year, Jadav Molai Payeng picked up his mobile phone at half a ring. He said he was about to board the canoe that takes him to...

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Archangel Gabrielle: Necessary Rewiring.


Archangel Gabrielle: 

Necessary Rewiring.


Posted June 18, 2016




TZ here: This message from Archangel Gabrielle / Gabriel explains how our energy systems are being ‘rewired’ a necessity for our transformation and ability to adapt to the new energies. They are working with us to produce the new leaders that Nova Gaia needs now as we approach change fast. In a few days I will post information about True Authority from Archangel Gabrielle.

Steve Beckow begins;

Archangel Gabriel/Gabrielle through Shanta Gabriel (1) this month contains a passage I found extraordinary....

Tags: archangel gabriellesteve beckowtherese zumi

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The war on terror has increased terrorism by 6,500%


The war on terror has increased terrorism by 6,500% 300w, 768w, 1138w" alt="war_on_terror_hi_res" width="400" height="310" />

Between 2007 and 2011, almost half the world’s terror attacks took place in Iraq and Afghanistan — two countries under active occupation by the United States.

Washington, D.C. — An analysis of terror attacks since 2002 suggests U.S. efforts to combat terrorism — i.e., the “War on Terror” — have led to a dramatic increase in death and suffering from terrorism.

Published this year on Sept. 11, Paul Gottinger, a staff reporter for Reader Supported News, analyzed incidents of terrorism from George...

Tags: edward morganwar on terror

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How Black Magic is Controlling Humanity. ~By Michelle Walling.


How Black Magic is Controlling Humanity.

By Michelle Walling

contributor for

Posted June 17, 2016 


In order to explain how our world came to be controlled by a small group of beings we call the Illuminati, one should know the truth about black magic and how it is used on us against our free will. By taking away the illusion of black magic humanity can realize how to outsmart, outwit, and outplay. While Pluto is in Capricorn and while we are beginning the Age of Aquarius, now is the...

Tags: edward morganin5d.commichelle walling

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Sugar could be affecting more than you think. ~ 9 ways sugar is ruining your sex life.


Sugar could be affecting more than you think. 

9 ways sugar is ruining your sex life.



Historically, chocolate has been considered an aphrodisiac. It’s true that cocoa has active properties that can boost our mood, but don’t be fooled this Valentine’s Day! Most of those heart shaped boxes don’t contain much — if any — cocoa at all. Instead, they’re filled with flavored sugar, and all that sugar can have a lasting impact on your sex life.

1. Sugar results in fatigue

When you eat a sugary treat,...

Tags: edward morgansex lifesugar

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Posted June 17, 2016


What causes drug addiction? Easy! Addictive substances. You take heroin and you’ll become an addict for sure, right? This is the narrative that our society teaches us. It is the reason why we treat addicts like criminals, blaming them for the choice they have made when they could have just as easily chosen a normal, conventional life, like everyone else.

But what if it’s not that easy or simple?

The Rat Park Experiment


Tags: addictiondrugsedward morganj. krishnamurtijocelyn rahed

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The Great Invitation - Council of Radiant Light; Ailia Mira.


The Great Invitation

 Message from the Council of Radiant Light


Channeled by Ailia Mira


17 June 2016

Great invitation-expectwonderful_edited-1


The way you are living reflects who you think you are.
Each of you have an idea of who you are. This is informed by many different sources. The idea of who you are creates your vibration. The idea of who you are, is what you think of as you. Yet it is an idea; a though form, perpetuated through living and practiced and written down and...

Tags: ailia miraradiant light

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Get ready to align with your Soul’s Highest Destiny June 20 ~ Archangel Gabriel; Shanta Gabriel.


Your Soul's Alignment with Divine Union.

A New Message from Archangel Gabriel.

Via  Shanta Gabriel

June 17, 2016.


Dear Ones,

The codes for Unity Consciousness are awakening on the Earth in greater magnitude than ever before. During the upcoming Solstice Full Moon, an alignment with your Soul’s Highest Destiny awaits your awareness.

Whenever a gathering of Light occurs, the Archangels are available to step through the divine portal that is created to bring Heaven to Earth. All those who ask to be in that powerful alignment with their Soul can experience the frequencies of Light that bring...

Tags: archangel gabrielshanta gabriel

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