Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! -June 15, 2016 ~ 15 posts.

Montague Keen - June 12, 2016 ~ Veronica Keen.


Message from Montague Keen.

Through Veronica Keen.

June 12, 2016.

Progress is being made, my friends. You see this reflected in the faces of your politicians, who try unsuccessfully to hold you in the lower vibrations. They fight for their own existence. They do not care one jot about you. Drawing you into their arguments is the only way left for them to have control over you. Step back and let them get on with the charade. You have more important things to do with your lives.

Remove all the old belief systems that no longer serve you and...

Tags: montague keenveronica keen

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Poll: 2016 Is The Year Americans Stopped Trusting The Establishment, Especially The Media.



Poll: 2016 Is The Year Americans Stopped Trusting The Establishment, Especially The Media.

By Claire Bernish


In ten years, Americans’ confidence in television and print news crashed to an all-time low, according to the latest Gallup poll.
After mainstream media coverage of the massacre in Orlando on Sunday largely failed to dig further after multiple witnesses came forward suggesting more than one attacker was involved, that lack of trust seems logical.
While trust in media crashed by 10 percent...

Tags: claire bernishedward morganmedia

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11 th Dimensional Ship and How The Ultraterrestrials Work ~ James Gilliland



  11 th Dimensional Ship and How The Ultraterrestrials Work

Message from James Gilliland


Many keep asking about the new kids on the block in their 11D ship. It is an event the other multidimensional light workers have been waiting for as well as the 3D here on Earth. It is like Creators insurance that the awakening and healing process of Humanity and the Earth will continue and be successful. To understand this one must understand how the higher dimensional beings operate. They, for the better...

Tags: james gillilandtherese zumi

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Chania Conference Report and Two Cobra Interviews ~ June 13th 2016



Chania Conference Report and Two Cobra Interviews.

June 13th 2016


Posted June 15, 2016  

by Therese Zumi Sumner


TZ here: You have all heard the saying that ‘no news is good news’ and I believe that this is a suitable expression at this point in time when Cobra cannot report whats happening until it’s ‘strategically wise’. Some really good news about the recent Ascension conference on Crete.

Our Ascension Conference in Chania was a huge success. It was located in one of rare places on the planet where pure Goddess energy is still...

Tags: cobralovetherese zumi

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Cultivate An Abundance Mentality to Change Your Life. ~Melanie Beckler.



Cultivate An Abundance Mentality to Change Your Life. 

By Melanie Beckler.

I’m going to make a bold statement here: switching your worldview from one of scarcity to one of abundance can completely change your life.
More research, not to mention more personal experience, points to the fact that we create our reality through our thoughts, beliefs and emotions.  This means that what we focus on, we attract. When you feel that there isn’t enough to go around, you will experience that there isn’t enough.  When you feel that you have more than you could ever need, you experience...

Tags: melanie beckler

Posted at: 20:39 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Only If You Let It. ~ The Creatorvia Jennifer Farley.



Only If You Let It.

The Creator Writings.


transcribed by Jennifer Farley, 

ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner




When you are experiencing a challenging situation, look at yourself and your reactions to other’s actions as an observer.

  • What do you see? 
  • How can you change? 
  • What do you wish to let go of? 

The situation will only remain toxic, difficult or hurtful if you let it.


Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


Tags: creator writingsjennifer farley

Posted at: 20:38 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Cedella Marley: Active Listening.



Active Listening.

Letting others know that we have understood them is a wonderful way to head off any misconstruction of meaning in our conversations.
Even though miscommunication is usual, it is often to our best advantage if we proactively work toward making certain that we really comprehend the messages we hear.
If we do this we can lessen our sense of frustration that can arise when we don’t quite get things and also open...

Tags: a nice timecedella marleypositive vibrations

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Wake up Call, June 15, 2016 ~ Baldor; Nancy Tate.




Wake up Call, June 15, 2016

Baldor Recall: 2003 

By Nancy Tate.

Here is the First Message of the Second Week's Posting of the Baldor Messages. You may Click Here to go to the Page for all of the Messages from Baldor from 2003
Baldor April 11, 2003

Good morning, I am Baldor, and I come to you this morning to tell you of an event on our planet that mimics one on yours. It is the event that you know of as the Super Bowl. We call our event the Entourage of...

Tags: baldornancy tate

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8 Signs You May Be an Outgoing Introvert. ~Truth2Day





There are introverts, extroverts, and then there’s you – falling somewhere in between.
The term “outgoing introvert” is an oxymoron on par with “jumbo shrimp” and “deafening silence,” but for people who fall into this category, life can be an unusual mix of traits and tendencies that only they can truly appreciate.
So what are the signs that you’re an outgoing introvert?

1. You’re not anti-social, you’re selectively social

When you’re an outgoing introvert it’s hard for...

Tags: in5d.comintrovertintrovert dualitytruth2day

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To Speak with You Directly ~ The Beloved One; Lytske.



To Speak with You Directly.

A Teacher named “The Beloved One.”
Message received by Lytske.

Urantia, May 18, 2002.


Some 14 years ago, one of our 11:11 Progress Group foundation members received a message that was different — it came from the Thought Adjuster (TA). In a recent transmission the Damascus Scribe confirms this as being related to the ending of the Lucifer rebellion, saying: 

“The question you might ask about the Urantia Papers giving communication with the TA as very difficult. Is it right or wrong? The answer is both ‘yes’ and ‘no’. In the...

Tags: beloved onelytske

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Prepare for Change 2016/06/15 ~You Are STRONG and You Are BRAVE.


Prepare for Change

You Are STRONG and You Are BRAVE.
2016-06-14 00:22:00-04


Message from James Gilliland
2016-06-14 02:33:17-04

11 th Dimensional Ship and How The Ultraterrestrials Work Many keep asking about the new kids on the block in their 11D ship. It is an event the other multidimensional light workers have been waiting for as well as the 3D here on Earth. It is like Creators insurance that the awakening and healing process ... Read more

2016-06-14 15:19:05-04


Ascension Conference Notes...

Tags: prepare for change

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Here’s What the FBI Was Doing Instead of Catching the Orlando Shooter.



Here’s What the FBI Was Doing Instead of Catching the Orlando Shooter.
From Anti Media
June 15, 2016.


(ANTIMEDIA) After the most recent mass shooting in Orlando, Florida — the worst in U.S. history — one might ask how the FBI was able to investigate the perpetrator, twice, without deciding to take any further action.

This question is further confounded by the fact the perpetrator was, according to his wife, an abusive, unstable man suffering from bipolar disorder.

A more appropriate question would be: what is the role of the FBI...

Tags: anti mediafbi

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Let Your Light Shine. ~ Angel Wisdom; Sharon Taphorn.



You are Light.

Let Your Light Shine.

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn.

June 15, 2016

You are a beautiful, bright spark of Creator Light. Let your inner light shine through in all that you do, all that are, and it will guide you to all that you are becoming. This will help you expand your horizons, shift your perspective, and create deep feelings of peace and happiness. 
Within you is the power to move mountains. Believe in yourself, trust in your strength and be grateful for these opportunities to go after your dreams and allow your creativity...

Tags: angel wisdomsharon taphorn

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How Being Alone Can Maximize Productivity (Video). ~ Big Think.



The Psychology of Solitude: 

How Being Alone Can Maximize Productivity (Video).

Video Source: Big Think

(Thanks to Conscious Life News)


Echoing the English psychoanalyst Donald Winnicott, Scott Barry Kaufman explains that solitude is considered one of the greatest markers of psychological health because it means you are comfortable with you when you are alone.
The silence and easy concentration that accompanies solitude is a gateway to living a deeper, more meaningful life, says Kaufman.
And contrary to popular misconception, enjoying being alone does not make one a misanthrope....

Tags: big thinkdonald winnicotscott barry kaufmant psychology

Posted at: 20:28 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Sheldan Nidle 2016/06/14.



Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation.

10 Oc, 3 Kayab, 12 Manik [Jun, 14 2016]


Dratzo! A number of events are changing how the world operates. 

At present, a series of new events is making possible the implementation of the Light's new financial and currency system. This series of changes is forcing the dark's minions to move out of their darkness and show themselves to the Light. The last remnants of the delays have thus been stymied. The dark has now lost its abilities to hide and create delays....

Tags: ascended mastersgalactic federationsheldan nidlesiriusspiritual hierarchy

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