Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! -June 13, 2016 ~ 21 posts.

New Guided Meditation With Archangel Raziel ~ Melanie Beckler.



Journey Through The Elements And Awaken Your Psychic Senses.


New Guided Meditation With Archangel Raziel

Channeled by Melanie Beckler



Archangel Raziel connects in this powerful new angel message. All of the magic of the universe is available to you, when you open to experience the Divine love, light and magic!

Breathe and Relax as you listen. You will be assisted by your spirit guides, angels and by the Earth elements to open to your gifts and develop your intuition and psychic ability.

Normally, Full Moon Guided Meditations are sold for $9-$11 each, but...

Tags: archangel razielmelanie beckler

Posted at: 21:05 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Wake up Call. 2016/06/13 ~ Nancy Tate.



Wake up Call.

By Nancy Tate, 

June 13, 2016


I know that so many of the people around the world are in stress, or in a waiting mode for the funds to be released to use to help humanity bring back the freedom of living in a world of abundance. What we’re being told from those outside of us might be more in acceptance if we all continue to realize and live the truth of what we feel and are told from within. Also how we can help to bring about the peace of what it is...

Tags: nancy tatewake up call

Posted at: 21:04 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Oppose the System with Awareness. ~By Wes Annac.



Oppose the System with Awareness.

By Wes Annac, Openhearted Rebel

We have every reason to oppose a system designed to keep us from prospering.

We should rebel against the mental and spiritual enslavement forced onto us by people who assume they’re smarter and more entitled than the rest of humanity, and to be silent is to passively accept our own destruction.

There are a lot of things about the way the status quo is enforced that I want to communicate, but when I try, words don’t suffice.

It’s interesting that you can...

Tags: openhearted rebelwes annac

Posted at: 21:03 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Writing, Nature and the Creative Spirit. ~ Wes Annac.




Writing, Nature and the Creative Spirit.

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

June 13, 2016



I wrote the following for the 201st issue of The Culture of Awareness Weekly Newsletterwhich I offer for $11.11 a month. 

Income from the newsletter helps me get by and continue to offer free content, and the option to subscribe via PayPal (credit and debit cards accepted if you have a PayPal account) is given below.

To begin for this week – The creative spirit is all around, and connecting with it is our birthright.

Nature is one...

Tags: culture of awarenesswes annac

Posted at: 21:01 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Girl Ditches Several Prescription Medications For Raw Cannabis Juice & Look What Happened.



Girl Ditches Several Prescription Medications For Raw Cannabis Juice & Look What Happened.


By Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

It’s quite remarkable how many ‘success’ stories are out there when it comes to using cannabis for medicinal purposes. If we consider cancer, for example, many people have used or incorporated medical marijuana into their healing routine.
One great example is Mykala Comstock. Mykala had T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, a very rare and aggressive form of childhood leukaemia. In July of 2012, doctors discovered a basketball-sized mass of lymphoblasts in...

Tags: arjun waliacannabiscollective evolution

Posted at: 21:00 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Allow Space. ~ The Creator via Jennifer Farley.



Allow Space. 

The Creator Writings.


transcribed by Jennifer Farley, 

ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner



Every day, The Universe presents you with opportunites of growth and learning. 
What you have planned may not always be what you receive. 
Allow the space for the those positive moments to move to and through you. 

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here....

Tags: creator writingsjennifer farley

Posted at: 20:59 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Americans Argue Over Puppets While Global Masters Meet in Secrecy.



Americans Argue Over Puppets While Global Masters Meet in Secrecy.

Every four years, the illusion of democracy and accountable government is reinforced to the public by an expensive media circus and presidential election. Meanwhile, an annual conference of members of the world’s wealthiest and most influential is held in near-secrecy with little attention given to the significance of such a gathering.
Why are we encouraged to vote for politicians, but discouraged from considering the sobering fact that the United States and other Western nations are now ruled...

Tags: isaac daviswaking times

Posted at: 20:58 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Man Lives 555 Days Without a Heart.


Man Lives 555 Days Without a Heart.

By Anna Scanlon, Natural Society


A 25-year-old man lived 555 days without a heart by carrying around a machine to keep his body going in a backpack. The young man has since received a heart transplant and has been able to ditch his 13.5-pound portable device.

Stan Larkin has had heart problems ever since the age of 16 when he collapsed during a basketball game. The then teenager was diagnosed with arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia (ARVD), which causes the heart to beat abnormally and carries a risk of...

Tags: anna scanlonnatural society

Posted at: 20:56 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Keep going and don’t let anything hold you back. - Thought Adjuster




Keep going and don’t let anything hold you back.

Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Message received by Bettina.

Mexico City, Mexico, April 19, 2016.



Thought Adjuster: “Keep going and don’t let anything hold you back. Keep advancing on your path to freedom — the freedom that can only be reached when you are with Me, when you walk step-by-step holding My hand, for I Am Love. And if every step you take, you take it with love, then you are free. 

“Love does not judge, demand nor confine, and it knows no borders, nor races. Love empowers,...

Tags: bettinathought adjuster

Posted at: 20:55 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

THE QUANTUM AWAKENING, #209 June 2016 ~ Gillian MacBeth.



A Website, a Global Electronic Newsletter,
A Thought, A Way of Life,
ISSUE #209
JUNE 2016
This NEWSLETTER is Electronically sent out ‘FREE’ but you must Subscribe to receive it. Please go to and sign up for newsletter or click on link at bottom of this newsletter. To unsubscribe scroll to bottom and click
Created, Channeled, Written, Published and copyrighted
With Love and dedication to the Light
This newsletter has been in circulation, hard copy and online, since 1986 and reaches a core group of millions of dedicated Planetary LightWorkers. One to...

Tags: gillian macbethgillian macbeth-louthanquantum awakening

Posted at: 20:54 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

PREPARING FOR FIRST CONTACT, 8 ~ Arcturians; Suzanne Lie.





Arcturian Message.

Through Suzanne Lie.

June 13, 2016. 



Multidimensional Energy Streams

Dear Ascending Ones,
We the Arcturians wish to send this Transmission to Earth. We see that many of you are beginning to remember how YOU create your reality. Therefore we wish to remind you that three powerful tools of creating your reality are your state of consciousness, yourperceptions, and your attention.
The focus of your attention is very important...

Tags: arcturianssuzanne lie

Posted at: 20:52 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Putin Orders All Fighter Jets Grounded After Obama Breaks “Alien Treaty” ~By: Sorcha Faal.



Putin Orders All Fighter Jets Grounded After Obama Breaks“Alien Treaty”

By: Sorcha Faal, 

and as reported to her Western Subscribers.

A new report prepared by the Ministry of Defense (MoD), and causing a sensation in the Kremlin, states that President Putin personally ordered the High Command of the Aerospace Forces (AF) to ground all of the Federations most advanced Sukhoi-27 fighter jets after a week that saw 5 of America’s and Russia’s top pilots aircraft destroyed in an apparent retaliation against the Obama regime which is preparing later today to launch...

Tags: sorcha faalvladimir putin

Posted at: 20:51 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

PREPARING FOR FIRST CONTACT ~ Pleiadians; Suzanne Lie.






By the Pleiadians.

Through Suzanne Lie.

June 10, 2016.




The Portals Are Opening 

Greetings, this is Sharman and Shelia speaking as one being,
Because you, our brave ascending ones, are NOW regaining your innate “Sense of your Multidimensional SELF,” we both wanted to share with all of you the process of returning back into your complete SELF, Divine Complements merged into ONE being.
We will speak as one being to share with our Earth away team our version of...

Tags: pleiadianssuzanne lie

Posted at: 08:59 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Prepare for Change 2016/06/13 ~ Why the Illuminati Created Gangsta Rap



Why the Illuminati Created Gangsta Rap.

Prepare for Change

Why the Illuminati Created Gangsta Rap
2016-06-11 23:25:11-04

During the late-1980s and 1990s, the Illuminati took a new approach to destroying the lives of millions of Americans. For decades, the order used sexual promiscuity and narcotics to ruin people, but it needed something else, something that would be equally if not more damaging. That turned out to be street violence, which would be ... Read more

The Couple Who Bought Barren Land In 1991 And Transformed It Into A...
2016-06-12 14:02:06-04

Wouldn’t it...

Tags: illuminatiprepare for change

Posted at: 08:57 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Cedella Marley: Thoughts That Enrich the World.



 Thoughts That Enrich the World.

 Positive Vibrations, 

by Cedella Marley, A Nice Time

We have many thoughts in our minds. 
The longer you hold on to them and think, the more life you give to those thoughts. 
Give them enough life, and they become real. 
So make sure those thoughts are positive and creative. Make them thoughts that enrich the world. 
Make them thoughts filled with love and joy.
One Love…Cedella

Tanks to  URL:

Please respect all credits....

Tags: a nice timecedella marleypositive vibrations

Posted at: 08:56 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

The 10 Greatest Gifts I Have Received In 50 Something Years.



The 10 Greatest Gifts I Have Received In 50 Something Years.

 By Jo Ettles

thanks to Body Mind Soul Spirit



Time goes by in the blink of an eye. That is the one thing I know for certain. It seems like only yesterday that I was a teenager, then an adult, and now here I am, in my fifties. I have had so many incredible experiences to date; some brilliant, exciting, overwhelming, even joyous and uplifting. Then there’s been some experiences that have been challenging, devastating, and really...

Tags: body mind soul spiritjo ettles

Posted at: 08:54 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Only 10 Countries in the Entire World Are Not Currently at War.



Only 10 Countries in the Entire World Are Not Currently at War.

By Claire Bernish, Anti Media

June 13, 2016

(ANTIMEDIA) United States — A troubling report by the Institute for Economics and Peace found a mere ten nations on the planet are not at war and completely free from conflict. 

According to the Global Peace Index 2016, only Botswana, Chile, Costa Rica, Japan, Mauritius, Panama, Qatar, Switzerland, Uruguay and Vietnam are free from conflict. 

Iceland tops the list of most peaceful countries in the world, followed by Denmark,...

Tags: anti mediaclaire bernish

Posted at: 08:53 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

4 Myths Regarding Marijuana Addiction.



4 Myths Regarding Marijuana Addiction.

 From Earth We Are One

June 13, 2016

For some, fear of marijuana addiction is the main reason for misinterpreting this ‘natural healer’. But it seems that in reality, things are slightly different than what the government serves us as facts.

The war on drugs is causing a lot of misjudgement when it comes to marijuana and other substances that in reality have therapeutic properties and close to no harmful effects on the body, mind or spirit.

Although every drug can be abused in a way or another, we should be...

Tags: earth we are onemarijuana

Posted at: 08:52 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

World’s First Edible Six-Pack Rings Feed Marine Animals Instead of Strangling Them.



World’s First Edible Six-Pack Rings Feed Marine Animals Instead of Strangling Them.

 By Anna LeMind, The Mind Unleashed


June 13, 2016


You have probably seen the disturbing images of marine animals that were damaged by plastic waste and six-pack rings in particular.

Remember that poor sea turtle who was trapped in a six-pack ring and had its shell growing around it for years, which gave her an odd peanut shape?

This is one of the millions of sad examples of what plastic pollution is doing to the marine ecosystems. According to the estimates, this pollution harms...

Tags: anna lemindmind unleashed

Posted at: 08:50 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Unity of Personal and Planetary Lightbody. ~ Arctuians; Suzanne Lie.



Unity of Personal and Planetary Lightbody

 Suzanne Lie

June 6, 2016


The Arcturians

More and more people, especially those who meditate on a regular basis, are beginning to have their initial experiences of Lightbody. The Light of your Lightbody is within yourself, within your spinal cord, within that kundalini energy that is within the core of your spinal column. 
The kundalini energy is stored at the base of the spine and is often known as the “Sleeping Serpent.” As your consciousness expands into your fifth dimensional gamma waves, the kundalini energy begins to rise...

Tags: arcturianssuzanne lie

Posted at: 08:49 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Hilarion, 2016/06/12. ~ Marlene Swetlishoff.




Message from Hilarion, 

Through Marlene Swetlishoff, 

June 12, 2016

June 12-19, 2016 

Beloved Ones, 

The events in the world continue unabated. There is a greater intensity to all that is brought forth for the recognition of awareness from humanity. Everyone is prompted to connect to a higher level of understanding of themselves and the people around them, to discern what is truly of importance in one’s life. There is still much that needs to fall away so that the shackles that have bound each individual to stay in lower density are lifted from them and no longer...

Tags: hilarion marleneswetlishoff

Posted at: 08:46 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

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