Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! -July 20, 2016 ~ 10+ posts.





By Michele Cornacchia.


In this universe everything is energy and this is a fact. It means that we are living in a ocean of timeless/spaceless energy -light- that manifests itself as you, me, all the souls in the world, the trees and birds out of the window, the planet, the stars and all that exists in the multiverse. Everything is ONE and connected. Everything is interdependent because nothing can exist in an isolated state, without a purpose, a reason to be there. A tree needs soil to grow, water, and light....

Tags: ascensionmichele cornacchia

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The ‘Team’ via Peggy Black: Codes of Light Activator.



Codes of Light Activator.

 The ‘Team’ via Peggy Black.


July 20, 2016 

Posted by Paul Backes


We are here, offering you our gratitude and deep respect as you continue to anchor consciousness of light into this dimension and timeframe. We are here also to offer our support, encouragement and the gentle reminder that you are a powerful transformer of misqualified energy. You could easily call yourself a code of light activator. 

As a multidimensional being of light frequencies and consciousness, you have the physical body that...

Tags: peggy blackthe team

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Reflect upon your situation. ~Angel Wisdom; Sharon Taphorn.



 Reflect upon your situation.

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn.

July 19, 2016

Have you been feeling a bit like a fish out of water or perhaps even asking yourself  "What am I doing here?" Life has been a bit challenging for some of you and you are truly wondering if the world has gone mad. Sometimes life can seem overwhelming. But remember that it is important to leave your comfort zone once in a while in order to continue to grow. Perhaps you are just unhappy with your present situation and truly not...

Tags: angel wisdomsharon taphorn

Posted at: 20:21 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Extraterrestrials on Earth? Reported ET Contacts – Part 2/2 ~ Wes Annac.


Extraterrestrials on Earth? Reported ET Contacts.

Part 2 /2 

 By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

July 20, 2016.

(Continued from part 1)

Alex Collier Met Beings from Andromeda

Seasoned UFO researchers are probably familiar with Alex Collier, a contactee who was reportedly visited by an enlightened extraterrestrial species known as the ‘Andromedans’ (2) (the name is based on their constellation of origin).

Alex Collier. Credit:

Collier was mentored by two Andromedans named Vissaeus and Morenae (2). By the 90s, he was already shedding light on government and military secrets people are just now catching onto (2). 

He discussed...

Tags: culture of awarenesset contactsextraterrestrialswes annac

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A Stunning New Crop Circle Has Shown Up & It’s Very Mysterious (Pictures).


A Stunning New Crop Circle Has Shown Up & It’s Very Mysterious (Pictures)

By Joe Martino, Collective Evolution

July 20, 2016.

A new crop circle has appeared in Reigate Hill, Surrey according to a recent report. While the reports are still recent and not much is known about the circle, including specific details about the formation that could tell us more about how it got there, this one is quite fascinating in design. 

Why talk about crop circles? As we will discuss below, they are a phenomenon that simply can’t be ignored. Formations show up every single year and...

Tags: collective evolutioncrop circlejoe martino

Posted at: 19:52 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Putting Humpty Together Again – Part 3 /3 ~ Steve Beckow.


Putting Humpty Together Again.

Part 3 /3 

By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia

July 20, 2016.


The next day I was still exploring determination in my journal … when suddenly the penny dropped.
We pick up the thread.

I’m not talking about a goosestepping, maniacal, ego-driven determination to command others, etc. 

I’m talking about the resuscitation of our ability to stand on our own word, on our own two feet, and stand by that word in the ensuing action. I mean the recovery of self-command and personal responsibility. 

A friend I spoke to today called...

Tags: golden age of gaiasteve beckow

Posted at: 19:43 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

We Are the Universe Becoming Aware of Itself ~ Jocelyn Mercado.


We Are the Universe Becoming Aware of Itself.

By Jocelyn Mercado, 

Pachamama AllianceWaking Times

July 20, 2016

“Through our eyes, the universe is perceiving itself. Through our ears, the universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witnesses through which the universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence.” – Alan Watts

“You are not IN the universe, you ARE the universe, an intrinsic part of it. Ultimately you are not a person, but a focal point where the universe is becoming conscious of itself. What an amazing miracle.”– Eckhart Tolle



Tags: jocelyn mercadopachamama alliancewaking times

Posted at: 19:06 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Dannon Unveils Non-GMO, Less-Sugar Yogurt in the U.S. ~ Julie Fidler.


Dannon Unveils Non-GMO, Less-Sugar Yogurt in the U.S. 

By Julie Fidler, Natural Society

July 20, 2016.


On July 13, Dannon executives unveiled Dannon and Oikos Greek yogurt products containing more natural and non-GMO ingredients. [1]

The company plans to highlight the non-GMO ingredients on all of its product packaging. It is also ensuring that by the end of 2018, all cows that supply milk for these products (as well as its Danimals brand) will be fed non-GMO feed, which will impact some 80,000 acres of farmland.

Read: Farmers see Better Animal Health with Non-GMO Feed...

Tags: julie fidlernatural societynon-gmo

Posted at: 18:57 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Returning… ~ The Creator via Jennifer Farley.



The Creator Writings 

transcribed by Jennifer Farley, 

ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner.

July 20, 2016.

You will, on occasion, forget who you really are. 
When this happens, remember that it is only temporary. Returning to your center is inevitable. 


Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here.

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

More @
Like this! please bookmark. It...

Tags: creator writingsjennifer farley

Posted at: 18:48 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

It is Time to Come to the Table. ~ Ophelius; Chris Maurus.



It is Time to Come to the Table.

Teacher: Ophelius.

Message received by Chris Maurus.

Asheville, NC, USA, December 6, 2015.





Teacher Ophelius: “The message for today, dear one, is about growth and balance. Now, more than at any other time in your life, do you have need to focus on your connection to the I AM. You are passing through another ‘Destiny Point,’ which shall require greater attention to your inner life. The busy-ness of your outer life — your work, family and home responsibilities compete for your attention more and more. This...

Tags: chris maurusophelius

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Monsanto, Big Pharma, George Soros, and the Push to Legalize Marijuana


Monsanto, Big Pharma, George Soros, and the Push to Legalize Marijuana.

By Carolanne WrightWake Up World

July 20, 2016

When it comes down to it, corporations have just one purpose: turn a large profit for shareholders. So it should come as no surprise that corporate America has turned its eye toward the wildly successful recreational cannabis movement.
In 2015 alone, legal pot sales in the United States jumped 17% to $5.4 billion and are expected to grow 25% this year — an estimated $6.7 billion in U.S. sales. And, of course, corporate interests want...

Tags: carolanne wrightgeorge sorosmarijuanamonsantopharmawake up world

Posted at: 12:46 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

10 Ways To Identify A Fake User Account On Facebook ~ Gregg Prescott.


10 Ways To Identify A Fake User Account On Facebook 

By Gregg Prescott, M.S.,

July 20, 2016

Have you noticed an increase in friend requests? Have you ever wondered if any of those are REAL people?
I have a suspicion that many people, especially those of high profile, are being bombarded with a plethora of fake Facebook friend requests.
If you are disseminating important information that goes against the Cabal’s agenda, then flooding your 5,000 Facebook friend limit with fake accounts would prevent your information reaching REAL people who would benefit from it....

Tags: gregg

Posted at: 10:06 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Politically Active-ish ~ Nigel David Richey


Politically Active-ish 

A poem by Nigel David Richey 

(Contributor for the Culture of Awareness

July 20, 2016.

Some try to call me a Political Activist. But I’m not, I’m only Politically Active – ish, shit. My souls been hit. In the back of my head with a bag filled with bricks. 

A funky mix is playing in my mind trying to steer my direction and leave my old self behind. 

In kind, I’d rewind just to find a definite meaning behind the word “human kind” and unwind and untwine every perception that’s unkind and do shine...

Tags: nigel david richey

Posted at: 09:57 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Sheldan Nidle, 2016/07/19 ~Galactic Federation.


Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation.

6 Chicchan, 18 Kumku, 12 Manik (Jul, 19 2016)


Selamat Jalwa! It is a truly sad time for you and, especially, for those who have so carelessly and arrogantly ruled you. 

The Nice attack was yet another false flag. It was a vain attempt to bring into view those who so desperately wish to discover some way by which they can somehow prevent the inevitable. The time of these massive behemoths' reign of death and destruction is nearly over. Their rule by default was...

Tags: ascended mastersgalactic federationsheldan nidlesiriusspiritual hierarchy

Posted at: 09:43 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

An Open Letter to our So-Called Leaders #Occupyemail


An Open Letter to our So-Called Leaders #Occupyemail 

By Phillip J. Watt, The Mind Unleashed

July 20, 2016


Dear (insert name of politician, journalist, community representative or celebrity), 

I am writing to raise information with you that is important for everybody to know. It doesn’t appear that you’re aware of it because if you were, I would like to assume that you’d share it through your networks to assist achieving the real change that we need. 

Before I continue, I note that you appear as a genuine man/woman who really wants the best for your community and human...

Tags: phillip j. wattthe mind unleashed

Posted at: 09:33 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Ohmnipure, 2016/07/14 ~Wake up Call; Nancy Tate.


Wake up Call

 Message from Ohmnipure.
Through Nancy Tate. 
July 14, 2016

I am here to tell you that there is something taking place behind the scenes in Hollywood that will bring about an emergence of truth in a movie that will be released to the public in the coming weeks. It has much information that is pertaining to what is taking place at this time around the globe. It will be an awakening to many people and in that respect there will be much action taken in the months following it. 

As I speak there are many...


Tags: nancy tateohmnipurewake up call

Posted at: 08:16 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Preparing For First Contact - 17 ~Energetic Communications. ~Pleiadians; Suzanne Lie.





By the Pleiadians. 

Through Suzanne Lie

 July 18, 2016

This story begins on 5-19-16 in the Blog



Energetic Communications

Greetings. I am Sharman here again to speak with you. I am actually wearing an earth vessel within your NOW, so that I can walk among you to best feel the human energy fields. I wear different “disguises” on different days depending on what area I am visiting.
At the end of each day, I return to my cloaked Ship to...

Tags: pleiadianssuzanne lie

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Revelations - Blue Dragon ~ Eliza Ayres



Blue Dragon Journal Entry

by Eliza Ayres 


Journal Entry 07.19.2016 - Revelations


Since last I wrote I was able to purchase a nice used car, so I’ve been driving around making up for not having wheels for the last five months. Of course the purchase took a large chunk out of my remaining savings, but I’m not complaining. I can’t express just how happy I am to be able to finally be independent of the “schedules” of others… as thankful that I am in being assisted by a few gracious people during that extended period....

Tags: blue dragoneliza ayres

Posted at: 04:24 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Time of Great Unmasking and Upheaval. ~Galactic Council of Light.


Time of Great Unmasking and Upheaval.

Galactic Council of Light.

By Jenny Schiltz

We come to you today to help provide greater understanding of what is taking place within your holographic reality, personally and collectively. You are in a crucial time period, one in which each person will be making a choice to allow the energies to infuse and empower them or to allow them to exacerbate all that is taking place. The incoming light simply is. For some it will bring great upheaval, an unveiling of masks, and for others it will not feel like a crumbling of...

Tags: galactic council of light.jenny schiltz

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The Uniform of a Light Worker. ~ Thought Adjuster; Anyas.




The Uniform of a Light Worker.

Teacher: Thought Adjuster.

Message received by Anyas.

Oregon, USA, July 3, 2016.





Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, when you volunteer for higher service, you are disengaging yourself from your private life in order to enter this area of service. Yes, any public servant, while on duty, has to keep his sight and heart focused on his job description — the public’s welfare. 

“Whenever public servants report for duty, they are wearing the uniform designed specifically for that duty. Such a uniform allows for differentiation between various corps of...

Tags: anyasthought adjuster

Posted at: 04:01 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Extraterrestrials on Earth? Reported ET Contacts – Part 1/2 ~Wes Annac


Extraterrestrials on Earth? Reported ET Contacts.

Part 1/2 

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

July 19, 2016.

Note: I shouldn’t have spoken so soon about ceasing to post my reports in parts; as you can see I’ve reversed the decision in favor of having something to post every day (or at least most days). 

I hope you enjoy these reports regardless of how they’re presented. =)

To an outsider looking in at the UFO movement, it may seem a little strange.

How can there be so much information about UFOs, extraterrestrial races and the collusion between negative ETs...

Tags: culture of awarenesswes annac

Posted at: 04:00 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Full Moon In Capricorn: Considering Our Security Needs & Challenges.


Full Moon In Capricorn: Considering Our Security Needs & Challenges.

By Carmen DiLuccio, Collective Evolution

July 19, 2016


We are having a Full Moon in Capricorn on July 19th-20th (depending on where you are located in the world). During Full Moons, we experience a push-pull between two opposing signs; in this case, it is the polarity between Cancer and Capricorn. 

This Lunar cycle started with a New Moon in Cancer just after Mars went from retrograde to direct. There is a theme this month of proceeding forward in new ways after lessons from the previous 3 months. The...

Tags: carmen dilucciocollective evolution

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Police in Thailand Put Down Weapons and Join Protestors


Police in Thailand Put Down Weapons and Join Protestors 

 Danny F. Quest, 

We Are, July 15, 2016 

(Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia)

July 19, 2016 


Police in Thailand Put Down Weapons and Join Protestors

The following surprising turn of events took place in Thailand where the local police were ordered to harass and block protesters in a special holiday in memorial of fallen kings. Instead, they decided to put down their shields and helmets as a sign of solidarity with the people’s cause. 

The protesters explained that their goal was to destroy the...

Tags: danny f. quest

Posted at: 03:57 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Putting Humpty Together Again – Part 2 /3 ~ Steve Beckow


Putting Humpty Together Again 

 Part 2 /3  

By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia

July 19, 2016

We can do it! Singleness of purpose, determination  

By age 57 I had become one again. But this one was leaning against a wall, playing cards with the boys, shooting the breeze. It lacked a leader. There was no one driving the car. 

Now I pick up the story as of yesterday. The subject of determination has been buzzing around in the background of my consciousness for around two months – since the prostate operation. But I had no...

Tags: golden age of gaiasteve beckow

Posted at: 03:56 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Mainstream Media – Making Rock Stars Out of Mass Murderers.



Mainstream Media.

Making Rock Stars Out of Mass Murderers.

 By Dylan CharlesWaking Times

July 19, 2016 ]


At what point does the deification of criminals itself become a criminal act?
With each new shocking mass murder, a story is created bymainstream media and unleashed on public consciousness.
The ‘official’ narrative of the event never ends up jibing with actual facts revealed by subsequent and independent investigation, and the force-fed version is never retracted or corrected to match any new or uncomfortable findings.
Instead, the narrative invariably devolves into an exposé of the private life of...

Tags: dylan charlesmainstream mediawaking times

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Regulatory Loophole Allows GMO Products to be Marketed as Non-GMO.


Regulatory Loophole Allows GMO Products to be Marketed as Non-GMO.

By Julie Fidler, Natural Society

July 19, 2016.

The government isn’t particularly interested in making sure Americans know what they’re eating. It seems like knowing what is in the food should be a basic right, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.

In fact, last week Congress passed a federal requirement for labeling products containing genetically modified ingredientsthat signifies a big win for food companies.

The bill will require labels to be retooled or updated to show whether any ingredients had their natural DNA altered, but...

Tags: gmosjulie fidlernatural society

Posted at: 03:54 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

The Legend of Mike Adams and the Reality


The Legend of Mike Adams and the Reality.

By C. Thomas Corriher and Sarah C. Corriher,

July 19, 2016.

Note from Wes: I can’t confirm if all of the info in this article is true, but I do know that I’m done with Natural News and the “Health Ranger”, Mike Adams. I recommend everyone unfollow Natural News. 

I should’ve seen the signs before that Adams’ work is fraudulent and based on hate; it took his post from today where he attacks millennials for me to realize he’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing. 

He’s the Ted Nugent of...

Tags: c. thomas corrihersarah c. corriher

Posted at: 03:53 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Wondrous You. ~ The Creator VIA Jennifer Farley.


Wondrous You.

The Creator Writings 

transcribed by Jennifer Farley, 

ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner 

July 19, 2016.

In spite of your faults, hang-ups and attachments as well as any pain, sorrow and sadness you mayexperience; I still see you…..the wondrous, exquisite, unalterable beauty of you. 


Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here.

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

More @

Tags: creator writingsjennifer farley

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24 Seasons ~ Nigel David Richey


24 Seasons 

A poem by Nigel David Richey 

(Contributor for the Culture of Awareness)  

July 19, 2016

Comparing emotions to weather I’ve had 24 seasons, held loosely together by petty heart strings and reason. I’m teasing, misleading facts often chosen to be believed in, closes the door to choices and far more that people need received than, open booked lies the eyes can perceive and closed off ears that won’t heed or listen. 

Hoping and wishing, caught sleeping while fishing, without a hook just a line the material boat is sinking, mislead by thinking, often brought by...

Tags: nigel david richey

Posted at: 03:51 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Do You Belong To The New 1% Of The Population That Will SHATTER The Global Elite?


Do You Belong To The New 1% Of The Population That Will SHATTER The Global Elite? 

By Dejan, LifeCoachCode

Thanks to

July 19, 2016.


Who Is A Part Of The Global Elite? 

When we say The Global Elite we think of the wealthiest 1% who thrive through global consumerism. They don’t care about the result of their products as long as it brings massive profit. 

Their agenda is New World Order with hypnotized consumers living in One Government World. This way they can stay in power (meaning they’ll keep their businesses going) and their consumers...

Tags: dejanlifecoachcode

Posted at: 03:50 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Is Turkey Ready to Stop World War III Before It Starts? July 19, 2016



Is Turkey Ready to Stop World War III Before It Starts? 

By Darius Shahtahmasebi, Anti Media

July 19, 2016 


(ANTIMEDIAThe recent coup attempt in Turkey over the weekend comes at an interesting time.

Had it been successful, it could have presented Turkey with a unique opportunity to pursue a wholly different agenda in the region—though such an agenda is unclear given the many conspiraciessurrounding the coup.

But the coup’s failure puts Turkey on a different road ahead, given Erdogan’s recent foreign policy agenda.

Turkey has recently worked to normalize relations with Israel....

Tags: anti mediadarius shahtahmasebi

Posted at: 03:42 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Ask The Masters, 2016/07/19.. ~ Toni and Peter.


Ask The Masters.

By The Celestial Voices.


Through Toni and Peter.

19th of July, 2016.

A preview of the Masters' Tuesday Teachings for 19 July 2016

An American woman's life is happy in almost every way - except that she cannot seem to lose weight to fight her pre-diabetic condition. The Masters have a few helpful suggestions. 

The negativity experienced by a woman in India is not what she thinks. She will no doubt be surprised and dismayed by the Masters' analysis of her situation, but obviously, she needs a reality check. 

From Brazil comes a...

Tags: ask the masterscelestial voicestoni and peter

Posted at: 03:35 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

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