Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! -July 12, 2016 ~ 16 posts.

Sheldan Nidle 2016/07/12.



Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation.


12 Caban, 11 Kumku, 12 Manik (Jul, 12 2016)

Dratzo! An uneasy mindset exists now between the old order of dark minions and those who have created a new order of reality for this realm. 

This stalemate is close to being resolved and therefore, we are going to accede to this state of affairs for the short term. We realize that there are a number of items capable of breaking this stalemate and turning it swiftly in our favor. Until then, we are...

Tags: ascended mastersgalactic federationsheldan nidlesiriusspiritual hierarchy

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Letting Go Of Attachment: 6 Reasons To Let Go. ~ Andrew Martin.



Letting Go Of Attachment: 

6 Reasons To Let Go. 

By Andrew Martin, Collective Evolution

July 12, 2016.



“Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be attained only by someone who is detached” – Simone Weil

The Buddha taught that attachment, which is the desire to hold on to a permanent state or keep a thing or person, generates craving, wanting, and insecurity, and he believed it is one of the main causes of human suffering.

Non-attachment, on the other hand, aims to cultivate a mind free from these limiting desires. Once we do this...

Tags: andrew martincollective evolution

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We are All Love and Love is All We Are. ~ Steve Beckow.



We are All Love and Love is All We Are.

By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia

July 12, 2016.


If I were to say “we are all one,” that might immediately cause our minds to protest. How can we all be one? You’re over there and I’m over here. Even after you say “we are all one,” we remain separate, many. Therefore how are we all one?

I’ve just done a meditation in which I joined with my twin flame and another person – N – and we all exchanged our love. The time it took love...

Tags: golden age of gaiasteve beckow

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A Dynamic Transformation. ~ The Scribe; Chris Maurus.




A Dynamic Transformation.

Teacher: The Scribe.

Message received by Chris Maurus.

Asheville, NC, USA, June 19, 2016.





The Scribe: “Dear child, you have taken notice of the changing tide of frequencies bathing this planet and you are sensitive to its effect like a canary in a coal mine. Your subtle fields and your nervous system are building up to tolerate these new energies and your sleep patterns are disturbed. You feel the spinning energies in your chakras and you are drawn to those high places in nature where you can ground yourself with...

Tags: chris maurusthe scribe

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Information Fixation and the True Breakaway Civilization.



Information Fixation and the True Breakaway Civilization. 

By Zen GardnerWaking Times

July 12, 2016.



It’s been quite a concern for me for some time now watching the growing information fascination phenomenon metastasize. It’s become contagious and extremely toxic for those who should have transcended this energetic level some time ago.

If we are aware of the fact that we are co-creators of our reality, why are we fixated on this dark, false imposed one and its projection instead of what we know to be true and pure and empowering?

Sure, we need to be aware...

Tags: waking timeszen gardner

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Joy! ~ The Creator via Jennifer Farley.




The Creator Writings
Through Jennifer Farley.

ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner.

July 12, 2016.



Your soul is designed for joy. 
Why are you waiting to experience it? 

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here.

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

More @

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PT: a chama ~ Israel ou...

Tags: escritos do criadorjennifer farley

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The Superfruit that May Hold the Fountain of Youth.



The Superfruit that May Hold the Fountain of Youth.

By Anna Scanlon, Natural Society

July 12, 2016.


A new study has shown that pomegranates may actually be able to help slow down the aging process. The superfood fruit can prompt cells to recycle and rebuild themselves, increasing endurance and slowing down aging.

Researchers at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) have stated that the molecule urolithin A, found in pomegranates, is responsible for kickstarting the mitophagy process. This process allows old and unusable parts of cells to be disposed of and helps make way for replacements.
Over time,...

Tags: anna scanloncannabisnatural society

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Self-Help? Stop Working on Your Weakness and Focus on Your Strengths Instead.




Stop Working on Your Weakness and Focus on Your Strengths Instead.

 By Carolanne WrightWake Up World

July 12, 2016.


When it comes to self-improvement, there’s an underlying idea that we are inherently flawed and need “fixing.” In the U.S. alone, self-help is a $12 billion a year industry, indicating that we are, in fact, a nation that is perpetually dissatisfied with who we are, warts and all.

Even worse, when we discover that human nature is stubborn — and rarely willing to commit to fundamental change over the long haul — depression soon...

Tags: carolanne wrightgmowake up world

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Prepare for Change 2016/07/12




Prepare for Change

Cheers to All Free Thinkers
2016-07-10 20:26:19-04


Well Informed?
2016-07-10 20:28:09-04


Telos – Mt. Shasta, California
2016-07-10 22:08:33-04

discretion please by Dianne Robbins Greetings from Telos! I AM ADAMA, Ascended Master and High Priest of Telos, a Subterranean City beneath Mt. Shasta in California. I am dictating this message to you from my home beneath the Earth, where over a million of us live in perpetual peace and prosperity. We are Human ... Read more

Don’t be fooled . . . .again
2016-07-11 10:28:19-04


Norway’s police...

Tags: prepare for change

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Chakras – A Beginner’s Guide To The 7 Energy Centers July 12, 2016




A Beginner’s Guide To The 7 Energy Centers.

By Helen E. Williams,DreamcatcherReality

Thanks to

July 12, 2016.


You have probably heard about chakras – or maybe seen them as visualized colorful circles running down the areas of the human body. 

But in reality, what is the meaning of a chakra? Or more importantly, do these areas exist and have effect on our personal lives?

The truth is, chakras are elements of our energy. Now, every body has an energy field which is in tight bond with the earth’s energy field but also makes...

Tags: dreamcatcherrealityhelen e. williams

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Cedella Marley: Connecting with Our Inner Strength July 12, 2016



Connecting with Our Inner Strength.

Positive Vibrations, 

by Cedella Marley, A Nice Time

 July 12, 2016.

Cedella Marley

Connecting with our inner strength allows us to feel stable and secure regardless of the ways our outer circumstances shift and change.
Most of us tend to base our sense of security and happiness on outer conditions of our lives.
Instead, try to base your feelings of security on an inner quality that cannot be affected by outside influences automatically gives us a greater sense of power about our own happiness.

Tags: a nice timecedella marleypositive vibrations

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FREEDOM AND UNITY - The Great American Political Divide. ~ Julie Redstone.



The Great American Political Divide.  

By Julie Redstone.

July 12, 2016.

We have come to a time of borders and fences, of believing in the 'side' that we are on in its rightness and in its disdain for other beliefs and points of view. We have come to a time of not recognizing that we are, at the same time, undermining the very possibility of having what we wish for.

We need each other and have lost sight of this fact.  We, on each side of the 'divide' are part of...

Tags: freedomjulie redstoneunity

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Are You a Highly Creative Person? Here are 16 Signs You Are (and Might Not Know It).


Are You a Highly Creative Person? 

Here are 16 Signs You Are 

(and Might Not Know It) 

By Christopher Jan Benitez, Lifehack

Thanks to Conscious Life News

July 12, 2016.


Creativity knows no bounds. But we as humans are finite, so where does that leave us with creativity?
Truth be told, having the gift to create is not evident to all. It is through our innate and rather inhuman ability to dedicate time and hone our crafts until we achieve awe-inspiring greatness which serves as the true measure of creativity.
Related Article: Ten Habits of...

Tags: christopher jan benitezlifehack

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NATO and US Agree to Deploy Military Forces Against Non-Existent Russian Threat.


NATO and US Agree to Deploy Military Forces Against Non-Existent Russian Threat.

By Claire BernishActivist Post

July 12, 2016.


On Friday, NATO leaders agreed to the deployment of military forces to Eastern Europe to bolster Baltic states against the threat of Russian incursion.

Following the launch of the Western alliance’s unprecedented military exercise known as Anakonda-16 — ten days of war games in Poland involving some 30,000 troops from over 20 NATO member nations — the announcement backs up posturing over supposed Russian aggression in the region.

Anakonda-16 has been described as the largest military...

Tags: activist postclaire bernishnatousa

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Ask The Masters, 2016/07/12. ~ Toni and Peter.


Ask The Masters.

By The Celestial Voices.

Through Toni and Peter.

12th of July, 2016.


A preview of the Masters' Tuesday Teachings for 12 July 2016

There is much discussion in the United States about marijuana, so it's not surprising that a US woman should ask the Masters for their input. True to form, our guides will not fall into the trap of rendering judgment, but they are happy to review the uses and effects of the substance, from which we can infer some of the lessons people might learn from experiencing it.

Tags: ask the masterscelestial voicestoni and peter

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Look forward to Prosperity. ~ Angel Wisdom; Sharon Taphorn.



 Look forward to Prosperity.

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn.

July 12, 2016


The biggest hurdle to overcome on your journey to experiencing a more prosperous life is your belief in your worthiness to receive. Do you believe in the infinite supply of the universe? or do you believe in the energy of lack and insufficient supply? 
It is important for you to understand your underlying motives and true beliefs. This is the fastest way to understand your process of creation and also how to transforms those thoughts and feelings that are working against...

Tags: angel wisdomsharon taphorn

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