Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! -July 10, 2016 ~ 17 posts.

Hilarion, 2016/07/10 ~ Marlene Swetlishoff.


Hilarion's Weekly Message.

Through Marlene Swetlishoff.

 July 10, 2016.


July 10-17, 2016 

Beloved Ones, 

The events that are taking place around the world are now increasing in their intensity and occurrence. This is not random, Dear Ones, this is a deliberate plan. Be aware that there are those who are in power who act in ways that are not for the highest good of humanity and this planet. In order to counteract these energies, you the Lightworkers, must continue to hold your Light, to continue to believe in all that is good and...

Tags: hilarionmarlene swetlishoff

Posted at: 23:10 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Another Human Timeline Revealed: Graham Hancock Shatters Modern History.



Another Human Timeline Revealed: 

Graham Hancock Shatters Modern History.

By Maseeh Ghani, Collective Evolution

July 10, 2016.

Graham Hancock is one of the few great pioneers in alternative history. Formerly working as a journalist for the big media companies, he set off on a journey to discover the real truth of our origins.

His research is startling, and quite possibly erases the old narrative of history.

There is evidence that the timeline of civilization extends much further back than just ten thousand years ago. The famous ancient monument in Egypt, The Great Sphinx, stands today showing signs of erosion as...

Tags: collective evolutionmaseeh ghani

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Unf*ck the Police: Anarchy and the Demilitarization of Law Enforcement.



Unf*ck the Police: 

Anarchy and the Demilitarization of Law Enforcement.


By Gary ‘Z’ McGee, Waking Times

 July 10, 2016. 

By Gary ‘Z’ McGeeWaking Times
“When all other rights are taken away, the right of rebellion is made perfect.” ~Thomas Paine

I know what you’re probably thinking, here at the outset: “Not all cops are bad.” To which I say, “Pull your head out of authority’s ass!” Yes. Do exactly that. Saying, “Not all cops are bad” is a red herring. Fuck your red herring!

It doesn’t matter that all cops are “not bad.”...

Tags: gary mcgeegary z mcgeewaking times

Posted at: 23:06 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Why A Himalayan Salt Block Could Be One Of The Best Things You Ever Own.



Why A Himalayan Salt Block Could Be One Of The Best Things You Ever Own.

By Anya V, LivingTraditionally 

Thanks to Body Mind Soul Spirit

July 10, 2016.

A Himalayan salt block is a large piece of pink salt, hand carved and formed into a plate.It is this giant, luminescent chunk of salt that is infused with magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese and all these beautiful minerals that give it this preternatural, pink, crazy color. They are a very unique way to prepare and serve vegetables, seafood, chicken and even cold dishes like raw fish.

Himalayan salt is...


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Arcturian Group Message ~ July 10, 2016



The Arcturian Group Message

July 10, 2016




Greetings with love from the Arcturian Group.
We come with messages of hope and deeper understanding for you in these times of violence and suffering for so many. Powerful high dimensional energies of ascension are effecting the earth and everyone on it at this time causing those who do not understand what is happening to lash out in frustration and fear, the only tools they know.
These energies are serving to expose all things old and obsolete which is creating the...

Tags: arcturian group

Posted at: 23:02 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Preparing For First Contact - 15; Being An Agent for the Arcturians. ~ Suzanne Lie.





Message from the Arcturians.

 Through Suzanne Lie

July 9, 2016




Being An Agent For the Arcturians

Greetings, We the Arcturians wish to share a message with you within this NOW. We see that many of you are being awakened in a manner that you can better remember your nightly meetings with your higher expression of your SELF and, also, your night body meetings with us on our Ships.
Sometimes, such as in this case with Suzille, you can wake up with...

Tags: arcturianspleiadianssuzanne liethe arcturians

Posted at: 20:08 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Make It So. ~ The Creator via Jennifer Farley.


Make It So.

The Creator Writings.

transcribed by Jennifer Farley, 

ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner 

July 10, 2016

Being spiritual does not mean it is okay for others to violate your boundaries or space. 

Every human has the right to live as peacefully as they choose without physical, mental or emotional abuse. 

It is up to you to establish and maintain those boundaries and that space.

It may take some practice, my love, but you have the gift and the power to make it so.



Tags: escritos do criadorjennifer farley

Posted at: 19:21 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Money Returns to Me Multiplied. ~ Shanta Gabriel; Archangel Gabriel.


Money Returns to Me Multiplied.

Mssage fromvArchangel Gabriel.

Through Shanta Gabriel.

July 20, 2016.

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

For this week's issue, the message from Archangel Gabriel is offering a unique perspective regarding our attitudes about money.

The Gabriel Message Card for this Week

All the Money I Give is Blessed and Returned to Me Multiplied
This is one of the most unusual messages I received from Archangel Gabriel. It...

Tags: archangel gabrielshanta gabriel

Posted at: 19:06 | 0 Comments |Add Comment | Permalink |  |




Aluna Joy Yaxkin with the Star Elders.

July 6th, 2016. 


(More frequent energy reports are posted only on Facebook here

Something strange has been happening, and if you have noticed this, you have been experiencing a REAL PHYSICAL, dimensional re-alignment. The last couple of months have been really challenging. I like to think of this as a cosmic fire walk. We have traveled through the 20 core days in the Mayan calendar, magnified by 6 planets that were working backwards, while we strived really hard to live forward. We are much stronger...

Tags: aluna joyaluna joy yaxkinstar elders

Posted at: 18:58 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Pictures and Poems - Section ONE - Suzanne Lie.


Pictures and Poems.

 Section ONE-Suzanne Lie.




July 7, 2016

Dear Readers,
I am called to share my experience in the manner which it has always had the most impact for me, which is through pictures and poems. I will post them bit-by-bit, just as we ascend bit-by-bit. I will start with: 
Section ONE 
Pictures and Poems from the Unconscious Section of my
Messages From My SELF 

With the beginning of the end, we go back to the beginning.
Poems By Suzanne Lie
Note From The Author...

Tags: suzanne lie

Posted at: 10:01 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Heavenletters: A Day Off from School -July 10, 2016


A Day Off from School.

via Gloria Wendroff,

July 10, 2016


God said:

Every student loves a snow day, an unexpected day off from school. An unexpected day off from responsibility. What has changed? A day is a day is a day. Yet, when you get a day off, you may feel that you have won the lottery.

What has really changed is that you expect more joy now! A day in Earth terms is twenty-four hours, yet now you have a bonus. The idea of a day off lights your fire. An ordinary day...

Tags: gloria wendroffheavenletters

Posted at: 09:03 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Everyone On Earth Is Feeling The Transformation. ~ Gillian MacBeth-Louthan.


Everyone On Earth Is Feeling The Transformation. 

By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan,LoveHasWon, 

 Thanks to

July 10, 2016.

As we move thru this year, the weight of our do’s and don’ts seem to get heavier, denser and more solid than anytime in the past. They gather around and cement themselves at our feet, creating an immovable sinking feeling

Our intentions chomp at the bit, our soul gives us the green light, but our human little self-stands tall and still. We sink deeper and deeper into despair and dis-repair, as we beat ourselves with the proverbial wet noodle. We spend...

Tags: gillian macbeth-louthanlovehaswon

Posted at: 08:56 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Bahamas to Its Citizens Traveling to the US: Beware of out of Control Cops.


Bahamas to Its Citizens Traveling to the US: 

Beware of out of Control Cops.

 By Clarice Palmer, Anti Media

July 10, 2016.

(ANTIMEDIAIt appears even foreigners are scared of United States law enforcement.

The Bahamian government is warning its citizens to use extreme caution when traveling to the United States. The recommendationfollows the “extrajudicial killings” of blacks, Caribbean outletAntillean Media Group (AMGreports, “which have spurred increased unrest across America.”

The recent murders of Alton Sterling, a black man shot to death by two...

Tags: anti mediaclarice palmer

Posted at: 08:48 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Roundup Weed Killer (Glyphosate) Threatens Coral Reefs, Persists In Seawater.


Roundup Weed Killer (Glyphosate) 

Threatens Coral Reefs, 

Persists In Seawater.

By Sayer JiWake Up World

July 10, 2016.


The coral reefs are dying and the seas are increasingly depleted of sea life. Could Roundup weed killer be partially to blame?

A highly concerning study published in the journal Marine Pollution Bulletinindicates that the world’s most popular herbicide glyphosate (aka Roundup), used primarily in GM agriculture, is particularly resistant to biodegradation in coral reef collected sea water, and could therefore be a major contributor to the decline of marine coral reef systems such as the...

Tags: sayer jiwake up world

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To Unite, or Not to Unite? That is the Question ~ Phillip J. Watt.


To Unite, or Not to Unite? That is the Question.

 By Phillip J. Watt, The Mind Unleashed

July 10, 2016.


There’s so many lies, false flags, psy-ops, divide & conquer strategies, problem-reaction-solutions and an array of other deceptive tactics designed to keep us in a state of fear, focused on separate issues and fighting each other.

Therefore, it’s simply sense to keep an open mind, not blindly believe what we’ve heard and remember one of our primary goals is to build the ultimate team, which is the unification of the people.

To do so, it’s important we...

Tags: phillip j. wattthe mind unleashed

Posted at: 08:29 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

The Healing Power of Spiritual Light ~ Owen K Waters



The Healing Power of Spiritual Light

by Owen K Waters.

Spiritual Dynamics Newsletter

Spiritual Growth, Vitality and Wellness

July 10, 2016.


The Buddha spent many years trying to understand evil and suffering. He eventually concluded that the only real power in the universe is the Creator and that all else is illusion and therefore has little or no power in comparison.

He then went on to counsel people to adopt the middle way in order to avoid being sucked into illusion and bringing suffering upon themselves. He saw attachment to things of the world...

Tags: owen k watersowen watersspiritual dynamicsspiritual growth,vitalitywellness

Posted at: 08:22 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

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