Saviors Of Earth

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Seeking Truth to be Free! - January 22nd 2016 ~ 20 posts.

Huge News: Florida Launches 3 Bills for Mandatory GMO Labeling! ~Ch...

Huge News: Florida Launches 3 Bills for Mandatory GMO Labeling! By Christina Sarich, Natural Society, January 22, 2016 [image: gmo-label-florida-field_of_corn-735-250] Due to the efforts of thousands in a grassroots campaign, as well as the actions of Senator Maria Sachs and Representative Vasilinda who started a campaign 3 years ago, *3 GMO labeling bills are being put forth in Florida* – Senate bills SB 1700 and SB 1708, and House bill HB 1369. Polls report that ‘9 of 10’ people in the U.S. want to know what’s in their food, while 64 other countries already require GMO labelin... more »

Completion is Rich Soil for Realization. ~ Steve Beckow.

Completion is Rich Soil for Realization. Part 1 /2 By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, January 22, 2016[image: dance with nature] What began as a study of conditioning, the residue or leftovers of core issues or vasanas, has turned into a study of completion and realization. I’m OK letting things wander where they do. There seems to be a steady flow of inspiration. Where it’s coming from is anybody’s guess. Where it’s going to is a foregone conclusion: Ascension. Please allow me to look at completion and realization. Completion, it seems to me, is how we exit our vasanas and condi... more »

CIA Pilot Swears Oath: Planes Did Not Bring Towers Down On 9/11. ~B...

CIA Pilot Swears Oath: Planes Did Not Bring Towers Down On 9/11.Baxter Dmitry,, Jan. 20, 2016, Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia [image: 911-john-lear-planes-twin-towers] Former CIA and commercial pilot John Lear has come forward and sworn an affidavit stating that the Twin Towers were not bought to the ground by planes crashing into them. In his expert opinion the official version of events that claims two planes crashed into the towers is actually “physically impossible.” With repo... more »

Kundalini Awakening: Facts Finally Revealed & Myths Ultimat...

Kundalini Awakening: Facts Finally Revealed & Myths Ultimately Busted. From Kundalini Chakra Balancing, November 2, 2015 [image:">] Kundalini awakening facts, myths and everything else you need to know…. Kundalini awakening is an age old concept which has been practiced by sages and mystics from centuries. They benefited from their awakened kundalini and lived hundreds of years without doctors and so called advanced technology. Having said that I don’t mean to say th... more »

Supernova... Just Pushed The Laws Of Known Physics. ~Jeff Roberts.

A Supernova 570 Billion Times More Powerful Than Our Sun Just Pushed The Laws Of Known Physics. By Jeff Roberts, Collective Evolution, January 22, 2016 [image: supernova-670x440-160114-670x400] Scientists just observed the largest supernova in recorded history, PBS reports. The massive explosion, titled ASASSN-15lh, belongs to a very rare class of “superluminous supernovae,” and is only 3.8 billion light years away, making it the closest superluminous supernova observed thus far. To put it in perspective, the explosion produced more energy than our own sun will produce in the ne... more »

A Simple Act. ~Creator via Jennifer Farley.

A Simple Act.The Creator Writings. Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner January 22, 2016 [image: 1_14081] A simple act of forgiveness, even if you are not responsible for the behavior, can change your world. Creator. *Tanks to* URL: *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives:* ------------------------------ *All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. * *No religious or political belief is defended here.* *Individually ... more »

Reserve Corps and Active Duty. ~Unknown Teacher via Anyas.

Reserve Corps and Active Duty.*Unknown Teacher Group.*Message received by Anyas. Oregon, USA, December 18, 2015. *Teacher:* “Dear child, you have come to realize that you are indeed part of a Reserve Corps. As you have expressed your desire to be of higher service, you have been immediately enlisted in that special corps. What does it mean? It means that you are counted as one mortal of the realms who stands ready to jump into action whenever you receive your marching orders. “Yours is only to express your heartfelt desire to participate in higher service. Ours is to determine how... more »

Life is a series of cycles and a time of rebirth is indicated. ~Ang...

New Beginnings. *Life is a series of cycles and a time of rebirth is indicated. *Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn. January 22, 2016 This can mean a new phase in a relationship, the germination of fresh ideas, or the development of qualities in you like laughter, light or hope. It may bring about a total change in your life, or just the aspects you have been working on. Regardless what this cycle is bringing to you, do not be afraid to let go of the familiar, for the new cannot enter until the old has moved on. Your angel guidance is to accept the new for it will be welcome when... more »

Prepare for Change ~ 2016/01/22

Prepare for Change Difference Between Organic Gardening and Permaculture 2016-01-20 19:36:30-05 The Permaculture garden is a lot more than an organic garden. It is a designed garden. It is a system that is focused on closing the fertiliser loop by using waste, and reducing ... Read more... read more... “Wake Up Before It’s Too Late:” UN Report Calls for Shift Back to Organic Agriculture 2016-01-20 19:40:10-05 “Wake Up Before It’s Too Late:” United Nations Report Calls for Dramatic Shift Back to Organic Agriculture Even though United States government continues to push for the u... more »

Thunder Energies Discovers Invisible Entities.

Thunder Energies Discovers Invisible Entities. By *Editor*January 18, 2016 *Thunder Energies Corp* (*TNRG:OTC*) has recently detected invisible entities in our terrestrial environment with the revolutionary Santilli telescope with concave lenses (Trade Mark and patent pending by Thunder Energies). Thunder Energies Corporation has previously presented confirmations of the apparent existence of antimatter galaxies, antimatter asteroids and antimatter cosmic rays detected in preceding tests. In this breaking news, Thunder Energies presents evidence for the existence of *Invisible ... more »

You have no need of fear, or of defenses. ~Jesus via John Smallman.

You have no need of fear, or of defenses.Message from Jesus*. Through John Smallman.January 22nd 2016. Jesus Audio Blog for Friday January 22nd Here in the spiritual realms, where all of you truly reside in every moment of your eternal existence, we watch with joy as you resolve and intend to move ever more fully into your natural state as beings of Love. It is a state you have never left, and never could leave, but you have – through your choice to experience as real as possible a state of separation from God, and therefore from each other – hidden from yourselves your divine and... more »

Cycles. ~ by Eliza Ayres.

*Blue Dragon Journal*Cyclesby Eliza Ayres*Journal Entry 01.22.2016* I’ve handed in my resignation from my job at the prison. I will be “retiring” at the end of February. It looks like my move to the East Coast will be facilitated… which means it is meant to happen. Folks at work are coming forward to buy and claim the bits and pieces that I want to get rid of or sell, including my old car; it’s just working out very nicely. In prison lingo, I have my “release” papers and soon I will be walking through the gate never to return. I’m still in the process of recovering from the bou... more »

Millions of Bees Turning Up Dead Around GMO Corn Fields Soaked with...

Millions of Bees Turning Up Dead Around GMO Corn Fields Soaked with Neonicotinoid Pesticides. By David Gutierrez, Natural News, January 21, 2016 [image: corn-crops-field-farm] (NaturalNews) As the European Union considers whether to lift restrictions on three pesticides in the neonicotinoid family, it would do well to consider the phenomenon, known to Canadian beekeepers, in which bees start dying in droves shortly after corn planting season. “Once the corn started to get planted our bees died by the millions,” said beekeeper Dave Schuit in summer 2013, as reported by *Eat Loc... more »

Hang In There, Big Shifts. ~James Gilliland.

Hang In There, Big Shifts.By James Gilliland,, Thanks to January 22, 2016 [image: gjsryj1111sfg] I have been observing consciousness shifts as of late on a grand scale. There has also been a lot of movement on the ground with the White Hats. It is like the Titanic is sinking, the rats are jumping ship and saving their own skin by testifying, giving depositions that will be the foundation for the dark hearts demise. The hidden and nefarious deeds of the past are surfacing for all to see. The arrests will escalate all the way to the top. The collective pulse i... more »

Scientists Discover New Link Between Sugar And Cancer. ~Joshua Krause.

Scientists Discover New Link Between Sugar And Cancer.By Joshua Krause, Thanks to Body Mind Soul Spirit January 22, 2016 [image: Scientists Discover New Link Between Sugar And Cancer] It’s no secret that sugar is incredibly bad for you. The typical American diet, which probably has more added sugar than any national diet in the world, is known to cause obesity, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, liver disease, tooth decay, nutrient deficiencies, and of course, cancer (and that’s just the short list). Cancer in particular, has been connected to sugar consumption for s... more »

In States With Medical Marijuana, Painkiller Deaths Drop By 25%. ~E...

In States With Medical Marijuana, Painkiller Deaths Drop By 25% From Earth We Are One, January 21, 2016 Credit: *America has always huge issues when it comes to prescribing pain medications such as Vicodin and OxyContin. In fact, overdose death from pharmaceutical opioids *have* increased since 1991. Apparently, it has been noted that 46 people pass away on the daily of overdoses in the US.* Since laws passed medical marijuana in 13 states, 25% fewer people passed away from opioid overdoses yearly. Collen Barry is a healthy policy researcher located a Johns Hopkins... more »

Love Is my Religion. ~ David G. Arenson.

Love Is my Religion.By David G. Arenson, The Master Shift, January 21, 2016. Credit: The darkness on this planet is a very deep one that goes right into our very psyches, the core of our being. The material world here is mired in low density vibration that can feel like mud to many of us, especially when we become more conscious of our situation. There is light at the end of the tunnel however, as awareness casts light and understanding of this ‘separation’ state, and in the awareness, the immanent tension is resolved. Many may feel a sense of being abandoned by... more »

Benjamin Fulford: Jan 19, 2016: The revolution continues with shipp...

The revolution continues with shipping freeze, stock plunge, US dollar dumping, $20 oil, attacks on gold mines and more.By Benjamin Fulford. Jan 19, 2016. There is a systematic effort underway to remove all fraud from the world’s financial system. This campaign is now getting to the point where some major financial institutions and countries, including the US corporate government, are about to go bankrupt. This is all part of a hybrid war involving finance, super-computers, special forces operations, news, propaganda, pin-point assassinations and more. Perhaps the most dramati... more »


Dow Fails to Appear in Court for the Third Time over Toxic Disaster.By Christina Sarich, Natural Society, January 21, 2016 [image: article-dow-india-bhopal-tragedy1] Leaders of 5 organizations representing survivors of the Dow Chemical (Union Carbide) disaster in Bhopal, India condemned the US government for protecting Dow from ongoing criminal proceedings in the Bhopal District court. *Dow Chemical failed to appear in court for the third time recently to account for exposing half a million people to the deadly gas, methyl isocyanate. [1]* The December 2nd, 1984 incident involved a U... more »


Surging Twixt Converging Worlds.By Zen Gardner, Waking Times, January 21, 2016 [image: upside-down-world] “Between two worlds life hovers like a star, twixt night and morn, upon the horizon’s verge.” – Lord Byron There is a lot of evaluating and assessment going on right now. Where are we heading? The trajectory of at least the outside world is certainly not a good one. What about our personal lives? How will these seemingly inevitable fascist external controls affect us? Should we adjust our plans accordingly? And how? A lot of questions, and a lot more surmisings. Choose your cour... more »

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