Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! - January 14th 2016 ~ 25 posts.

In 1967, the CIA Created the Label Conspiracy Theorists. ~ Brendan ...

In 1967, the CIA Created the Label Conspiracy Theorists. By Brendan D. Murphy, *Waking Times, * January 14, 2016 [image: Conspiracy-Web] Editor’s preamble: One of the reasons for providing this important documentation and commentary is that even in supposedly “awakened” portions of the “truth movement”, or at least many people who frequent “alternative” social media pages and websites, there is a disturbing tendency to dismiss uncomfortable information as “conspiracy theory” as an emotional knee jerk reaction in defense of one’s worldview. We expect this infantile reaction from th... more »

Archangel Gabriel, January 14, 2015 ~Marlene Swetlishoff.

MESSAGE FROM ARCHANGEL GABRIEL.Through Marlene Swetlishoff.January 14, 2015. *Image Source* *Note from the Scribe: This concludes the Archangel Gabriel discourses on the 144 Divine Qualities of Love. Blessings and Love to all!* January 14, 2015 Beloved Ones, Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as omnipotence. Omnipotence means having unlimited and all sufficient power. This all sufficiency of the divine makes it unnecessary for the divine to look for a renewal of strength elsewhere, for the divine is the source of it.... more »

GM Tree Company ArborGen Defrauds Employees, Fined $53.5 Million. ~...

GM Tree Company ArborGen Defrauds Employees, Fined $53.5 Million.By Christina Sarich, Natural Society, January 14, 2016. [image: arborgen-tree-nature-ground-735-350] *ArborGen has reportedly been fined $53.5 million in compensation and punitive damages by a court that found the GM research and development company defrauded its employees using “trickery and deceit.”* It’s one thing when you trick and deceive the public in order to force genetically modified trees on them, but when you ‘trick and defraud’ your own employees, a court of law can have a very clear reason to attach a f... more »

If We Want a Lightworker Culture… ~Steve Beckow.

If We Want a Lightworker Culture… By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, January 14, 2016. [image: Lightworkers 11] Credit: @energylightworkers I’ve been asked by a brilliant and dedicated lightworker to address issues that she’s expressed in an email. She’s close to giving up. She has intense ascension symptoms and yearns to feel good in her body again. She’s tired of the ascension process. She has no one to talk to. She has no income and faces the necessity of going back to a work world that she’s left behind in mind, body, and spirit. There doesn’t seem to be any relief in sight. ... more »

Lawsuit Claims Monsanto Contaminated ‘All Segments’ of the San Fran...

Lawsuit Claims Monsanto Contaminated ‘All Segments’ of the San Francisco Bay. By* Nick Hankoff*, Anti Media, January 13, 2016 *(**ANTIMEDIA**)**Berkeley, CA* — Monsanto and its ancillaries are facing another lawsuit over pollution caused by their manufactured chemicals. A 6-0 vote by the Berkeley City Council last week prompted an official complaint demanding the conglomerate pay for a cleanup of the PCB-compromised San Francisco Bay. PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) were almost exclusively produced by Monsanto from 1935 to 1977, according to the Agency for Toxic Substances and... more »

Flying “Machines” That “Obscure” Their Shape Spotted Near Military ...

Wikileaks Cable Reveals Flying “Machines” That “Obscure” Their Shape Spotted Near Military Installations. By Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution, January 14, 2016. [image: wiki-640x400] It is more common that you might think for Unidentified Flying Objects to be seen at military installations around the world. Two well-known examples out of many such encounters include the incident at Minot Air Force base and another at RAF Bentwaters military base. Documents that have been released into the public domain indicate multiple instances of UFO sightings have occurred, and they have b... more »

Drawing From Your Inner Well

Drawing From Your Inner Well. Musings on Love, Life, and Eternity. January 14, 2016 There is a place residing in your soul that is unshakable, unbreakable — it is brilliant, and pristine. This is the well from which you draw the hope that quenches you in times of despair. It is light in your darkest of times. When you are broken it is the glue that binds you. It is the heart of your joy and peace. My life has been stirring with change recently. I have experienced jubilation, despair, turmoil, and peace; a melting pot of emotion and circumstance. At times I felt quite sha... more »

Patience. ~Creator via Jennifer Farley.

Patience. The Creator Writings.transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner. January 14, 2016. Take time, be patient and gentle with yourself. All growth and healing, however small it may consciously seem, takes ‘human time’. All is in order and right within your world. Creator. *Tanks to* URL: *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives:* ------------------------------ *All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. * ... more »

The Andromedans- TWINS- January 14,2016.

The Andromedans- TWINS Through MariaJanuary 14,2016. lightlover1964 Beloveds, Today we wish to share a concept for you to ponder within your Heart. As always, go Within and take what resonates. Leave the Rest. The Memory of Your “Twin”. That inner knowing that has driven you lifetime after lifetime, in search of LOVE. The looking for something outside of you to fill a space within you, with an inner knowing that there IS something, just don’t know what… You are Now beginning to access longer periods of clarity and understanding as you fully connect in your Heart and Quan... more »

St. Germain, January 14, 2016. ~Nacy Tate.

Wake up Call: *Message from* St. Germain, *Through* Nacy Tate. January 14, 2016 I am here to day to begin a final stage of bringing all of the funds to the surface. That is to say that there will be an upturning of the funds to the proper fields, and from there they will be brought forward in the freedom of no obstructions. I am St. Germain, and I am in the wake of being able to take the prime betrayers of trust from earth to another place where they can live out their actions and be able to come to the realization of how they have been manipulated into believing that they ar... more »

Awaken To Become Your True Self. ~A Mentori via Lytske.

Awaken To Become Your True Self.Teacher: A Mentori Spokesperson. Message received by Lytske. Urantia, December 22, 2015. Mentor: “At last you notice that we are here, clamoring for your attention. It has been a while since you calmed your mind sufficiently to note that there is more going on in the unseen world than ever was the case. The reason is that we are in the process of awakening many more mortals as the situation on the planet is noticeably getting darker. “However, dear one, don’t misjudge the strength of God’s energy, which is allowed to grow stronger by the moment. Y... more »

The Secret Global Reset Agreement.

The Secret Global Reset Agreement.January 11, 2016 by Danell Glade. *You are not allowed to know about this secret international Financial Reset Agreement. That’s why VT is covering it. It is just one more reason why the Western Nations created ISIS (ISIL).* *…by Preston James* [image: G@)] The Group of Twenty (G-20) at their 2013 Meeting in St. Petersburg, Russia, September 5-6, Host Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation *By now it has become clear to most VT readers that ISIS was created and trained, and is now supplied and paid by a secret coalition of nations in... more »

Prepare for Change - 2016/01/14

Prepare for Change The Secret Global Reset Agreement 2016-01-11 01:53:00-05 The Secret Global Reset Agreement By Preston James, Ph.D on January 9, 2016 You are not allowed to know about this secret international Financial Reset Agreement. That’s why VT is covering it. It is just ... Read more... read more... Short Situation Update 2016-01-11 04:22:25-05 Clearing of the Chimera group continues. Much progress is being made, but not much can be said about that now. I am waiting for the right circumstances to release massive intel that will ... Read more... read more... Please Hel... more »

Junk Food Eating Generations Can Pass Metabolic Disorders To Their ...

Junk Food Eating Generations Can Pass Metabolic Disorders To Their Children. By Mae Chan, Prevent Disease, January 13, 2016 “You are what your parent’s eat,” is becoming more relevant by the day. According to a study published in journal Science, just one junk food-eating generation can pass on the metabolic disorders it gains from an unhealthy diet to the next . [image:] Less than two years ago, scientists officially linked processed foods to autoimmune disease and the consequences may ripple to future gen... more »

Church Converts Bus Into Mobile Clothing Pantry, Delivers Winter Ge...

Church Converts Bus Into Mobile Clothing Pantry, Delivers Winter Gear To Folks In Need. From Earth We Are One, January 13, 2016 *When temperatures plunged below freezing, this church took to the streets in a mobile clothing pantry to provide warm gloves, hats, and other winter gear to individuals in need.* Enough insulation is vital when you’re homeless and living on the streets. It can determine a life and death situation. Usually, shelters offer people hospitality during the harsh winters at night as well even though daytimes can be very difficult to surpass. However, a church i... more »

This Meteorite Discovered by Australian Geologists Is Older Than th...

This Meteorite Discovered by Australian Geologists Is Older Than the Earth. From The Mind Unleashed, January 13, 2016. Just a while before the end of 2015, something extraordinary happened. A primordial meteorite that fell to Earth last November has been recovered by geologists in Australia. This meteorite fell to Earth on November 27, 2015, and its fall was witnessed by residents in the William Creek and Marree areas, Australia. According to scientists, this 1.7-kg (3.7-lb) chondrite or stony meteorite is estimated to be more than 4.5 billion years old, which means that it ... more »

Releasing the 3d matrix and Anchoring to the Crystalline Grid... ~A...

Declaration of Sovereignty, Releasing the 3d matrix and Anchoring to the Crystalline Grid for Accessing Higher Dimensions.*Blue Dragon Journal* The Arcturians.Through Maria. January 9, 2016. lightlover1964 The Arcturians- Declaration of Sovereignty, Releasing the 3d matrix and Anchoring to the Crystalline Grid for Accessing Higher Dimensions. January 9, 2016. Beloveds, We share with you today a tool to assist you as you begin to fully anchor your consciousness to the higher vibrational dimensions of the Crystalline 5d grid and beyond. As Always, go Within and be guided from ... more »

The Tide of Love Cannot Be Stemmed. ~Heavenletters via Gloria Wendr...

The Tide of Love Cannot Be Stemmed., Through Gloria Wendroff, January 13, 2016. God said: You are love. Despite all the antics in the world you participate in or the Truth that you disavow, you are love. Regardless of anything, you are love, for, so, I made you. Every human being is made of love. No matter if you throw darts at love, you are made of love. No matter how you may set out to disdain love, you are the very love you disdain. You are the love you attack and would deny. You — who want love so much — you fight against your recognition of love. You ... more »

Kindling the Divine Spark: The Secret to Awakening. ~Tim Boucher.

Kindling the Divine Spark: The Secret to Awakening. By Tim Boucher,*New Dawn, **Waking Times,* January 12, 2016. [image: souls] *Blessed is he who has a soul, blessed is he who has none, but woe and grief to him who has it in embryo.1* – G.I. Gurdjieff The United States Declaration of Independence proudly proclaims the mystical truth that “all men are created equal.” What happens after that, though, is anybody’s guess. Once we’ve been created equally, does that mean all our lives are the same? Do the essential differences between us come from genetics, environment, free will, *th... more »

Terence McKenna on Psychedelics, Art and Empowerment – Part 1 /2.

The Teachers Speak: Terence McKenna on Psychedelics, Art and Empowerment. Part 1 /2. By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness. January 14, 2016. [image: The Teachers Speak (KEEP)] I could give the usual description of Terence McKenna – he was a writer, author, lecturer and advocate of psychedelic drugs – but it doesn’t really capture what he was about. He was a pioneer in the psychedelic movement, and he believed that the use of psychedelics is the best way to expand our consciousness and come closer to the great mystery. Some of his theories and opinions contradict a lot of things tha... more »

12 Wise Quotes from Indigenous Chiefs Which May Humble Us All.

12 Wise Quotes from Indigenous Chiefs Which May Humble Us All. January 13, 2016 [image: lakota-chief] The much sidelined and much older civilization on this planet are sharing their profound understanding about what these things are all about, especially during this time of so much social torment and unfettered environmental devastation. In late September, Indigenous Elders and Medicine People of North and South America united for four days in sacred ceremony in Green Grass... more »

A Dictatorship Without Tears. ~John W. Whitehead.

A Dictatorship Without Tears.By John W. Whitehead. [image: white house] *Tanks to* January 12, 2016It’s been a week now and still it’s hard to forget Obama’s Tarantino Award winning act of shedding tears in front of international media for the victims of Sandy Hook that never happened. But the bigger question really is: Should a president of the “most powerful country in the world” need to do that? Just give your guns away, for Papa Bush’s sake! Anyway, for non-actors like us, it’s easy to pull that one off. All you need is put yourself in Obama’s shoes ... more »

Afghan Ghost Soldiers: Just One of Many “War on Terror” Scams

Afghan Ghost Soldiers: Just One of Many “War on Terror” Scams.[image: Afghan'Ghost-Soldiers] Thanks to: January 12, 2016. Do you remember Washington’s $500 million CIA pet project “train five moderate rebels” in Syria exposed in a congressional hearing last year? US Taxpayers Paid $500 Million for 5 Fighters vs. ISIS/L It’s not the last one. Ukraine Receives Old Humvees & Recycled Vests for $250 Million US Aid Islamic State has gone bankrupt; Where did all oil money go? “*Afghan soldiers are struggling against the Taliban, in part because close to 40... more »

Benjamin Fulford. Jan 11, 2016 ~ Khazarian financial system and Maf...

Khazarian financial system and Mafiosi under systematic attack as world revolution unfoldsBy Benjamin Fulford.Jan 11, 2016 Benjamin Fulford: Jan 11, 2016: Khazarian financial system and Mafiosi under systematic attack... - YouTube [image: bolsa] Image from: *Tanks to**Please respect all credits.* *This author archives:* ------------------------------ *All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. * *No r... more »

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