Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! - Janeiro 21st 2016 ~ 21 posts.

Researchers Demonstrate How Cancer Cells Are Obiterated By Resonant...

Researchers Demonstrate How Cancer Cells Are Obiterated By Resonant Frequencies.By Jeff Roberts, Collective Evolution, January 21, 2016 A new cancer treatment is using resonant frequencies to shatter various types of cancer cells. In his Tedx Talk, “Shattering Cancer with Resonant Frequencies,” Associate Professor and Director of Music at Skidmore College, Anthony Holland, tells the audience that he has a dream. That dream is to see a future where children no longer have to suffer from the effects of toxic cancer drugs or radiation treatment, and today he and his team believe t... more »

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self, 22nd. January 2016.

,Message from Higher Self. Through Mike Quinsey. 22nd. January 2016. You are learning how quickly matters can change, and in but a short time suddenly the future does not look as encouraging as it was recently. Fear has entered some people’s minds as big business falters and is losing confidence in monetary values. Behind the scenes much is being directed by those in positions of power, with the aim of pulling away from the American Dollar. In such times there is little stability and you are at the mercy of those who control the world markets. Inevitably it will get worse before m... more »

Each of you is raising your personal vibration. ~

Vibrations.Each of you is raising your personal vibration.Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn.January 20, 2016. As you raise your vibration you are becoming more sensitive to your environment and new psychic and spiritual experiences are changing the way you view your world, your life, the Universe and everything. Allow your spiritual gifts to open through study, prayer, and most importantly, meditation. What you feed grows exponentially and this brings with it great opportunities. Remember you are a powerful and creative child of the Universe and that you are supported and loved... more »

Essentially Serving Two Masters.~Michael of Nebadon via George Barn...

,Essentially Serving Two Masters. *Michael of Nebadon. * Message received by George Barnard. Illawarra District, Australia, December 31, 2015. Michael: “My dear son, subject and co-worker, this is Michael. In these small hours of the last day in your year 2015 on the planet of my final bestowal, I commend you for your persistence. I would ask you to carry on doing what you do in the years to come. However, such is our relationship — as our Prince Machiventa once remarked in 2000 — you care little for suggestions, so you get orders. On this occasion it is I, your Father/Brother who o... more »

The Right Time. Creator via Jennifer Farley.

The Right Time.The Creator Writings.Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner.JANUARY 21, 2016. Why keep all of your happiness, joy, love and excitement for life boxed up and waiting for the right time? NOW is the right time! Not ‘some day in the future’ or the next ‘rainy day’ ………….. now! Creator. *Tanks to *URL: ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives:* *All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers respons... more »

Difference Between Organic Gardening and Permaculture. -

Difference Between Organic Gardening and Permaculture. by Dane Arr.January 20, 2016 . The Permaculture garden is a lot more than an organic garden. It is a designed garden. It is a system that is focused on closing the fertiliser loop by using waste, and reducing the dependence on inputs by creating healthy soil and diversity of produce. It is also responsible for its waste, it aims not to pollute the surrounding environment, i.e. neither with excess nitrogen released into the water systems, nor weed seed into any natural systems. It uses design to minimise the gardeners chores ... more »

“Wake Up Before It’s Too Late:” United Nations Report Calls for Dra...

“Wake Up Before It’s Too Late:” UN Report Calls for Shift Back to Organic Agriculture. by Dane Arr. January 20, 2016 [image: “Wake Up Before It’s Too Late:” United Nations Report Calls for Dramatic Shift Back to Organic Agriculture] Even though United States government continues to push for the use of more chemically-intensive farming methods such as GMOs and monoculture-based crops, the cultivation of GMOs is being banned across the world including in several different European countries. And while Monsanto and others continue to use their multi-million dollar PR budgets to push... more »

Putin: Human Evolution Under Threat By Big Pharma, GMO, Vaccine.

Putin: Human Evolution Under Threat By Big Pharma, GMO, Vaccine. by Dane Arr January 20, 2016 A report prepared by the Security Council (SCRF) circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Putin has issued orders that his people must be protected from GMO “food” and Western pharmaceuticals “at all costs.” The report says that President Putin believes the next stage of human evolution is currently in “grave risk” and that Western and global powers are “intentionally decelerating the process for their personal gain.” “We as a species have the choice to continue to devel... more »

Cancer-Causing Enzyme Intentionally Being Added to All Vaccines.

,Cancer-Causing Enzyme Intentionally Being Added to All Vaccines. Murdered Holistic Doctors Had Discovered Autism/Cancer-Causing Enzyme Intentionally Being Added to All Dane ArrJanuary 20, 2016 So apparently the holistic doctors who were all being killed in FL had found out via their research that the nagalase enzyme protein is INTENTIONALLY being added to the population via immunizations. Nagalase STOPS vitamin D from binding to the Gc protei

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