Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! - January 19th 2016 ~ 18 posts.

Matthew Ward - January 18, 2016. ~ Suzanne Ward.



,Message from Matthew Ward. Through Suzanne Ward. January 18, 2016. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We rejoiced with you when the waning days of 2015 brought forth resounding cheers that an international agreement had been approved to rein in the manmade causes of your changing climate. It is so that Mother Earth is moving gradually toward a moderate climate globally; however, the prudent action by your governments is essential on behalf of your health, the planet’s and future generations’, and the high vibrations of hopefulness about this lan... more »,
WORD MAGIC THAT BINDS US. Breaking the Spell!Message from Montague Keen. Through Veronica Keen.January 17, 2016 Waking up is never an easy process, having to face the fact that you have been conned on every level is extremely difficult for you. When we referred to WORD MAGIC, many of you were up in arms, dismissing it as nonsense. Now we share well researched EVIDENCE of Word Magic that is used against you every day of your lives by Church and State. It is something that you will have to take on board if you want to survive. The 1% who control your world are experts on Word Ma... more »

State in India Goes 100% Organic, Protects 75,000 Hectares of Land ...

State in India Goes 100% Organic, Protects 75,000 Hectares of Land from GMOsBy Christina Sarich, Natural Society, January 18, 2016 Culture of Awareness[image: field-organic-food-735-350-india] *As of the end of December, 2015, Sikkim has become India’s first fully organic state in the country.* Implementing organic farming practices on 75,000 hectares of land, the citizens of Sikkim will enjoy GMO-free, sustainable agriculture which will be certified organic. “We have achieved fully-organic status in the end of December. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will formally announce this at a... more »

The Other Side of Shame: Arrogance. ~By Steve Beckow.

The Other Side of Shame: Arrogance. By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, January 19, 2016 Culture of Awareness [image: Arrogance 987] I was saying yesterday (1) that enhanced responsibilities bring up fresh vasanas. Vasana is a Hindu term for our automatic reaction patterns born of past traumatic incidents. If we’re irritable, uncooperative, snarkey, angry, jealous, greedy, at the basis of all of them will be found a vasana – or as Linda Dillon calls them a core issue. (2) I regard skill in processing vasanas as *the* most important aspect of a lightworker’s personal growth wor... more »

Going For A Drive. ~ Suzanne Maresca.

Going For A Drive. By Suzanne Maresca, Golden Age of Gaia, January 19, 2016 Culture of Awareness [image: 20160118_134905] One of our favorite things to do these days is to get in the car for a drive out in the country on the beautiful, twisty, roads in the wilds of New Jersey. My daughter and I have some of our best conversations in the car, and music plays an important role in our whole transcendental driving experience. There’s more going on than just our pure enjoyment of the scenery and of one another’s company. Although I have to say that both of us are immensely grateful... more »

USA; Bernie Sanders Tells The Truth & Exposes The Reality O...

Bernie Sanders Tells The Truth & Exposes The Reality Of US Politics. By Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution, January 19, 2016 [image: screen-shot-2016-01-18-at-5-01-10-pm-728x400] *“The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government, which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities, states and nation. . . . The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both parties . . . [and] control the majority of the newspapers and magazines in this country. They use ... more »

What’s Going On Health-Wise From LA’s Methane Leak Problems?

What’s Going On Health-Wise From LA’s Methane Leak Problems? By Catherine J. Frompovich, *Waking Times,* January 18, 2016 [image: methane-leak] Here is a short heads-up regarding the San Fernando Valley methane leak, which is affecting the health of thousands of humans from radon dust and radiation damage, plus other aerosolized toxins and toxic ground water. Please take 11 minutes to watch this video report: The current acute problem has been ongoing since October 2015 but, actually, was put into place years ago with the irresponsible disposal of nuclear waste from nuclear power pla... more »

Let Us Begin Again. ~Ophelius via Chris Maurus.

,Let Us Begin Again.*Teacher: Ophelius. *Message received by Chris Maurus.Asheville, NC, USA, January 3, 2016. *Teacher Ophelius:* “Let us, again, speak about the topic of meditation and its vital role in continued spiritual growth and healthy mind balance. On this world, especially, where there are so many distractions and others competing for your attention, you can easily find yourself living in a continuous state of doing rather than being. It is important that you honor and nurture your ‘beingness’ by setting aside time to connect to your Higher Self and suspend the busy world ... more »

Powerful Martin Luther King Jr. Quotes to Inspire Change Beyond MLK...

Powerful Martin Luther King Jr. Quotes to Inspire Change Beyond MLK Day. Share: [image: facebook][image: twitter][image: google_plus][image: reddit][image: pinterest][image: tumblr][image: mail][image: Martin Luther King Jr MLK Quotes I Have a Dream] Powerful *Martin Luther King Jr. Quotes* to inspire personal, social, and global change. These quotes demonstrate the power of personal transformation to meet challenges. MLK faced adversities with a deep understanding about the power of love underlying all of us. Something we can all do today to make profound change. Share this to inspir... more »

This Is You… Living. ~Creator via Jennifer Farley.

This Is You…..Living. The Creator Writings. Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner. January 19, 2016 [image: sky-690293_1280] The Universe speaks in many different ways; light, music, moments, movement, touch, taste, art. The very act of *you* living is The Universe expressing perfection in human form. Creator. *Tanks to* URL: *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives:* ------------------------------ *All articles are of the respective authors and/or p... more »

Inner Wisdom. - Within in you is a connection to Source. ~Angel Wis...

Inner Wisdom. *Within in you is a connection to Source.* Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn.January 19, 2016 Angel wisdom reminds you that everyone can connect to their inner wisdom. Ask your angels to illuminate you with high vibrating pure light of love and help you to connect with your own deep knowing. Use the golden ray of wisdom and understanding, drawing this energy from Source. Visualize yourself surrounded in a cloak of golden light, take some slow, deep breaths, and feel your inner core light strengthen and shine bright and tap into the wisdom of this deep inner connecti... more »

Ask The Masters, 19 January 2016. - Toni and Peter.

,Ask The Masters. By The Celestial Voices. Through Toni and Peter. 19 January 2016 A preview of the Masters’ Tuesday Teachings. In almost every field of human learning and communication, the importance of nuance is inescapable. A seemingly simple sentence may be open to many interpretations, depending on the differences in the people hearing or reading it. Further explanation is therefore often necessary to avoid or correct a misapprehension. This week's three questions come from people whose misconceptions need such an explanation. A motivational author from Chile has taken some of... more »

Unconditionally Loving Your Self. - Chakra Three. ~Suzanne Lie.

* Unconditionally Loving Your Self.* *Chakra Three.* Dear Readers, Thank you for joining us as we continue with the transformative practice of loving ourselves unconditionally. I am pleased to highlight just some of your many comments below. It is officially *Week #3* so we now focus on *Chakra #3* (solar plexus.) Please continue to allocate *7 Minutes a day* for the featured meditation and perform it for 7 days. Please keep sharing your wonderful comments in the blog post in which the chakra is introduced. If you missed our unconditional love-filled webinar discussion, you can d... more »

Unconditionally Loving your Self. - Chakra Two. ~ By Suzanne Lie.

Unconditionally Loving your Self. Chakra Two. By Suzanne Lie. Dear Readers, Thank you for your overwhelming response, comments, and participation in Week #1 of Loving Your Self Unconditionally. I am pleased to highlight some of your comments below. We continue with week # 2 to focus on chakra # 2 (navel chakra.) Please continue to allocate 7 Minutes a day for 7 weeks focusing on 7 chakras. You can continue to share your process for each of the seven different chakras in the blog post in which the chakra was introduced. Your process is important to us all because we are ALL re... more »

There’s an Awakening Happening and You’re a Part of It (with Gregg ...

There’s an Awakening Happening and You’re a Part of It. (with Gregg Braden)By Phillip J. Watt, The Mind Unleashed, January 17, 2016 Society is slowly evolving into a collective consciousness that has disengaged from the false narratives that have been manipulated into official ‘truths’ for humanity. That’s right, if you don’t know yet; we’ve all been deceived in many ways and we all have a responsibility to do our research and play our small part to help out our fellow man and our future generations. The good news is that individuals are unplugging from this matrix of delusion ... more »

Ancient Technology of 5000-Year-Old Ancient Civilization from South...

Ancient Technology of 5000-Year-Old Ancient Civilization from South America Continues to Baffle Mainstream Researchers. From Earth We Are One, January 18, 2016 *The not-so-famous ancient Peruvian civilization developed advanced methods in agronomy, medicine, engineering and architecture over 5000 years ago.* [image: caral] According to archeologists, Caral is of vast importance as they believe that Caral is one of the first sophisticated civilizations in the Americas added to the list of only a few civilizations that developed without a written form of communication. Around 5000 ... more »

Presence: Theme for 2016. ~Elies Hadi.

Presence: Theme for 2016.By Elies Hadi, The Master Shift, January 18, 2016. Credit: Let presence be the theme for 2016. In the front cover of the book “Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle, you will see this sentence by Oprah Winfrey “MORE JOY, RIGHT NOW!” Wouldn’t you want more joy in your life? As a life coach, it is almost of innate nature for me to stay present at all time as it is only by being present that I can truly listen to my students. By listening, it makes it natural for me to identify what’s blocking them from their happiness and to guide them a... more »

Connection to Source. ~ Mayan Messages via Theresa Crabtree.

Connection to Source. Mayan Messages, Through Theresa Crabtree, January 18, 2016. As you clear blockages from the electrical circuits in your body, your ability to tune into God Source, your Higher Self and Spirit Guides will increase. Know that every moment in your life, you are at the wheel. You have the free will to choose the emotions and events you wish to experience. Although you are somewhat hampered due to the rules of your universe and interactions with other Beings, you still choose how to react in every situation. We suggest you work diligently to increase your ... more »

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