Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking truth to be Free! - December 29th 2015 ~ 15 posts.

Happy New Year Coming! ~Wake up Call via Nancy Tate.

.Happy New Year Coming! Wake up Call by Nancy Tate. Dec 29, 2015. Bob and I went to Tucson the other day to visit with our dear friends there and to do our monthly shopping at Trader Joe's. On that night in the motel after visiting with them I got up around 1:00am for my usual call to 'nature' and about 1-2 minutes after I laid back for sleep I felt Cassie jump onto our bed, as she usually does at that time. It was a touch on my ankle with her foot that told me she was joining our slumber in the comfort of our bed. I'd experienced that most times when she decided it was time to jo... more »

Blue Skies From Now On. ~Dreama Vance.

.Spiritual Dynamics Newsletter. Spiritual Growth, Vitality and Wellness. Blue Skies From Now Dreama Vance. Often it seems that winter brings endless gray skies and cloudiness and then the Sun peeks through and reminds us of this one, undeniable reality... The Sun is always shining! Even though it may be hidden from view, it is always shining. Even in the darkest of night, the Sun is still shining. This realization mirrors one of the great truths of the nature of reality: The universe is benevolent. It cannot BE any other way. It may appear gray and cloudy. It may appear as dark... more »

USA: Bill Provision PROTECTS State Medical Marijuana Laws and Canna...

Bill Provision PROTECTS State Medical Marijuana Laws and Cannabis Research. By Julie Fidler, Natural Society, December 29, 2015. The $1.1 trillion spending bill passed recently by Congress sent the pro-medical marijuana movement a step forward by included several drug reform provisions. The bill includes language that blocks the Justice Department (JD) and Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) from dedicating resources to interfere with state medical marijuana laws or hemp research projects. [1] The language originally came from an amendment written by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) and... more »

There and Back Again. ~Eliza Ayres.

Blue Dragon Journal. There and Back Again. by Eliza Ayres.Journal Entry 12.29.2015. *Journal Entry 12.29.2015 – There and Back Again* I got home yesterday from my trip to South Carolina and just heard the 06:00 Alaskan Airlines flight taking off, again, from our local airport here in Walla Walla. Aside from long lines and some wait time at Sea-Tac (Seattle International Airport) I didn’t have any issues with my holiday flying. One develops patience when traveling… or doesn’t and has a miserable time. I found sitting and walking around airports an opportunity to people watch, s... more »

2015 Year in Review – What We Can Learn for Coming Years. ~Jeff Singh.

2015 Year in Review. What We Can Learn for Coming Years. By Jeff Singh. . It does us no good to ignore the issues facing our times. Perhaps at the year’s end, we can find some reflection to see the picture that’s been emerging through a 2015 year in review and find perspective for greater solutions in the coming years. The major news events of 2015 have a striking thread that runs through them. It’s been a year of bringing systemic problems blaring to the surface to be addressed. It was a year of attacks that shook us and brought underlying prejudices to light. Let’s see if we... more »

Earn Your Own. ~Creator via Jennifer Farley.

Earn Your Own. The Creator Writings.Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner.DECEMBER 29, 2015. On your Earth plane respect is defined as a feeling or understanding that someone or something is important, serious, etc., and should be treated in an appropriate way. Some of you may not fully understand this because no one in your life has demonstrated, pursued it or, perhaps, you have seen it and believe it unattainable for yourself. Remember, my dearest child, it starts within. If you show respect to yourself, you will begin to see qualities in others ... more »

Moves Toward a World Government. ~Samuel the Panoptian via George B...

.Moves Toward a World Government. Teacher Samuel the Panoptian. Secondary Midwayer Thuroc the Entertainer. Message received by George Barnard. Illawarra District, Australia, December 18, 2015. Thuroc: “This is Thuroc the Entertainer. Why is it that I should be doing the honors for our Panoptian bio-chemist friend, you may ask? Well, I’m here in the now, again, and as well, I’m vitaly interested in the subject of a world-wide government. I also fully prescribe to this receiver’s theory that a mini black hole sucked up the healthy minds of almost all western statesmen … and others … an... more »

Powerful Quotes for Peace and Solidarity Found in Major Religions. ...

Powerful Quotes for Peace and Solidarity Found in Major Religions. By Jeff Singh, Awake Free. Quotes for peace and solidarity from major religious texts in Christianity, Islam, & Judaism. *Share this to inspire family, friends, and the world.* Well it seems the radicalized and fundamentalists have terrorized nations and peoples this year as they’ve been doing for centuries actually. All the while they’ve hijacked religions to fit their agendas. It’s interesting that religious leaders and their followers zone in on certain passages and completely ignore other passages, often igno... more »

Ask The Masters, 29 December 2015. ~Toni and Peter.

.Ask The Masters. By The Celestial Voices. Through Toni and Peter. 29 December 2015. *A preview of the Masters' teachings.* A request from Singapore for a judgment on the teachings of Abraham, as promulgated by Esther and Jerry Hicks, is rejected by the Masters. They do not judge. Rather, they explain the idea of manifestation and the reason for souls' incarnating on Earth. Two related questions, from Finland and England, deal with the religious and social violence we all hear about these days. The Masters talk about the 50/50 balance of positive and negative on Earth and why some...more »

Don’t Be Discouraged. ~Cedella Marley.

Don’t Be Discouraged. Positive Vibrations, by Cedella Marley, A Nice Time, December 28, 2015. In just one moment your perspective can quickly change. You can easily go from sad to happy, lazy to active, negative to positive. It is very easy to change your outlook, you simply have to try. Don’t be discouraged, rather choose to be positive and not to let life’s challenges bog you down. *One love…* *Cedella.* *Tanks to* URL: ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives:* more »

The Art of Living & Dying. ~Gary ‘Z’ McGee.

The Art of Living & Dying. By Gary ‘Z’ McGee, Thanks to The Mind UnleashedDecember 29, 2015. This is Philosophy’s Double-edged Sword… “When Plato’s Socrates states in the *Phaedo* that philosophy is *melete thanatou* –that is to say, an intense practice of death – he may mean not just that the object of philosophy should be to help us better cope with our mortality, but also that the one who practices philosophy should understand the risks that come with the job.” –Costica Bradatan Philosophy is a tool. Put more succinctly, philosophy is a razor. It uses questions to cut ideas... more »

Dr. Wayne Dyer: Your Purpose Will Find You.

Your Purpose Will Find You. By Dr.Wayne Dyer, Thanks to Body Mind Soul SpiritDecember 29, 2015. We become what we think about all day long. What thoughts do you have that inhibit you from feeling as if you’re on purpose in your life? For instance, if you think that you’re separate from your pur­pose and that you’re drifting without direction through your life, then that’s precisely what you’ll attract. Suppose, instead, that you know this is a purposeful universe where your thoughts, emotions, and actions are a part of your free will and are also connected to the power of int... more »


2015: THE YEAR RUSSIA TOLD AMERICA ‘ENOUGH’by *Robert Bridge*DECEMBER 27, 2015 “Since 2003, Moscow has watched with infinite patience as US-led forces have steadily steamrolled a path of chaos and carnage across a large swath of Central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa. This year Vladimir Putin drew a line at Syria.” [image: putin and obama at united nations 0] [image: putin and obama at united nations 2] Barely 2 days after the above high-level toast between the two leaders who were exhausted of their mega speeches at the UN General Assembly, Putin ordered the massive bo... more »


.ANONYMOUS #OPISIS CLAIMS TO HAVE PREEMPTED A TERROR ATTACKDECEMBER 29, 2015 “ISIS will implode. We’re digging your graves.” This is how Anonymous is taking the battle closely to the Islamic State. “Anonymous claims to have foiled an Isis terror attack in Italy. The primary account behind “Operation Isis” has claimed that online activists affiliated with Anonymous stopped one attack and is working to stop others. Anonymous stepped up its “war on Isis” in the wake of early November’s attacks in Paris that left 130 people dead. Shortly after those events the group released a video...more »

Everyone’s Question – The Council via Ron Head.

Everyone’s Question. Message from The Council. Through Ron Head. December 27, 2015. *[image: the council]* Everyone’s question, the question we are always asked, is “Am I on my path?” Now this is asked in many ways. “What is my purpose?” is a favorite. At this time, the beginning of your year, let us take a good look at this and set aside misunderstandings. This would be the time to understand what your purpose really is. We want to point out to you that you all seem to see yourselves as not accomplishing anything of import. Your point of view is relative. You compare yourselves t... more »

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