Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking truth to be Free! - December 16th 2015 ~ 17 posts.

Creating the Path with Each New Step. ~ Steve Beckow.

Creating the Path with Each New Step. By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, December 16, 2015 From my perspective, the biggest boon in life and the most sacred gift we’ve been given is our free will. (1) But it can also be the most difficult thing to abide in another. For instance, how many times have I seen this situation: John loves Mary but Mary loves Ralph. Ralph loves Susan but Susan loves Bob. And everyone’s free will in the matter has to be respected. Or everyone has a myriad of preferred ways which they then find they don’t share with their new partner – organic food, yoga... more »

Influence the Entire Holographic Field. ~ The Team via Peggy Black.

Influence the Entire Holographic Field.Message from The Team. Through Peggy Black. Thanks to Golden Age of GaiaDECEMBER 16, 2015. We are here once again to acknowledge and remind you that in truth you are a light being. We are also aware that in the midst of the increased chaos and increased polarizations that are occurring, the idea of being a light being might feel insignificant or even impossible. How can remembering that you are more than your physical form be important when the events in your 3D reality are intense, evoking strong emotions of fear, judgment, hopelessness and ... more »

How Forcing Sobriety On An Addict Can Hurt Their Well-Being. ~ Sara...

How Forcing Sobriety On An Addict Can Hurt Their Well-Being. By Sarah Landrum, Wisdom Pills, December 16, 2015. Three years ago, I had a minor medical issue at work. I asked to leave early for the day so I could see my doctor. Instead, my supervisor called 911 against my will. I began to panic. When the police arrived and saw my state of panic, they gave me two options: I could get in the ambulance, or they could handcuff me and take me to the hospital by force. I opted for the ambulance and spent the rest of the afternoon under unnecessary observation at the hospital. No one ev... more »

In Love. ~ Creator via Jennifer Farley.

In Love. The Creator Writings.Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner.DECEMBER 16, 2015. Immerse yourself in the power of love! Love of self, love of each other, love of your world, love of everything you experience! Embrace the joy of being in love! Creator. *Tanks to *URL: ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives:* *All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. * *No religious or politi...more »

Those Who Will Follow You. ~ Melchizedek via George Barnard.

.Those Who Will Follow You.*Machiventa Melchizedek.*Message received by George Barnard. Illawarra District, Australia, December 12, 2015. *Machiventa:** “*It is completely understandable that as a group of achievers in spiritual endeavors you may all often wonder about your efforts making a difference. From our rather exalted height and myriad connections we easily qualify and reckon the progress your struggles bring. There are many (subscribers) who each morning look forward to reading the Teacher’s lessons. Furthermore — and I am here free to confirm your supposition — many who... more »

Hatonn, December 16, 2015, ~ Wake up Call via Nancy Tate.

.Wake up Call.Message from Hatonn. Through Nancy Tate.December 16, 2015. There is a time for everyone when it is perfect to move forward with the inspiration and trust in yourself that spurs you forward. These days are in harmony with that, for with all that is taking place outside of you there is a calm before and without the storm that cannot be denied. I am Hatonn, and I am here today after watching so many of you begin to open up to the oneness of your connection with the Light of Love. I see how you are bringing forth into your world the brightness of Love along with the solid... more »

Your Holiday Gifts have Arrived! ~ Emmanuel Dagher.

WEBSITE ABOUT SERVICES STORE FORECAST My beautiful friend, Happiest of happy holidays to you! I am so grateful for you. Thank you for standing by me throughout the years, and for giving me the permission to be part of your extraordinary life! You are very important to me, and this Christmas, I desired to show you just how much. For the past 6 months, I have been diligently working in my healing lab to put together some of the most life-enhancing healing sessions I've ever created for you! Every time you listen to these sessions, they will provide a different heali...more »

Wake Up! ~ Wes Annac.

Wake Up! By Wes Annac, Culture of AwarenessDecember 16, 2015 Credit: I’d like to share some thoughts on the concept of a spiritual awakening for those who are confused about it. We hear a lot in the conscious community about waking up, being a part of the awakening, etc., and like other concepts, it can be difficult to understand what it actually means; especially if you interpret it literally. As you can probably guess, the term’s purpose isn’t to encourage people to physically awaken. It holds powerful metaphorical significance, however, because... more »

10 Quotes From George Orwell That Perfectly Predicted Modern Day Am...

10 Quotes From George Orwell That Perfectly Predicted Modern Day America. From Higher Perspective, December 15, 2015 There have always been fears for the future. The founding documents of the United States were written in order to protect future Americans from unknown threats and to guarantee rights to the people. Many of the founding mothers and fathers of the country were deeply concerned about the roles of central banking, moneyed interests, propaganda, and outside forces. Sad to say, many of their fears have come true, and no one bothers to understand the intent of their docu... more »

A Collection of The Most Insightful Eckhart Tolle Quotes.~ Earth We...

A Collection of The Most Insightful Eckhart Tolle Quotes. From Earth We Are One, December 15, 2015 Eckhart Tolle’s wisdom is well known worldwide and in his books The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment and A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose (Oprah’s Book Club, Selection 61) he got millions of people to better question their lives. In his teachings he gave an introspective of that question what is the meaning of life? Some of his quotes are deep in meaning that they need analyzing. *“To love is to recognize yourself in another.”* Eckhart Tolle We are ... more »

5 Reasons Why Personal/Spiritual Growth Is Like Hiking A Mountain. ...

5 Reasons Why Personal/Spiritual Growth Is Like Hiking A Mountain. by Jason DeMakis, Thanks to,December 16, 2015. [image: 5 Reasons Why Personal/Spiritual Growth Is Like Hiking A Mountain] This past weekend, I headed out to hike Mt. Monadnock. Located in Jaffrey, New Hampshire, it’s one of the most popular hikes in the region. Rising an impressive 3,165 feet above sea level, it was something I knew I had to experience! During our 3.5 hour hike, I came to several insightful realizations regarding the relationships between personal/spiritual growth, and making your way up... more »

11 Popular Chains Caught Selling Shrimp Made With Child Slave Labor...

11 Popular Chains Caught Selling Shrimp Made With Child Slave Labor. By Zach Cartwright,, December 15, 2015, Thanks to Collectively Conscious [image: 11-popular-chains-caught-selling-shrimp-made-with-child-slave-labor] *The shrimp on your dinner table was likely processed by a 13-year-old working for no pay.* The shrimp on your dinner table may have been processed by child slaves in Thailand. A bombshell investigation published today from the Associated Press revealed that a seafood staple in many Americans’ diets is made largely possible through forced labor in... more »

Is Everything You Hear About Conventional Medicine Wrong? ~ Sharon ...

Is Everything You Hear About Conventional Medicine Wrong? By Sharon Begley, Prevent Disease, December 15, 2015. If you follow the news about health research, you risk whiplash. First garlic lowers bad cholesterol, then–after more study–it doesn’t. Hormone replacement reduces the risk of heart disease in postmenopausal women, until a huge study finds that it doesn’t (and that it raises the risk of breast cancer to boot). Eating a big breakfast cuts your total daily calories, or not–as a study released last week finds. Yet even if biomedical research can be a fickle guide, we rely o... more »

You are an Action Figure in the Game of Life. ~ Adjuster via Anyas.

You are an Action Figure in the Game of Life.Thought Adjuster.Message received by Anyas. Oregon, US of A, November 29, 2015. Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, each life journey could be compared to the thrills that people experience when playing a video game. There are very intense moments during these games when the life of the hero is in jeopardy—again and again. The action figure represents you and through the hand-held commands of the game, you do your best to graduate from all levels of the game to master it. “The game of life is also packed with unexpected happenings. Each one ... more »

In Appreciation for the Resistance Movement ~ Prepare for change.

In Appreciation for the Resistance Movement.Prepare for change. Hello! As we Prepare for the Christmas season we reflect on the phenomenal Event that is about to happen and express appreciation for those whose lives have been dedicated to making thispossible. Origin In 1975, a certain intelligence agent under codename Michael was running for his life from Illuminati that were chasing him. He gathered around him a group of 12 operatives in order to protect himself. While on the run and in hiding, they discovered a maze of tunnels below the New York underground subway system.They... more »

Inner Guidance; Consult your Inner Guide. ~ Angel Wisdom via Sharon...

Inner Guidance.Consult your Inner Guide.Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn. December 15, 2015. It is helpful and important to find the space and quiet to connect and communicate with your inner guidance for you to see the results that you seek for yourself and your world. Of course it is always a choice, however if you are confused or indecisive, it is because you do not have enough information to go confidently, or you do not trust yourself or your journey or perhaps both and at the same time both of these are easily remedied when you make the time to strengthen this connection. ... more »

Into The Quiet. ~ Creator via Jennifer Farley.

Into The Quiet.The Creator Writings.Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner.DECEMBER 15, 2015 Reach down into the quiet place that exists within. What do you hear? Listen to your heart’s song, it will tell you exactly what it needs. Close your eyes. What do you see? Your dreams will tell you what you will receive. Creator. *Tanks to *URL: ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives:* *All articles are of the respective autho...more »

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