Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! -April 5, 2016 ~ 20 articles.

Sheldan Nidle, Apr, 05 2016.


Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation.

6 Imix, 14 Mac, 12 Manik [Apr, 05 2016]


In our last report, we briefly mentioned one of the eight sideshows being used by the dark cabal to maintain a degree of chaos in your realm. 

These dire sets of circumstances all have solutions, which many on your world are busily pursuing. The dark is watching as those who intend to move this globe into a much safer and sane reality work their magic on each of Gaia’s six major continents. These numerous “heroes”...

Tags: ascended masters, galactic federation, sheldan nidle, sirius, spiritual hierarchy

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Top 10 Indications or Proofs ISIS [ISIL] is a US-Israeli Creation



Top 10 Indications or Proofs ISIS [ISIL] is a US-Israeli Creation




Do you still think ISIS is radical Islam? Look a bit deeper. ISIS is a US-Israeli creation. Here at the top 10 proofs or indications.
ISIS is a US-Israeli creation, a fact as clear as the sky is blue. It’s a truth as black and white as the colors on their flag. For many alternative news readers, this may be patently obvious, but this article is...

Tags: freedom articles, makia freeman

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Glyphosate Discovered In California Wines, Including Those Made With Organic Grapes.


Glyphosate Discovered In California Wines, Including Those Made With Organic Grapes.

By Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

April 5, 2016.

On March 16th, Moms Across America received results from a test conducted by Microbe Inotech Lab of St. Louis, Missouri that showed 100 percent of the wines tested (10) contained the chemical glyphosate.

Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide, which is the most widely used herbicide on the planet. In the past two decades alone, many billions of pounds of this stuff have been sprayed all across America, and billions more all over the world.

Tags: arjun walia, collective evolution

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Threats and Rhetoric, but No Nuclear War in Our Future. - Steve Beckow.



Threats and Rhetoric, but No Nuclear War in Our Future.

By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia






The Arcturian Group said on April 4:

“Try not to fear or panic as you observe chaos in the outer scene. Limit your involvement with television news and much of its programming. Media in general have become simply a propaganda tool for promoting violence and the idea of humans as ignorant and stupid, all of which is serving to keep fear and obsolete concepts alive and well.”  (1)
If one reads Ben Fulford’s...

Tags: golden age of gaia, steve beckow

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Being Spiritual and Political, All At Once. - Suzanne Maresca.



Being Spiritual and Political, All At Once.

By Suzanne Maresca, Golden Age of Gaia



For anyone sick of reading about American politics, I understand.

The thing is that right now, we have a real opportunity to do things differently. The establishment candidates tell us that change is too hard and that we don’t understand the system and how it works.

You know what? For me that is so true. And what is also true is that I don’t want to understand it, but I do want it to go away.

If we subscribe to...


Tags: golden age of gaia, suzanne maresca

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Connecting to the New Earth Grid. ~ Emmanuel Dagher.



Connecting to the New Earth Grid. 

By Emmanuel Dagher.

 Energy Forecast.

April 2016


Dear Friend,

It's always a gift for me to be able to connect with you in this way.

In the last Forecast, I mentioned that we would leave March completely different from how we entered it.

If you are someone who pays close attention to the inner and outer world, you've probably noticed that, whether they feel to be subtle or not so subtle, big changes are occurring in your life, and in the world.

These changes were greatly supported by the celestial...

Tags: emmanuel dagher, energy forecast, new earth

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Statism in a Nutshell: From Thievery to Tyranny in Five Easy Steps.


Statism in a Nutshell: 

From Thievery to Tyranny in Five Easy Steps.

 By Gary Z McGee, Waking Times


April 5, 2016.







“Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.” ~Unknown proverb
War is murder, no matter how you try to justify it. Taxation is theft, no matter how you try to codify it. Statism is tyranny, no matter how you try to rationalize it. No amount of justification, codification, and rationalization...

Tags: gary z mcgee, waking times

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Medical Marijuana Bill Heads to Senate in This Eastern U.S. State. - Julie Fidler




Medical Marijuana Bill Heads to Senate in This Eastern U.S. State.

By Julie Fidler, Natural Society


It’s a great time in Pennsylvania! The state House voted 149-43 to legalize medical marijuana, but it gets even better. If the bill is signed into law, cannabis would be a legal treatment option for autism, making Pennsylvania the first state to specifically include the condition.
The vote made Pennsylvania the 24th state in the Union to pass such a law. The measure will allow people suffering from conditions such as epilepsy, multiple...

Tags: cannabis, julie fidler, medical marijuana, natural society

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Ultimate Truth. ~The Creator via Jennifer Farley.



Ultimate Truth.

The Creator Writings.

transcribed by Jennifer Farley, 

ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner.

April 5, 2016


To some, Ultimate Truth is subjective. 
To others, it is absolute. 
Which do you want yours to be? 
Live in authenticity! 

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here.

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

More @ ...

Tags: creator writings, jennifer farley

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Superconducting Levitation Thruster crowdfunding campaign!



Superconducting Levitation Thruster crowdfunding campaign!

Posted by Colaborama

April 2, 2016 


Self-levitating reactionless thruster, 9 times more powerful than the Space Shuttle main engine.


Few technologies literally transform the world.  Examples include the invention of the wheel, the development of the automobile, or the creation of the internet.  If it works as the math appears to show, the Nassikas thruster-II (version 2) would be such a game changing technology.
This superconducting thruster was invented by Dr. Athanassios Nassikas, a professor formally with the Technological Educational Institute of Thessaly, Greece (recently retired).  Early in 2015...

Tags: colaborama, levitation

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A Vision for Cooperation.


A Vision for Cooperation.

The Vision Alignment Project.

We picture a world where we have completely revamped the entire structure of our culture so that competition (except in sporting events) is a thing of the past; where no man, woman, or child is pitted against another in order to gather unto themselves the basic needs of life; and where - since there is such abundance and such an equitable system of distribution for our goods and services - all people everywhere are simply being given everything they need to survive, sustain and enjoy their lives to the fullest.


Tags: a vision, alignment project

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Prepare For Change - 2016/04/05.



Prepare for Change

Former science chief: ‘MMR fears coming true’
2016-04-01 18:25:05-04

A former Government medical officer responsible for deciding whether medicines are safe has accused the Government of “utterly inexplicable complacency” over the MMR triple vaccine for children. Dr Peter Fletcher, who was Chief Scientific Officer at the Department of Health, said if it is proven that the jab causes autism, “the refusal by governments to ... Read more

Who Really Owns and Controls the Military-Industrial Complex?
2016-04-02 02:19:17-04

This information is available online, but Google recently took the hard numbers and turned them into...

Tags: prepare for change

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An Inner Transformation. ~Beloved One via Lytske.



An Inner Transformation.

Teacher: The Beloved One.

Message received by Lytske.

Urantia, March 20, 2016.

The Beloved One: “Now you are wondering where do we go from here? This subject of inner transformation indeed goes very deep, one you actually never even considered, as you are prone to having your human ‘ups and downs.’ However, let me assure you that most humans on this planet do not even remotely entertain the thought as to how they can help themselves spiritually to become more than they are. They are usually happy with the status quo.

“Just the idea alone,...


Tags: beloved one, lytske

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Ask The Masters, 4 April 2016 - Toni and Peter.


Ask The Masters.

 By The Celestial Voices.


Through Toni and Peter.

4 April 2016


A preview of the Masters' Tuesday Teachings.
A man in the UK is confused about people's varying attitudes toward sex and how it relates to love. What is so complex for many here on Earth is, as usual, fairly simple and straightforward for the Masters. 
In the USA, a woman striving to find her own answers doesn't trust herself. Her plight might resonate with you, and the Masters' answer should help. 
A "psychic" in India has given our...

Tags: ask the masters, celestial voices, toni and peter

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Pay close attention to your new thoughts and ideas. ~Angel Wisdom - Sharon Taphorn.





Pay close attention to your new thoughts and ideas.

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn.

April 5, 2016..


Go to your still, quiet place deep within and ask for what you seek. The angels want you to know that whatever you seek to know is within you. Then, notice and follow the ideas you receive. These thoughts are answers to your prayers so don't discount them as mere imagination. The angels want you to trust in your messages and act on them. Act as if these thoughts and ideas are already manifested.
Use the energy from...

Tags: angel wisdom, sharon taphorn

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Franklin Merrell-Wolff on the Inner Fire – Part 1 /2 ~ Wes Annac.



Franklin Merrell-Wolff on the Inner Fire.

Part 1 /2

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness.



The Teachers Speak (KEEP)




This is a part of The Teachers Speak, a series of articles on the Culture of Awareness.
“Fire is burning, man pull your own weight!” – Bob Marley

If you read my writings often, you might be familiar with the inner fire or violet flame. I usually use it in reference to inspiration from Source, but as we’ll learn here, it has far more uses than providing creative inspiration. This is...

Tags: bliss, culture of awareness, deep breathing, franklin merrell-wolff, wes annac

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Cedella Marley: Be Aware of Your Perspective,



Be Aware of Your Perspective.


Positive Vibrations, 

by Cedella Marley, A Nice Time

 April 5, 2016.





Often when people find it hard to be happy it is because they see the past better than it was, the present worse than it is, and the future less than it will be.

Be aware of your perspective so you can work to keep your focus positive. Your view on life will change. 
One love…

Tags: a nice time, cedella marley, positive vibrations

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Jon Rappoport: I Review a Mind-Control Review of VAXXED.



Jon Rappoport: 

I Review a Mind-Control Review of VAXXED

 By Jon Rappoport, Activist Post

April 5, 2016.




Vaxxed opened this weekend at the Angelika Film Center in New York, after being censored at the Tribeca Film Festival.

My analysis of how a conformist film critic operates, starting with the basics, which of course involve mind control.

Where did the word “official” come from?

Mainstream media is all about what the audience wants to hold on to.

The audience wants stability.

When you boil it down, this means they want something official.


Tags: activist post, jon rappoport

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Harvesting Fresh Water From Fog Is Now 500% More Efficient.



Harvesting Fresh Water From Fog Is Now 500% More Efficient.

From Earth We Are One

April 5, 2016.


Could water within fog be harvested and turned into drinking water? A team of scientists thought that was an interesting idea…

Harvesting fog could help provide drinking water to some of the driest regions on Earth.  In the Moroccan desert, for example, black nets collect over 15 gallons of water per square yard of netting every 24 hours.
The nets pull water out of the fog that drives up into the...


Tags: earth we are one

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Refocusing the Debate: Vaccinations Vs. Immunisations. ~Phillip J. Watt.



Refocusing the Debate: Vaccinations Vs. Immunisations.

By Phillip J. Watt, The Mind Unleashed

April 5, 2016.



Let’s make one thing super clear: those who both support and condemn vaccinations have one striking similarity – they both want what’s best for our kids.

The problem is though, this whole fiasco has become a giant mess.​ The public debate is diluted, unfocused, emotional and abusive; both camps will sometimes even accuse each other of being ‘child killers’ and it has even fallen to the depths of a pro-vaxer saying “May your children die of a communicable disease...

Tags: mind unleashed, phillip j. watt

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You are completely supported by the Source. - Saul via John Smallman.



You are always completely supported by your divine Source.

Message from Saul (Paul).

Through John Smallman.



 Saul Audio Blog for Tuesday April 5th

The breakthrough leading to humanity's awakening has occurred! The tipping point has been reached and the balance has now moved irreversibly in favor of your awakening. You have been waiting eons for this moment, the moment when the collective realizes that dissension, confrontation, and conflict will never resolve the issues that appear to divide you. You are all one, with differences in race, culture, creed, and skin color that...

Tags: john smallman paulo saul

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Views: 75


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