Whoop dee doo! Here we are again … In High spirits, ready to receive in order to give. Go for it. In accordance with that in which we choose to give … and therefore, for many to receive, we offer this day a challenge … of sorts. How exciting. It is to be that in future days your widespread thoughts are to be of interest to those who had not been ready until these current days … and in order to allow intrigue;... [More]Tags: blossom goodchild federation of light
Posted at: 10:09 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink | | del.icio.usVibrational Roadblocks – What To Do Next! ~ Michelle Walling.
Vibrational Roadblocks.
What To Do Next!
April 27, 2016
Congratulations on learning how to raise your vibrational frequency! You may be wondering what to do next, and you also may have had some unexpected challenges that have left you wondering if you are doing the right thing. What is the next step beyond raising your vibration and when do the challenges end?
As a part of spiritual awakening, we learned that the world has existed in a lower vibrational frequency which has kept us lulled into complacency in a walking sleep state. You...
Tags: in5d.com, michelle walling
Posted at: 10:08 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink | | del.icio.us
31 Ways to Quickly Regain Inner Peace. ~ Marquita Herald.
31 Ways to Quickly Regain Inner Peace.
April 27, 2016.
Even when we know all the right things to do to manage the stress of this noisy, hectic world of ours, it’s natural for there to occasionally be times when even the most confident among us needs to sooth overwhelmed emotions, calm frayed nerves and regain inner peace. There are of course many ways to do this, but it helps to create a list of resources (think of it as your stress management toolkit) to have on hand for just when you...
Tags: emotionally resilient living, marquita herald
Posted at: 10:07 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink | | del.icio.us
Freemasonry: The Infiltration, Downfall, and Revival – Part 2 - Wes Annac.
The Infiltration, Downfall, and Revival – Part 2
Continued from Part 1
April 27, 2016.
Credit: lenoxreign.com
The Nationwide Revolt Against Freemasonry
A monument, the William Morgan Pillar, was erected in Batavia, New York to honor Morgan – the Mason who died for exposing the organization’s secrets to the world. A “huge political movement” took root as the Anti-Masonic party was formed and meetings occurred everywhere at the state level to rid Freemasonry from society altogether. Since the states carried most of the power at this time, it was a big...
Tags: culture of awareness, freemasonry, wes annac
Posted at: 10:06 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink | | del.icio.us
Saul via John Smallman. ~ Everyone has “stuff” buried or denied that is arising.
Everyone has “stuff” buried or denied that is arising.
Message from Saul. (Paul)
The sense of humanity's Oneness is arising in millions of people all across the planet, and as it does so it is then being sensed by millions more. The collective intent to awaken is stirring humanity and there is no going back! Your awakening is inevitable and imminent. News of worldwide suffering and deprivation, regardless of the cause or reason for these unhappy situations, is inspiring compassion on a scale never before...
Tags: john smallman, paul, saul
Posted at: 10:04 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink | | del.icio.us
Planetary Negotiations – The Power We Have. ~ by Therese Zumi
Planetary Negotiations.
The Power We Have.
April 25, 2016
There are constant negotiations concerning the Earth situation between Light and Dark forces. Little information about them reaches us but they are very decisive of what happens to us. One of the main objects of these negotiations is us, the surface population, as we are being held hostage by the dark. Light forces are far more numerous and have far more power than dark forces, but holding beings hostage has given dark forces more leverage in negotiations. It is just like a hostage situation in...
Tags: planetary negotiations, therese zumi
Posted at: 10:03 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink | | del.icio.us
The New Kingdom of the Goddess Has Arrived. ~ Therese Zumi
This article is about the power of collective force. It aims to show how the combined efforts of Lightworkers of all kinds have cooperated on every level and every dimension to allow the Goddess presence to once again take its rightful place on this beautiful planet Gaia. It’s already happened! We now have the Goddess energy firmly planted on this planet again! We may not yet have the physical evidence of this energy completely verified with things like a new financial system and...
Tags: goddess, therese zumi
Posted at: 10:01 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink | | del.icio.us
Sheldan Nidle - Apr, 26 2016.
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation.
Dratzo! Great progress is being made to get your blessings to the correct bank accounts.
The dark has continued to try to delay this operation and it has mostly failed. A number of key developments did nevertheless occur. China began the process of moving to a gold standard with the announcement of the gold Yuan in Shanghai. The young royals in Europe approved the shift of vast sums of monies and the ancient families in...
Tags: ascended masters, galactic federation, sheldan nidle, sirius, spiritual hierarchy
Posted at: 10:00 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink | | del.icio.us
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