Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! -April 20, 2016 ~ 21 posts.

Accepting Responsibility. The Creator via Jennifer Farley.



Accepting Responsibility.

The Creator Writings.

transcribed by Jennifer Farley,

ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner

April 20, 2016.



If someone is making you feel good, bad, angry or hurt, you are denying your own truth and choosing to let someone else have the responsibility for your existence. 

Ultimately, you are the only person responsible for you. 


Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here.

Individually you can be...

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A Basketball-Sized Mass Of Lymphoblasts Was In Her Chest & Her Parents Said No To Full Body Radiation.



A Basketball-Sized Mass Of Lymphoblasts Was In Her Chest & Her Parents Said No To Full Body Radiation.

By Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution 

April 20, 2016.



It wasn’t long ago that a group of federal researchers commissioned by the United States government discovered that the two most common cannabinoids in marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), weaken the ferocity of cancer cells and render them more susceptible to radiation treatment. This marked a major shift in the federal stance on cannabis, particularly since, historically, the US government and other major medical health bodies (like...

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The World Is Rediscovering the Medical Benefits Of Psychedelic Plants.



The World Is Rediscovering the Medical Benefits Of Psychedelic Plants.

By Steven Maxwell, Waking Times

April 20, 2016.

Psychedelic Plant Medicines
This week Pennsylvania and Ohio announced plans to legalize medical marijuana, which will make them the 24th and 25th states to officially recognize its medicinal value. Because marijuana is successfully helping so many people cope with a host of ailments with few side effects, some other plant medicines are becoming popular for treating things like depression, drug addiction, PTSD and much more.
Where pharmaceuticals are failing, exotic plant-based psychedelics seem to be succeeding,...

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Obama Administration Makes Stunning Admission: “Seed Money For Al Qaeda Came From Saudi Arabia”



Obama Administration Makes Stunning Admission: 

Seed Money For Al Qaeda Came From Saudi Arabia” 

Tyler Durden,, 

April 18, 2016 

Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia   


Photo: Deputy National Security Adviser For Strategic Communications Ben Rhodes Credit:

Note from Steve Beckow: Everyone is rushing to admit the sins of their neighbor.

Obama Administration Makes Stunning Admission: “Seed Money For Al Qaeda Came From Saudi Arabia” 

Tyler Durden,, April 18, 2016 

Following a dramatic deterioration in official diplomatic channels between the US and Saudi Arabia when over the weekend the Saudis...

Tags: al qaedagolden age of gaiaobamasaudi arabiasteve beckowtyler

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Steve Beckow: I Can No Longer Afford to Run My Number.


I Can No Longer Afford to Run My Number. 

By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia

April 20, 2016.

I was bemoaning to myself the weight of responsibility today and wanting to resort to one of the many acts I play to avoid it. 

Ahhh, I don’t care. 

Ahhh, find someone else. 

Ahhh, I’m going home. 


A quitter? Definitely. That fits with my whole stick-in-the-mud act, the only way the runt of the litter could get attention. 

I was an obstruction – always. And all my other views of life were colored by this role that I chose...

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Soda Off the Menu for Kids at Applebee’s, IHOP, and Others.



Soda Off the Menu for Kids at Applebee’s, IHOP, and Others.

By Anna Scanlon, Natural Society

April 20, 2016.

Parents have it a little easier when dining out these days: Applebee’s has decided to remove soda from the children’s menu, with IHOP following suit. Children and parents can still request their favorite bubbly beverage, but it simply won’t appear on the menu. [1] 

Tom Linafelt, of DineEquity (which owns both companies) was quoted as saying, “While soft drinks are still available by request, we believe this is a small step in assisting parents when dining out, as...

Tags: anna scanlonnatural society

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Sheldan Nidle, 2016/04/19.


Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation.


7 Men, 8 Kank’in, 12 Manik (2016/04/19)

Dratzo! Your world is slowly moving toward the divine resolution of the inevitable bankruptcy of USA, Inc. 

The American regime has managed to forestall the inevitable. Nevertheless, the time has come for the world’s major governmental change to manifest. The amount of guile and plain outright lying has finally run its course. The continued obstinacy to change of the American regime can no longer be maintained. Too many governments have left its side. Too many major economies have abandoned...

Tags: ascended mastersgalactic federationsheldan nidlesiriusspiritual hierarchy

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Montague Keen - 2016/04/17 ~ Veronica Keen.


Message from Montague Keen.

Through Veronica Keen. 

April 17, 2016

Carl Jung 

You will all experience, this weekend, immense pressure from the Cabal to hold you in their control. They are using every dirty trick in their arsenal in order to succeed in their bid to take over your world. Do not allow yourselves to be pressured into giving up your struggle for freedom. You are knocking at the door that will lead you to freedom. 

Because of...

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Amazing Discovery: Plant Blood Enables Your Cells To Capture Sunlight Energy.


Amazing Discovery: 

Plant Blood Enables Your Cells To Capture Sunlight Energy.

by Colaborama

April 20, 2016. 

What if conventional wisdom regarding our most fundamental energy requirements has been wrong all along and we can directly harness the energy of the Sun when we consume ‘plant blood’? 

Plants are amazing, aren’t they? They have no need to roam about hunting other creatures for food, because they figured out a way to capture the energy of the Sun directly through these little light-harvesting molecules known as chlorophyll; a molecule, incidentally, which bears uncanny resemblance to human blood because it is structurally...

Tags: cellscolaboramaplantsunlight energy

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Science Finally Proves Meridians Exist.


Science Finally Proves Meridians Exist.

by Colaborama

April 20, 2016 

What the Merging of Spirituality and Science means for you 

“In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy.” – Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Biochemist and Nobel Prize Winner. 

For centuries the ancient wisdom keepers and healers in several traditions had a keen understanding of the energetic body. The healing traditions from China, India, Japan and Tibet, as well as other countries all spoke of energy channels, meridians or nadis along which the vital energy flowed. 

Life was considered to be a bio-electrical and...

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Jesus: Fundamental to This Year of Extraordinary Change is the Expansion of Heart Consciousness.



Fundamental to This Year of Extraordinary Change is the Expansion of Heart Consciousness.

by Therese Zumi Sumner

April 19, 2016, April 16, 2016 

Greetings, I am Jesus Sananda. Yes, Master, Keeper of the Magenta Flame, and yes, in trinity with the Buddha, with Maitreya, my brother of the East, Horseman of the East, many ways related to Archangel Uriel, Bringer of the Future, and my brothers and sisters, the future is now. 

I have said to thee that 2016 is a year of extraordinary change, and those changes, beloveds, are well underway. Open your eyes,...

Tags: consciousnessjesustherese zumi

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China Launches Yuan Gold Fix To “Exert More Control Over Price Of Gold”


China Launches Yuan Gold Fix To “Exert More Control Over Price Of Gold”

by Colaborama

April 19, 2016

Overnight a historic event took place when China, the world’s top gold consumer, launched a yuan-denominated gold benchmark as had been previewed here previously, in what Reuters dubbed “an ambitious step to exert more control over the pricing of the metal and boost its influence in the global bullion market.” Considering the now officially-confirmed rigging of the gold and silver fix courtesy of last week’s Deutsche Bank settlement, this is hardly bad news and may finally lead to some rigging cartel...

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Human brain hard-wired for rural tranquillity.


Human brain hard-wired for rural tranquillity.

by Colaborama

April 19, 2016. 

Humans may be hard-wired to feel at peace in the countryside and confused in cities – even if they were born and raised in an urban area. 

According to preliminary results of a study by scientists at Exeter University, an area of the brain associated with being in a calm, meditative state lit up when people were shown pictures of rural settings. But images of urban environments resulted in a significant delay in reaction, before a part of the brain involved in processing visual complexity swung into action...

Tags: braincolaborama

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The Implosion of the House of Saud.


The Implosion of the House of Saud.

by Colaborama.

April 19, 2016 

The Panama Papers psyops revealed that – ailing – King Salman of Saudi Arabia is among a roast of notorious offshore profiteers “in relation” to “associates”. 

The House of Saud used British Virgin Islands shell companies to take out at least $34 million in mortgages for lavish houses in London and “a luxury yacht the size of a football field”. And yet Western corporate media has given it a glaring pass. Quite predictable: House of Saud notables feature heavily among prime Western vassals. 

As it stands,...

Tags: colaboramapanama paperssaudsaudi arabia

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Forces of Light and Forces of Darkness. Cobra article (04-17-2012)


Forces of Light and Forces of Darkness.

Cobra article (04-17-2012)

by Colaborama

April 18, 2016 


Galactic Confederation. Also called Galactic Federation. This is a loose confederate union of positive civilizations within this Galaxy, such as Pleiadians, Sirians, Arcturians… Its leaders are ascended masters, beings that live in enlightened state of consciousness. Ashtar Command is a section of Galactic Confederation which primary function is to liberate planet Earth from the grip of the dark forces. 

They have many physical motherships in Earth orbit that are cloaked with tachyonic membrane and are thus non-detectable for all optical/radar instruments of...

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5 Elements Practice. ~ from Untwine.


5 Elements Practice.

 from Untwine.

by Therese Zumi Sumner

April 16, 2016 

Connecting with the 5 elements is a very efficient and powerful practice that can help us to stay healthy, balanced and centered, especially as the Galactic waves arrive to us. The idea here is to connect at least a little bit to each of the 5 elements, ideally on a daily basis. 

Here are a few examples of how you can connect to each of them : 


– Making a fire (using natural materials)
– Sun gazing
– Burning holy smoke (palo santo, sage, incense, etc)...

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The Law of Cause and Effect. ~ Beloved One via Lytske.



The Law of Cause and Effect.

Teacher: The Beloved One.

Message received by Lytske.

Urantia, April 9, 2016.

The Beloved One: “Once again we set ourselves the task of keeping a sacred promise a long time ago made to be of ‘mutual’ support toward one another. You know very well that God desires willing workers on the ground to be His hands, his feet and to do His bidding when they get prompted. Oftentimes it is unbeknownst to them as to when they did something out of the ordinary or spoke some helpful words to some distraught soul...

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When “stuff” comes up . . . rejoice! ~ Jesus via John Smallman.



When “stuff” comes up . . . rejoice!

Message from Jesus* through John Smallman.

April 19, 2016.

As the moment of humanity's awakening approaches, many are experiencing unexpected emotions of great intensity arising into their awareness – the remembering and re-experiencing of long forgotten or deeply buried trauma – “stuff' that they thought was over and done with, that they thought was healed. Childhood wounds and suffering are often very deeply buried to enable the child to survive and grow, but in later life they surface to be healed,...

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Sending out Healing Love Energy to a Beautiful Lady


Sending out Healing Love Energy to a Beautiful Lady

Our dear friend, Richard recently spoke with Suzy Star, and has kept Bob and me updated. Here is what we have recently been told. 
Suzy had a fall several days ago, and has been in the hospital and then in re-hab. She had another fall a couple days ago, and she has 2 bone breaks and the bone is crushed in between those breaks. She will not be going home at all. She is said to remain in hospital until ready to be moved to rehab. No mention made...

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Prepare For Change - 201/04/20.



Prepare for Change

5 Elements Practice ~ from Untwine
2016-04-16 03:52:31-04

Connecting with the 5 elements is a very efficient and powerful practice that can help us to stay healthy, balanced and centered, especially as the Galactic waves arrive to us. The idea here is to connect at least a little bit to each of the 5 elements, ideally on a daily basis. Here are a ... Read more

Amish people don’t suffer from autism, they ARE NOT vaccinated
2016-04-18 06:32:28-04

An interesting fact is that children of The Amish people who live in the US...

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Blossom Goodchild, April 20th 2016.


Mesage from Federation of Light.

Through Blossom Goodchild.

April 20th 2016.



Hello my dear friends. I have been busy in my acting body, yet, I have some time today to step into my channelling body. So, let’s give it a whirl shall we? I have missed you.
Welcome back into this moment of unity Dearest Blossom. We too, are eager to continue forth with our communications, yet, it is fully understood this is reserved for when it is applicable and convenient to you.
Thank you. So, last time you spoke of something...

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