Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! -April 18, 2016 ~ 18 posts.

Benjamin Fulford. 2016/04/18 ~ Red and Green Asian secret societies under new leadership..


Red and Green Asian secret societies under new leadership..

By Benjamin Fulford. 

April 18, 2016



Last week a representative claiming to be from the head family of the Hongmen Worldwide Chinese Union informed the White Dragon Society that the Red and Green were under new leadership. He said “when the Asian giant moves, the earth will shake but our goal is world peace.” Not much more can be written about the Red and Blue and WDS talks however, you can be sure big events will unfold soon.

There is also a lot of chatter from...

Tags: benjamin fulfordsecret societies

Posted at: 21:39 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Hilarion, 2016/04/17 ~ Marlene Swetlishoff.


Message from Hilarion.

Through Marlene Swetlishoff.


April 17-24, 2016 

(Repost from March 22-29, 2015) 

Beloved Ones, 

There is a sense of accomplishment on the inner planes as the cosmic alignments and human activities are taking place upon your planet. Your loving energies have been given and applied where it is needed the most and every particle has been utilized for the highest good of all, with loving gratitude and appreciation for your efforts. You are loved so very much by your Family of Light! Every particle of Light expands and fills all the places and spaces that are...

Tags: hilarion marlene swetlishoff

Posted at: 21:38 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Do For You. ~The Creator via Jennifer Farley.


Do For You.

The Creator Writings.

transcribed by Jennifer Farley.

ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner.

April 18, 2016.


If you want to draw love – love yourself.
If you want to be surrounded by truth – be as truthful as you can with yourself.
If you want to be respected by those around you – start by respecting yourself.
Is it perfection you seek? Realize, throughout your whole self, that everything is perfect even though it may not appear to be on the surface. 

Tanks to URL:

Please respect...

Tags: creator writingsjennifer farley

Posted at: 21:37 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

He Cured His Cancer By Giving Unconditionally – An Incredible Story Of Self Healing.



He Cured His Cancer By Giving Unconditionally. 

An Incredible Story Of Self Healing.

By Sharmini Gana, Collective Evolution



April 18, 2016.

This is the incredible story of how Brice Royer healed himself of cancer through giving to others unconditionally.

Most of this article is in Brice’s own words – through research and firsthand experience, he has become an expert in unconditional giving and paying it forward since being diagnosed with cancer in 2012.

First, a bit of background for those of you not familiar with Brice’s story: Four years ago, Brice was diagnosed with stomach cancer,...

Tags: cancercollective evolutionhealingsharmini gana

Posted at: 21:35 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Saudi Arabia Threatens to Crash the Dollar if Congress Exposes their Role in 9/11 Attacks.



Saudi Arabia Threatens to Crash the Dollar if Congress Exposes their Role in 9/11 Attacks.

 By Jay Syrmopoulos, 

Activist Post, April 17, 2016

Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia

April 18, 2016.


Note from Steve Beckow: The hangouts are getting less limited, but they’re still hangouts. (1) 

Saudi Arabia Threatens to Crash the Dollar if Congress Exposes their Role in 9/11 Attacks 

By Jay Syrmopoulos, 

Activist Post, April 17, 2016 

A bombshell report by the New York Times has revealed that Saudi Arabia, the third largest holder of U.S. Treasury bills in...

Tags: 911 attacksgolden age of gaiajay syrmopoulossaudi arabia

Posted at: 21:33 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

I Let Go. ~ Steve Beckow.




I Let Go.

By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia 

April 18, 2016.

I’m watching myself “gaming” another. 

Yes, I play games. 

Here’s this one: When I was a young child, I was the youngest in my family. And the only way I could get anyone to pay attention to me was by putting a stick in the wheel. 

Over the years I developed being a stick-in-the-mud, a game-changer and an obstructionist to a very fine degree. One university prof kicked me out of his class when I didn’t do anything. He didn’t care. That...

Tags: golden age of gaiasteve beckow

Posted at: 21:32 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Powerful Omega-3s in Fish Shown to Protect the Brain. ~Julie Fidler.




Powerful Omega-3s in Fish Shown to Protect the Brain.

By Julie Fidler, Natural Society 

April 18, 2016. 

For years pregnant women have been told to limit their fish consumption due to high levels of mercury in some types of seafood. However, a recent study has found pregnant women who eat some of the same fish they’ve been told to avoid may confer protective effects on fetal brain development and protection against autism. 

study of almost 2,000 pairs of mothers and children from the Spanish Childhood and Environment Project assessed the first trimester of pregnancy to...

Tags: julie fidlernatural societyomega-3

Posted at: 21:31 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

You Can Make the Weather. ~Adjuster via Anyas.



You Can Make the Weather.

Thought Adjuster.

Message received by Anyas.

Oregon, USA, April 8, 2016.





Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, let us talk about the weather — a different type of weather — the ambient climate of your being. Human beings have their own climatic zone based on the emotions they harbor and feed. This is a powerful piece of information. You have the power to call the shots as concerns your inner weather. 

“The planetary weather is strongly influenced by the highs and lows of atmospheric pressures. Either they either bring clear skies...

Tags: anyasthought adjuster

Posted at: 21:30 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Creativity and the Evolution of the Soul. ~By Wes Annac.




Creativity and the Evolution of the Soul.

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

April 18, 2016


The following was written for the 194th issue of The Culture of Awareness Weekly Newsletter, which I offer for $11.11 a month.

Income from the newsletter helps me get by and ensures I can continue to offer free writings, and every subscription is appreciated. The option to subscribe is given at the bottom of this post. 

To begin for this week – I’ve been writing a lot about creativity’s role in the evolution of the soul, because...

Tags: creativityculture of awarenesswes annac

Posted at: 21:28 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Lisa Gawlas: The Rise in Energies, the Stillness in Life!!



The Rise in Energies, the Stillness in Life!! 

By Lisa Gawlas, The Shift of Time and Energy 

April 18, 2016.



There is some major energy being released as we trek thru the rest of this month. As my first connection of the day showed, sheez it’s rising up from the ground and flowing down from the sky. 

What I found interesting with my virgin man upon my morning (and for those who don’t know what I mean by that, it was a man I never read for before, but I was also virgin, he never...

Tags: lisa gawlasshift of time and energy

Posted at: 21:26 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

1 Million Children Meditating For World Peace In Thailand.


1 Million Children Meditating For World Peace In Thailand.

By Nate Max, Thanks to

April 18, 2016.

5000 schools together. 1 million ‪‎children‬ meditating for world ‪‎peace‬ at the Phra Shammakaya Temple of ‪‎Thailand‬. 

Meditation only works for the individual with inner peace, not for greedy and corrupt people; they have no heart and no soul, nothing is going to happen but war from them. 

Having peaceful and noble thoughts are great as it creates positive vibration, but equally Dharma must teach you to be so strong that evil forces do not attack and over power oneself....

Tags: in5d.commeditationnate maxthailandworld peace

Posted at: 21:25 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Meet the Nephilim: A Hybrid Species That Inhabited Earth.




Meet the Nephilim: 

A Hybrid Species That Inhabited Earth.


From Earth We Are One

April 18, 2016


The Nephilim were a race of giants who came to dominate before the Great Flood; these mysterious beings are referred to in ancient texts as Giants, descendants from the Fallen Angels. They were the product of illicit relations between fallen angels and human women before the flood and Noah’s Ark.

From Earth We Are One

The word ‘Nephilim’ is the is the untranslated pronunciation of untranslated Hebrew Nephilim: fallen feller: a tyrant or bully, Giant and in...


Tags: earth we are onehybrid speciesnephilim

Posted at: 21:23 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Seattle, Olympia to be Sprayed With Bacteria Used For GMO Genetics (Bt): to Treat Moths.



Seattle, Olympia to be Sprayed With Bacteria Used For GMO Genetics (Bt): to Treat Moths. 

By Cassius KamarampiEra of Wisdom

April 18, 2016.



(Era of Wisdom) Today is the beginning of a pesticide-bacteria spraying program in Western Washington, authorized by the Washington State Department of Agriculture. The stated purpose is to kill Asian and European gypsy moths. 

Here is a map of the areas being sprayed. 


Approved by authorities and opposed by many people, they decided to spray a bacteria with pesticide properties called Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), the...

Tags: cassius kamarampiera of wisdomgmosseattle

Posted at: 21:21 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

This Desk-Size Turbine Produces Electricity from Carbon Dioxide and Can Power 10,000 Homes!


This Desk-Size Turbine Produces Electricity from Carbon Dioxide and Can Power 10,000 Homes!  

By Anna LeMind, The Mind Unleashed

April 18, 2016.



General Electric (GE) Global Research has just announced the development of a prototype turbine which converts carbon dioxide into electricity. While the size of the turbine does not exceed that of a desk, the inventors say it could actually power a town of 10,000 homes! 

This sounds really promising, given that this innovation has the potential to help solve two critical issues of the modern world – CO2 pollution and energy crisis – at...

Tags: anna lemindcarbon dioxidedesk-size turbineelectricitymind unleashed

Posted at: 18:44 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Be Assertive! ~Angel Wisdom; Sharon Taphorn.




Be Assertive!

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn.

April 18, 2016


When it comes to making your dreams a reality or when you know what is right and best for you, be assertive and keep focused on what is important and your priorities. Things might get in the way just to be sure this what you truly want but really, you already know in your heart what is right. You have great courage or you would not be here, it is time that you see this in yourself as others already do. 

Be prepared for action as...


Tags: angel wisdomsharon taphorn

Posted at: 18:41 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |





Through Suzanne Lie

April 16, 2016















Do you remember me from our first days on Lemuria? Within that NOW we were only Lightbody, and many of us lived within the NOW of the HERE before Gaia’s resonance fell into the lower dimensions. When Gaia fell into the fourth, and then the third dimensional, I, your Lightbody hid inside your increasingly dense form.




Now, I AM hidden inside your costume of flesh. I await...


Tags: lightbodysuzanne lie

Posted at: 07:55 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Prayers You Offer for Others are Your Ticket to Higher Consciousness. A Gabriel; Shanta G.



The Prayers You Offer for Others are Your Ticket to Higher Consciousness.

Mesage from Archangel Gabriel.

Through Shanta Gabriel.

April 17, 2016.


We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

For this week's issue, the message from Archangel Gabriel is reminding us about the Power of Prayer.

The Gabriel Message Card for this Week

The prayers you offer for others are a ticket to Higher Consciousness, because the gifts and blessings sent out in Light and Love have...

Tags: archangel gabrielshanta gabriel

Posted at: 07:48 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Co-Create. ~ The Creator via Jennifer Farley.



The Creator Writings.

transcribed by Jennifer Farley, 

ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner.

April 17, 2016.


How can you create if you are in a position of supplication? Stand up and co-create with The Universe. It is a joy and a pleasure to assist you!


Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here.

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

More @

Tags: creator writingsjennifer farley

Posted at: 06:17 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |



A Website, a Global Electronic Newsletter,
A Thought, A Way of Life, 
ISSUE #207
APRIL 2016
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This newsletter has been in circulation, hard copy and online, since 1986 
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