The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Large scale hostilities in an undeclared war being fought in deep space, Mars and on Earth between two secret space program alliances have come to a temporary halt according to the latest in a series of disclosures by secret space program whistleblower, Corey Goode (aka GoodETxSG). In part one of his responses to a new set of questions (see below), Corey describes a complex planetary situation involving multiple space programs, both modern and ancient, and extraterrestrial civilizations in a struggle for dominance over how much information and technology will be released to the rest of surface humanity. For some, Corey’s disclosures are a product of fertile imagination appropriate for a coming Star Wars episode. There is good reason, however, to seriously consider Corey’s information as possibly the most comprehensive disclosures ever to emerge of what is really happening behind the scenes in the most highly classified space programs taking place on Earth and our solar system.
According to Corey, on the one side of the conflict is a positive (service-to-other) Secret Space Program (SSP) Alliance comprising the first secret space program created by the U.S. military, “Solar Warden,” and its allies, a number of ancient human space programs and friendly human-looking extraterrestrial races that is genetically linked to humanity. The “SSP Alliance” essentially wants surface humanity to learn the truth about its ancient space programs, extraterrestrial visitation, and free energy technologies. Most significantly, the SSP Alliance wants to put an end to an exploitative global financial system that has economically enslaved much of humanity.
On the other side of the undeclared war is a negative (service-to-self) alliance comprising the first corporate run space program called the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate and its allies. These comprise ancient Earth bloodline families called the Cabal/Illuminati; Reptilian extraterrestrials called the Dracos that come from outside our solar system. Finally, this negative alliance comprises portions of a “Dark Fleet” comprising humans connected directly or ideologically to the former Nazi SS that normally operate outside the solar system, but were trapped inside a recently imposed solar system wide quarantine. In his answers to questions below, Corey refers to this negative alliance as the Cabal/ICC/Draco/Dark Fleet or more simply as the “Cabal led SSPs”.
According to Corey in his latest disclosures, the recent halt in large scale hostilities has come at the request of a third, recently arrived group of extraterrestrials called the “Sphere Alliance.” Corey claims that the Blue Avians, one of the five extraterrestrial civilizations making up the Sphere Alliance have been physically contacting him and taking him to various diplomatic meetings where the conflicting forces have held dialogues. The Sphere Alliance, according to Corey, have far superior technology to any of the conflicting space program alliances, and have implemented a solar system wide quarantine. This has created havoc with “Cabal led SSPs” that previously were the dominant power on Earth and the Solar System, but are rapidly losing power to the SSP Alliance. This has led to growing defections from the Cabal led SSPs to the SSP Alliance which Corey is communicating directly with through an unnamed Lt Colonel.
In his responses to questions below, Corey describes the complex dynamics of the conflict outlined above, the outcomes of recent diplomatic meetings, SSP Alliance problems with handling defectors who are overly eager to launch armed attacks against their former Cabal led SSPs allies, and why the Cabal led SSPs alliance is crumbling. He describes two SSP Alliance attacks that led to many civilian deaths on Mars and underground Earth bases, thereby leading to the Sphere Alliance request for an end to large scale hostilities. Corey discusses a “controlled disclosure” plan by the Cabal led SSPs that will attempt to deceive people in a way that perpetuates Cabal control. He contrasts this with the SSP Alliance disclosure plan of massive official document dumps (like Wikileaks) and television broadcasts that will reveal the truth about humanity’s situation, and lead to Nuremburg War Crime like trials against (former) leaders of the Cabal led SSPs.
Corey’s information in the responses below is very detailed, and deserve serious attention. For more information on Corey’s SSP background and why his claims are very likely the most comprehensive disclosures ever about SSP activities, please read here and here. In part two, we will turn to the darker side of activities performed by the Cabal led SSPs, and why the Sphere Alliance requested Corey to start revealing these disturbing activities.
© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice
Q1. You have described a conflict between a Secret Space Program (SSP) Alliance and the Cabal/ICC/Draco Assets that has periodically flared into armed warfare in various locations on Earth and other parts of our solar system. Can you share details about where these hostilities have taken place, and why the Sphere Beings has requested the SSP Alliance to cease large scale attacks against the Cabal/ICC/Draco infrastructure?
Before the breakdown in the overall relations between the factions that were once united through the “Secret Earth Governments” (and their “Syndicates” known as the Cabal/Illuminati and various other Secret Societies), their Controllers (Draco Federation Royals and Ancient Earth/Human Break Away Civilizations that have deceived many and presented themselves as ET’s from various Star Systems) there has been quite a lot of chaos among these groups which has resulted in them turning on each other. This has led to conflict in various underground/undersea networked facilities that have been responsible for some of the Earth Quakes in recent months that have been occurring across the Planet Earth as well as some incidents on Mars and other bodies in the Sol System. Many of these groups were beginning to turn on each other before the recent Draco Allied Conference where I was acting as a “Delegate” for the Sphere Alliance (And the SSP Alliance was providing “IE and Security Support”). This is the meeting where a 14 foot White Reptilian Royal was present and made an offer to the Sphere Being Alliance for safe passage of their “Royals” to be able to exit the “Outer Barrier”. The Human “Committee of 200” was present for this meeting and witnessed the exchange. They were visibly shocked when this occurred and it was soon after this that not only the major disinformation war (to control the narrative) began but also the chaotic infighting between the “Elite Groups” (who along with other Secret Earth Government and Cabal Controlled SSP Leadership Groups currently rotate in as “Delegates” in the larger “Human-Like ET Super Federation” Conferences).
Over the last 6 months there have also been some defections of assets from the Cabal controlled ICC Secret Space Program, remnants of the Dark Fleet (which is not a Draco Fleet but a Human SSP Fleet that serves alongside the Draco Alliance) that were not caught outside of the Outer Barrier as well as various other Military Black Ops SSP Program Members. Some of them brought with them time critical and actionable intelligence that was acted on by some of the SSP Alliance Leadership and their new allies without bringing it to the SSP Alliance Council. This resulted in Two Massive Attacks that caused large numbers of innocent deaths. Those who took part in what the Blue Avians called “Atrocities” were unapologetic and stated that it was the cost of war but the collateral damage was regrettable. This caused a rift between some of the SSP Alliance Council who had different ideas on how they should proceed as well as some mistrust of the new defectors from the other SSP’s that had recently joined and also obviously had a different moral outlook and idea of the rules of engagement. In the first big joint conference with all of the SSP Alliance Council and the SSP Alliance beings that appeared, the question was asked of the Blue Avians what the rules of engagement should be. The Sphere Alliance had provided the SSP Alliance with some extremely advanced defensive technology and asked that the SSP Alliance not attack or destroy any more of the Cabal/ICC/Dark Fleet Infrastructure. They had worked out a future “Post Full Disclosure Plan” with the SSP Alliance Council some time earlier to free all of the inhabitants of these facilities, provide them assistance in recovery of what they had been through as well as hand over all of these assets to the “Post Disclosure Era Civilization” of Earth. This infrastructure that was built for negative purposes along with all of the suppressed technologies would be disclosed to every single person of Earth simultaneously and be the beginning of what the SSP Alliance had dreamed of which is a “Star Trek Civilization”. Other than some authorized operations to weaken the Cabal on Earth the SSP Alliance and their allies have agreed to the rules of engagement and timeline laid out by the Sphere Being Alliance and the SSP Alliance Council. Post “Full Disclosure Event” these bases will be open and no conflict will be needed to remove the occupants to another area where one of the allied groups will offer their resources of physical and emotional healing.
Q2. Why does the Sphere Alliance believe that a military solution to the problems between the SSP Alliance and the Cabal/ICC/Draco assets is not a wise policy option at this time, and are promoting full disclosure to resolve outstanding problems?
The wiser leadership among the SSP Alliance Council are in agreement (the more militant members are not) with the Sphere Beings that the ultimate answer is one that comes from the people themselves. The population is waking up at a considerable rate but they still have quite a lot of mind control and disinformation to contend with. Once we reach a point of absolute and full disclosure of humanity’s true history, the list of groups that have meddled in our social and genetic development (and to what extent), the horrific crimes against humanity by the appointed “Elite”, some of the Ancient Earth Break Away Civilizations and various ET Groups this will push the people themselves to rise up and end the Babylonian Money Magic Slave System. [People themselves will] bring all of the before mentioned groups to justice with the help of positive off world groups and through some of the more traumatic disclosures that come to light (that many will call “Fear Porn” but are a part of full disclosure none the less) will cause a much needed “Genetic and Energetic Memory” to occur to our species that will assist us in not repeating the cycles of history that we have been manipulated to repeat over more cycles than our current era history has any knowledge of. This is also about preparing humanity to stand on its own as an manipulated race for the first time in its history.
We will begin a new era of self-determination and with no one to blame for our mistakes. We will also be at a time when we will be handed some incredible technologies that have been suppressed for some time that will take our quality of life to a completely new standard. We will also be going through energetic changes and transitioning to a 4th Density existence. This will need to be based off of the actions of the many and not the militant actions of a few who will be looked to as heroes and saviors while we as a species learn nothing in what has been a grand experiment or classroom to begin with. We will not be liberated by forces of light but will ultimately see an environment created around us that will compel us to liberate ourselves. The energetic changes are effecting the lower vibratory beings already (STS/Cabal/ICC/Draco) and they are self-destructing by their own actions and infighting. These energetic changes in our Sol System are effecting every lower vibrational being and they do not even realize that their reactionary behavior is the root of their own destruction.
Q3. You have described different defectors from the Cabal/Illuminati joining the SSP Alliance. Do you have any idea of the kind of global events or processes that might occur as a result of these and future defections?
The Cabal led SSP’s are still operating in our Sol System and control the vast infrastructure. Small groups of them have defected to the SSP Alliance in recent months. Some of them a couple of weeks ago revealed themselves as infiltrators when they carried out some very effective attacks on some of the SSP Alliance Bases and with some Targeted Assassinations of SSP Alliance Council Leadership. This was a major setback and has caused some mistrust between the SSP Alliance Council and some of the recent defectors. This is something that is currently being worked out in meetings. There are also some very powerful Secret Earth Government and Syndicate Members/Leaders who have defected and have been granted an “Off World Witness Protection Program” for them and their families for actionable intelligence, evidence against their former leadership as well as promise of being witnesses in future World Courts when there are the “Post Full Disclosure” hearings against all of the groups who are trapped in the Sol System behind the “Outer Barrier”. This first group of defectors who made it safely off planet led to a rash of assassinations within the ranks of their former groups as well as further panic that has led to many “Elites” beginning to move their families to their safe zones (next Generation Underground Cities) in their regions. There is an enclave of Brazil that is a major evacuation point for these “Elites” from the West at this very moment. They have been moving people and supplies there 24/7 for months now. These “Elite” know exactly what is happening and are leaving some of their puppets behind to take the fall similar to what was done in Germany in WWII. In these new World Court Hearings however we will not just hear “I was only following orders” but will see the Elites who have been dug out of their holes being pointed at and hear “That is who gave me my orders”.
Q4. The disclosure process envisaged by the Sphere Alliance appears to be one where large scale hostilities are frozen and quarantined in order to allow more truths to be revealed, thereby increasing defections from Cabal/ICC/Draco Assets in a way that leads to their remaining power bases crumbling. Is this unfolding disclosure process due to incoming cosmic energies, or more an inevitable byproduct of the planetary/solar system quarantine put in place by the Sphere Alliance?
The Sol System “Quarantine” was put in place after the “Cosmic Energies” reached a certain level. These energies have been entering our Sol System for quite some time (or our Sol System has been entering this region of the Galaxy). The Sphere Being Alliance was here for decades observing before they became active and began to interact openly with certain groups of people. These energetic changes have had a dramatic effect on the energetic bodies of all of the beings in our Sol System below 6th Density. These are not energies that especially STS or negative beings are compatible with. This causes these negative beings to become reactionary and not maintain their composures that allowed them to rule this region with iron fists for many millennia. Those who are STO/positive however are waking up and becoming more aware of the power of their consciousness. The tables are turning and as they do, these negatives who had planned on finding a way to negate the energetic changes or escape now find themselves trapped and soon to be at the mercy of those they have treated as cattle.
Q5. How might the disclosure process unfold in the near future, document dumps such as Wikileaks/Snowden NSA files; more whistleblowers coming forward; prominent world leaders taking action on key issues; more Sphere Alliance sightings or landings of SSP/extraterrestrial craft, or some other process?
Right now there is a major disinformation war underway that I warned was coming months ago. Once the Cabal/Illuminati realized that their “Gods” had betrayed them and it was now every group for themselves they began to turn on one another. They also began to activate the assets that they had deeply infiltrated into the Ufology field to begin to cause conflict whenever an opportunity presented itself. They have gone from a position of preventing disclosure while conditioning the public for some sort of future false disclosure to now trying to control the disclosure narrative. Things are beginning to leak out at such an alarming rate for them that they are putting some of their best counter intelligence people out to discredit whistle blowers anyway they can while they confuse as many people as possible with a false narrative that makes them appear as victims or even heroes in some cases. Their goal is to provide a controlled disclosure that will allow them to remain in power and maintain a Financial Slave System and prevent their crimes against humanity (which if you are open to what I am telling you here are quite extreme). They do not understand that there is no way to crack open Pandora’s Box. Once it is open all of their demons will come flying out for all to see.
The amount off info collected by white hats (I don’t really like that term) as well as the data turned over by recent Cabal/Illuminati Defectors who have been taken into “Off World Witness Protection Programs” is quite astounding. This information is now in the hands of the Earth Based Alliance and the SSP Alliance (who do not have the same agenda). Once things are worked out this information is planned on being released via data dumps online and via 24/7 TV Broadcasts. This will occur at some point and may be independent of or in reaction to a controlled disclosure attempt by the Cabal/Illuminati. This will include trial in a global court at some point. I have had discussions with leadership about mass arrests and they are not certain about the logistics of how an operation of this size would be carried out. This would be a very difficult thing to do in one giant operation even with the SSP Alliances resources. Once the cat is out of the bag the Cabal/Illuminati would create all sorts of false flag chaos to prevent or slow down the process. This has been what has prevented mass arrests thus far. This is something that is being worked out and some believe that the Sphere Alliance may assist in this part of the equation once the mainstream population has woken up and is aware of the crimes committed by these groups. Some speculate that at some point this will free the Sphere Alliance to directly intervene and assist in gathering the criminals for the trials (This does include the various ET’s and Break Away Civilization Groups trapped on Earth).
The Sphere Being Alliance has so far made it clear that they are not here to save us and we must save ourselves. I have not seen anything myself that makes me think they will directly intervene or not. They do have a prime directive type of standard that they follow. It is true that actions by the negative forces can open up some wiggle room for positive forces to do more. I do know that at some point when the energetic changes occur and we do change to a 4th Density Civilization that these negative vibratory humans and beings cannot exist in our reality. They may just disappear from our reality all together. There are a lot of theories coming from various researchers and sources but these are just theories no matter how fervently they are believed. Not everything has been completely figured out and no one source knows all of the answers of what will occur. Anyone who presents themselves as a guru or all-knowing source should be avoided according to the Blue Avian and Sphere Being Message.
Q6. You have claimed that in negotiations with the Sphere Alliance beings, White Winged Draco leaders desired safe passage out of the solar system and were prepared to sacrifice their Draco soldiers and other subordinates, but their offer was declined. What is the present status of these Draco Leaders, and what role will they play in future negotiations over the Earth’s future?
Yes, I know I have touched on this already in previous questions. This was the most disturbing and horrifying meeting I have yet been asked to attend. It was first scheduled to occur in an underground location. I was abruptly picked up in the way the Sphere Alliance transports me. One of the blue/Indigo orb beings appeared in my room and zipped to about 18 inches of my chest before it suddenly became larger with me being inside the orb and floating in the center. It zipped off and took me to a giant sphere that is normally out of phase. A room materializes and I am then dropped off where the Blue Avians are present. They inform me that the morning’s Draco Alliance Conference has been cancelled and they show me a holographic scene where these Reptilian beings are communicating with each other telepathically remotely and discussing the horrible things they are going to do to the Sphere Alliance Delegate (Me). It went from tearing me apart to “misting” me with a urine like substance to demoralize and insult me and the Sphere Alliance. I was extremely upset by this and I was returned home. I was shocked to be contacted the next day by my SSP Alliance contact who told me that the meeting was back on. I was furious to be honest. I had some very unpleasant dreams about what I had seen from the night prior. I was able to negotiate a change of venue to a surface location and was allowed to bring 4 top SSP Alliance Military Personnel (who were also “IE’s”) as a security detail. I was still very hesitant to attend this conference. The full details of this meeting will be in an E-Book that David Wilcock is in the process of putting together.
I will get to the details that you mention in your question above. While I was at this meeting the 14 Foot Tall White Reptilian Royal first tried to make demands of me and intimidate me into submission. I don’t know how or why but a strange feeling of empowerment came over me and I spoke for the Blue Avians with authority. The “Royal” was visibly upset that I was not groveling at his feet like he was used to humans doing. He was a very powerful being that communicated telepathically in a way that I had never experienced in my many other communications with beings using telepathy. He seemed to be sending out powerful penetrating energy that pierced my frontal temporal lobes. In his communication he told me that if the Sphere Alliance would let all of the “Royals” leave the Sol System they would give up all of their lower cast Reptilians, Allies and human followers who were the surface control structure. When I repeated back his offer verbally when I replied to him, the humans who were there that introduced him to us and introduced themselves as the “Committee of 200” were visibly shocked and shaken. There was a little more that occurred at that meeting and then we all piled into the elevator of the closed down commercial building the meeting was held in and headed to the roof access point to where we arrived (once on the roof I began to shake uncontrollably from the terrifying ordeal). It was soon after this that many of the other Cabal/Illuminati groups began to hear about this meeting and began to panic and go into chaos. It took me some time to recover from this encounter and I had headaches and nausea for days. Before I was completely recovered I attended the Human-like “Super Federation Conference” where the “Committee of 200” members were attending in a rotation as Earth Delegates. This is when they heard that the request by the “Royal” was denied by the Sphere Alliance. Things from that point on have gone increasingly downhill and more chaotic between former groups that were loosely allied under the Cabal/Illuminati Umbrella.
Q7. It has been claimed that most Cabal/ICC/Draco underground bases in the U.S. and elsewhere on the planet have been destroyed by past SSP Alliance actions. Is this accurate?
No. There were a number of underground bases destroyed in the last 15 or so years by the conflicting ET Groups (some we would consider positive but the Sphere Being Alliance still considers a small percentage STS or “Agenda Oriented”.). There have been quite a few underground/undersea “Embassies”, cities and bases destroyed by groups that were once loosely allied. This has picked up quite a bit in recent months and many of the Earthquakes that have occurred have been as a result of these battles between negative forces. Some of them are seeking the help of the Military Black Ops Groups and citizens of various above ground nations to assist them in their conflicts between each other. This is where some of the deceptive “Ancient Earth Break Away Civilizations” (who are Human) who have convinced the before mentioned groups that they are “Positive ET’s” here to save humanity have recently come in. They have been manipulating people above ground to provide military assets and etheric energies to their causes to lash out in revenge against their enemies (other Ancient Break Away Groups, Various ET’s and Cabal controlled SSP assets and personnel). Very little of the military activity has been from Earth Based or SSP Based Alliance Forces. Much of this has also caused the Cabal groups to use what little Weather Modification/Earthquake Technology that they still have against their enemies since their space based weapons have been mostly destroyed. You would not know it by watching the Cabal Controlled News but there is utter chaos going on among these groups.
Q8. It has been said that Draco Reptilians have largely been forced to leave the planet, and all that remain are Cabal/Illuminati bloodline families that are preventing disclosure of free energy technologies and extraterrestrial life, and reforming the current global financial system? Is this an accurate description of the current planetary situation?
No. There is a massive disinformation campaign going on to control the narrative of current events and eventually to control the narrative of disclosure. These Cabal Groups would like to disclose the existence of certain off world beings (mostly groups masquerading as ET’s) and after reading the response of the population decide what else to disclose. They think they can crack open “Pandora’s Box” and only let out a little bit of disclosure and continue to hide their crimes against humanity and certain technologies that would collapse their Financial Slave System. These people fight to the very end and often use terms like: “We will take everything and give nothing until there is a short drop and a sudden stop” (this is a Pirate motto that refers to stealing until your caught and hung by the neck). They have been able to stave off the certain oblivion of their groups so many times that there are many who are convinced that they will pull it off once again. As for the Reptilians and other Negative ET’s fleeing the planet. All Draco and other ET’s who were on Earth or in bases elsewhere in the Sol System before the “Earth Barrier” and “Outer Barrier” were setup by the Sphere Alliance are still here. They have not fled or left. They and the Human Elite had planned on being long gone from our Sol System before any of these things began. Everyone in “The Programs” were fairly certain that the window for these current events was between 2018 and 2023. No one anticipated the Sphere Being Alliance activities or change in the time table.
Q9. You have described two recent military actions taken by the SSP Alliance as resulting in massacres of Cabal/ICC/Draco Assets, and having an immediate karmic effect in the form of targeted assassinations of the Alliance leaders involved in these actions. Can you explain more about how these karmic processes operate given the long history of Cabal/ICC/Draco abuse and control on the planet where “just war” principles might appear to condone such extreme actions by SSP Alliance against the former?
I have pretty much covered this in a previous questions as well but will expand on it as best as I can. With what has been described as “Tsunami Waves of Cosmic Energies” ebbing and flowing into our Sol System the actions of both STO and STS beings is going to be met with immediate karmic discharge whether positive or negative. These energetic changes are having visible changes in people all around us. Normally negative people are becoming more so (and often exposing themselves and self-destructing because of it) and positive and loving people are becoming more so (becoming more STO oriented and generous with their time, skills and money to those in need).
Unfortunately after some recent ICC and other defections people came into the SSP Alliance with completely different ethics and ideas on how to achieve victory. Some decided that the bases on Mars and Earth needed to be taken out when possible. No one in their right mind was willing to attack any bases on the Moon because of the huge blowback that would occur from the other races under treaty who have embassies on the moon. This is just not done.
These new defectors also had some actionable and time sensitive intelligence on two bases that some of the SSP Alliance members were convinced to act on without Council approval. This resulted in an attack on a facility on Mars that had a connected colony support system. This entire facility was completely destroyed along with well over a quarter million innocent families living in the adjoining colony that were slave labor. This was compared to the bombings of Japan at the end of WWII. The second attack was a smaller attack on an undersea facility (off the Carolinas of the U.S.) ran by the Draco but was a joint human operation. There were hundreds of abducted humans in this facility that were being experimented on that were wiped out along with the base. In recent weeks there was a series of attacks by ICC infiltrators that had made their way in with some of the defectors. These attacks targeted the crews and leadership that took part in the two attacks (Atrocities). When there was an earlier meeting these people disagreed that these were atrocities and were just acts of an ongoing war and the collateral damage was regrettable. They were unapologetic for what they had done and this eventually caught up with them in the form of karma.
In the recent meetings this was explained to the SSP Alliance Council who were upset that there was no warning from the Sphere Alliance (who do not interfere in our free will or resulting karmic repercussions). There was also quite a lot of damage done between the trust relationships of the Defector Groups and the SSP Alliance Groups. There were many discussions immediately after the two atrocities months ago about the rules of engagement. The Blue Avians asked that no more large scale attacks be made on the ICC infrastructure and the SSP Alliance Council and Sphere Alliance negotiated a plan to keep this infrastructure intact and hand it over to the Earth post disclosure. Once the “Full Disclosure Event” occurs the further plans will go into effect to remove the slave labor from these bases to be rehabbed by some of our trusted allies.
Continued in Part 2.
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