Ask your angels to step into your aura and help you to communicate ...

CommunicationAsk your angels to step into your aura and help you to communicate in a higher way.Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn December 4, 2016 The angels remind you that being spiritual is about being genuine and honest. When you speak from the heart, others feel the resonance of truth from within you and feel safe in your presence. Talk positively. Focus on the good in life and you will feel happier and healthier. Remember that your thoughts always have an effect on what happens next in your life. Choose wisely and carefully for yourself. It is important to be conscious of wh... more »
A Message from The Arcturian Group - 2016/12/04 ~ Marilyn Raffaele

A Message from The Arcturian Group Channeled by Marilyn Raffaele for December 4, 2016 [image: winterstream] Greetings, dear ones. Again we come together in love and understanding, and with a mutual desire for truth. Each day becomes new as global and individual awareness grows for as consciousness unfolds and expands, so do its outer expressions. Many of you are beginning to have experiences of synchronicity as you go about your day. Solutions now seem to appear more easily, and issues that previously caused distress or worry no longer feel important. Thes... more »
When You Are Ready to Heal Yourself ~ Suzanne Spooner

When You Are Ready to Heal Yourself A Potentially Life Saving QHHT Session Story by Suzanne Spooner Posted on December 4, 2016 [image: angelic-card-healing] Hi Everyone, Miracles are common in my office. You have the power to heal yourself. Your emotions and thought patterns cause your ailment, pain, disease, unhappiness. ~ These are statements I say to my QHHT clients often. One of my client’s this week demonstrated that after enduring a life of discomfort, being brought back from death and a hopeless prognosis from doctors that she was ready to take back her power, her health... more »
Three Things. ~ The Creator Writings transcribed by Jennifer Farley

Three Things The Creator Writings transcribed by Jennifer Farley, December 4, 2016 [image: 0] The three most useful things you will ever do; watching, waiting and listening. All will be revealed. Creator ------------------------------ *Tanks to *URL: *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives:* - - *Discernment** is recommended.* *All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. * *No religious or political b... more »
The Language of Light ~ Barbara Marciniak
The Language of Light By Barbara Marciniak2016-12-04 The avatars and masters have now permeated the gridwork of the world, bringing with them their own tools for teaching. The tools that are being utilized on this planet are artifacts that are not of your dimension, symbolic forms that literally have a life of their own. They make up what is known as the Language of Light.You are implanted with a structure, a geometric form, which triggers certain information within you. It also facilitates, for those who work with you, the sending of information directly into your being. The large... more »
6 Shifts In Consciousness We Are Experiencing Right Now ~ Panacea 1...
6 Shifts In Consciousness We Are Experiencing Right Now By Michael ForresterDecember 2, 2016 [image: 6 Shifts In Consciousness We Are Experiencing Right Now] Absolutely everything is a wave of energy and there are many new energies taking place on Earth. We’ve shifted consciousness, but we’re still using old reflections to create our reality. Abundance in all aspects of life is now much easier to achieve in the new vibration and a confidence in our abilities will soon magnify to great levels in the coming years. There will be some obstacles and challenges ahead, but know that the f... more »
Soul questions for Ascension Preparedness ~ ACCELERATION – SANDRA W...
Soul questions for Ascension Preparedness ACCELERATION SANDRA WALTER, JOHN BURGOS December 4, 2016 Video [image: Ascension Path with Sandra Walter] Ascension Path with Sandra Walter *Published on Nov 11, 2016* It is a powerful passage – steer your consciousness to the desired reality, Beloveds. For services and Ascension support, visit The Ascension Path discount is complete, however you may register for the class anytime at ------------------------------ *Tanks to *URL: *Please ... more »
Walk in Beauty and Live in Trust ~ Archangel Gabriel, Shanta Gabriel
Walk in Beauty and Live in Trust A message from Archangel Gabriel, Channeled by Shanta Gabriel December 4, 2016 We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of *The Gabriel Messages* to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives. This message from Archangel Gabriel inspires us to remember a more graceful way to live in this changing world. *The Gabriel Message Card for this Week* *Walk in Beauty, Live in Trust and Know the Benevolent Love of God Guides Your Way.* There has been a long road stretching from the time I first received this me... more »
The Great 5D Shift Has Truly Begun! ~ By Open
Wake Up! Transcend the Parody… The Great 5D Shift Has Truly Begun! *By Open* December 3, 2016 [image: violet-flame-for-site] We’re living in two worlds not one. There’s the old crumbling 3D karmic reality and a pristine shiny new 5D one, steadily emerging from the dross of the old. But you’re still here for now, a while longer, rummaging through the rubble, digging up those priceless buried fragments of soul gold. Don’t worry, it just got a whole lot easier. Whereas humanity has previously been blinded from the sun, now the shadow side has come clearly into view. And how str... more »
Channeling Event with John Smallman and Danna Beal
Channeling Event with John Smallman and Danna Beal by John Smallman A picture of Danna and John, and confirmation of the venue, date, and time. I am excited to announce a channeling event in the Seattle area for those who might be interested in learning to connect with their inner guidance, channel the Divine, or find some spiritual intuitive answers. My friend, John Smallman, channel for Jesus through John and author of Our Divine Destiny, A Saul Book, will be in Seattle on Saturday, Dec. 10, from 12 PM—2:00 PM. John has thousands of followers throughout the world and has been... more »
Veterans Arrive at Standing Rock to Act as ‘Human Shields’ for Wate...
Veterans Arrive at Standing Rock to Act as ‘Human Shields’ for Water Protectors *I signed up to serve my country and my people.* by Nika Knight, staff writer December 3, 201 As tensions grow in North Dakota, with multipleeviction orders facing the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in their battle against the Dakota Access Pipeline, U.S. military veterans on Friday began arriving at the Oceti Sakowin protest camp. The 2,000 veterans, which include Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), plan to act as an unarmed militia and peaceful human shields to protect the Indigenous activists from police br... more »
Buddha and ThothDANCING TO HIGHER RHYTHMS Walking Terra Christa 03/12/2016 [image: spiral-dance-book-] MASTER THOTH ~ DANCING TO HIGHER RHYTHMS Master Thoth shares an analogy of how to move through life in any given situation, learning the lesson within the experience, thereby gaining the balance of a spiritually-centered self. *~ Transmission by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden ~ Integrative Channel* Within the Universal Laws there are components that are necessary to understand how they are reflected within each soul’s life. It is when an individual does not hear the music that they... more »
A Vision for Our Identity ~ Alignment Project
*A Vision for Our Identity * *The Vision Alignment Project* We see a world where everyone knows that they are more than their name; that they are more than their body; that they are the Being, the Spirit, the Essence, that resides within the body, and when the body has completed its journey here on planet Earth, the Spirit continues on into forever. We see those who previously identified with their name and their body ("I am so and so," or "I am my body") having awakened to their new identity, an identity within the larger scheme of things that one carries with them from body to bo... more »
USA: CIA MKULTRA: drugs to take down the nation~ Jon Rappoport
CIA MKULTRA:drugs to take down the nation By Jon RappoportNovember 29, 2016 Posted by Edward Morgan [image: 0b2fe38393ff3d2762af0d2d465fca92] *CIA MKULTRA: drugs to ruin the nation* by Jon Rappoport November 29, 2016 *(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)* Drugs to transform individuals…and even, by implication, society. Drug research going far beyond the usual brief descriptions of MKULTRA. The intention is there, in the record: A CIA document was included in the transcript of the 1977 US Senate Hearings on MKULTRA, the CIA’s mind-control prog... more »
Jesus ~ Being In Infinite Forgiving and Forgiveness ~ Therese Zumi ...
Jesus Being In Infinite Forgiving and Forgiveness by Therese Zumi Sumner November 30, 2016 [image: God has come.] Recently on the show Heavenly Blessings on In-Light Radio Jesus Sananda was the guest. The subject that Jesus wanted to discuss was how we must learn to be in the flow of forgiving and forgiveness. Jesus began by pointing out how we continue to hurt ourselves when we cannot forgive. I have decided to give you some of the most important quotes from this transcript and hopefully it will whet your appetite for more. After these quotes from the show you will find a link to t... more »
How Monsanto Promotes Worldwide Infertility ~ Joseph Mercola
How Monsanto Promotes Worldwide Infertility *By Dr. Joseph Mercola* Posted November 30, 2016 by Edward Morgan [image: how-monsanto-promotes-infertility-fb] Monsanto has a long and infamous history of manufacturing and bringing to market such chemicals as DDT, Agent Orange, aspartame, Roundup and dioxin1 — chemical compounds from which society continues to feel the effects. In an effort to distance the current corporation from past deeds, Monsanto refers to the company prior to 2002 as “the former Monsanto” in their news releases.2 However, nothing has really changed aside from the... more »
2016/11/28 Cobra Interview by Iruka Umino ~ Colaborama
Cobra Interview by Iruka Umino Posted December 2, 2016 by Colaborama *November 28th, 2016* *This is a Cobra interview by Iruka Umino from Japan, interpreted by Terry.* *Iruka has been actively involved in the grid works of Cintamani stones and Tachyon crystals all around Japan with many other fellow Japanese lightworkers. He was given this wonderful opportunity to have an interview with Cobra during Cobra’s visit in Japan. We hope you like it!* Iruka: There are about 1,000 pieces of Cintamani stones buried in Japan now. How does it affect the plasma and etheric fields in Japan?... more »
The Convergence, The Unveiling, The Collapse of the Artificial Time...
The Convergence, The Unveiling, The Collapse of the Artificial Timeline and the Migration to the Organic Timeline Posted December 3, 2016 by Edward Morgan [image: 10391714_10208493651446399_4278484801416010480_n] You are literally all times and spaces within you. This is not hippie stuff, it is literally the stuff of advanced technology and operations. The equations that are used to define the differences between you and other spaces and times are the same equations that define those spaces and times. It’s not that the differences are negateable or undoable, it’s that they are inter... more »
The Lightworker Imperative ~ Owen K Waters
The Lightworker Imperativeby Owen K WatersSpiritual Dynamics NewsletterSpiritual Growth, Vitality and WellnessDecember 4, 2016 The underlying purpose of life is to raise one's frequency of consciousness by learning through experience. Sometimes, it takes an individual many incarnations of exploring avenues of self-centered action to discover that what goes around also comes around. Such people may live in a world where they believe in doing unto others before they get a chance to do it to you! The resulting karma serves as an education into what it is like to be the victim as wel...more »
Identifying First Cause ~ Arcturians, Suzanne Lie

Identifying First Cause By the Arcturians through Suzanne Lie December 4, 2016 *Immediately after I wrote the above Blog, Inner Reflections on 11-30-16, I received this message from the Arcturians:* Beloved Ascending Ones, We the Arcturians are within your NOW to assist you, our brave ascending ones, to move through your ever-expanding transition. First, we invite you to allow your body to feel the fatigue of your hyperactive mind. Your mind is so active because it is trying to adapt to the higher frequency of light, which is always information. Your brain is accustomed to... more »
Aug Tellez Update – The Convergence, The Unveiling, Collapse of the...

Aug Tellez Update The Convergence, The Unveiling, Collapse of the Artificial Timeline, Migration to the Organic Timeline Ascension With Earth December 2, 2016Courtesy of Ascension With Earth [image:] You are literally all times and spaces within you. This is not hippie stuff, it is literally the stuff of advanced technology and operations. The equations that are used to define the differences between you and other spaces and times are the same equations that define those spaces a... more »