Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers


Instructions for When the Call Comes
24 July 2011 ( Ascended Master Saint Germain )
When the day of ascension arrives, the entire group needing contact will receive it at the same moment. Some will be in deep sleep. Others will be doing their daily activities. Channeling this message will be inactive – it will be amplified to awaken the God within and the mental body at the same moment. Awareness of it will not be a new challenge to go through, it will be apparent. Next is to accept the call.

Acceptance means agreeing to ascend. Nodding without clear agreement is not adequate. A "YES" must be announced by any means applicable. "I Am That I Am" can be the words used, or anything that declares agreement with divine will.

Chapter II of ascension will be in the next attitude after agreement. Being in bed means getting dressed quickly to leave the building you are in. No need to travel, just go out of man made containers: cars, houses, trains, etc. Go to an area of choice where a man can be dissolved without notice. In the doorway of a building is not good enough. Feet on the ground is an option but any uncovered area that is not near a doorway is better. You will make that choice to the day and time the call comes. Wait to be consumed by a dose of energy that courses through the body.

Children are to be taken to the area with their mother and allowed to be apart from her during the actual ascension. Other parents can be at the area if they are also ascending. Calling all candidates is exactly that. Those not prepared are not being called. They are not to be dragged along by the ascension candidates.

Free the mind of any concerns about hearing the call, going out of an enclosed area or getting dissolved. Make no announcement. Just go to the area you are drawn to when the call is heard. Announcing the ascension date and time is not going to occur.

Are these instructions clear? Get out of the area that is covering the body and await the energy surge. Anchoring an answer to God's call with your agreement, and delivery of the body is all that is needed. Breathe, give no attention to the mind, and align with the coursing energy.

Busy now? Of course you are - it is the ego's way of declaring its desire to prevent your ascension. Ignoring the ego's comments must be done. I am giving instructions now because ascension will occur in the next months and I want everyone to have them. If you are not giving these messages to others, please distribute this one.

My channel just asked what to do if the body is on an airplane when the call comes. Await an opportunity to do what is needed. Should it be a very long flight, go to the lavatory to be ascending. Nothing will occur to the airplane as a consequence, only the notice of one or more missing passengers.

No call from God demands acceptance. No discipline measure will be correcting those who choose to not be on this wave. The next wave will come about one year later. This is a most difficult decision to make, as a large number ascending will help make the coming year less painful for those who will be on the next wave. Choosing not to ascend on the first wave will actually decrease quality of life for all that remain. Please consider the importance of ascension to all cosmic creatures, not only those who will be left on Earth. Each and every ascension brings new life to humanity and the collective consciousness now, when it can truly make a difference.

Growth and development time has been answered by an ascension call. Next is to change the negative dynamic of the collective consciousness so the New Earth can be created. Chosen to ascend are all who chose it. No distinction will be made as to the country or continent, as all will get the call together. New light on the land can make the difference that all of you have been asking for.

Ascended Master Saint Germain

More About Ascension Qualifications
24 July 2011 ( Ascended Master Saint Germain )
All humans are not chelas of the Ascended Ones. Many are not ascension candidates. Those who are not our chelas will not be leaving man's domain as Ascended Masters. Not that they are any less divine or able, their ability to ascend is not adequate. What makes one able to ascend? A contract to do so is only the beginning. The ability to ascend also requires:

1. Caring about all that is.
2. No disturbance in any situation.
3. Peace in the body no matter what physical condition appears.
4. No drain on others.
5. Allowing heart to lead.
6. Making a difference.
7. Change in consciousness from control to adapt.
8. Raising consciousness with love.
9. Agreeing to ascend consciously.
10. Preparing by living all of the above.

Now that this list has been delivered, give these most important gifts to humanity a loving delivery. Are you able to ascend? Answer this now, and adapt to the areas needing more attention. Freedom of the continuous cycle of birth and death comes now, not in future lifetimes. No future lifetimes will be necessary when these most caring and conscious qualities are delivered.

Many of you doubt your ability to ascend. None of those who are able to ascend will doubt their qualifications. So if doubt is in your mind, "no doubt" is another qualification. Heart over head is the most active "doing" needed. Choose to ascend and the body/mind can activate the needed lessons to dream the ascension into action. Meditate daily and tell the creator that God awareness is your only desire. Breaking through the mind's control requires this.

Fraternizing with other collective conscious beings does nothing to assist in ascension. Partying with alcohol and drugs makes the man dense and co-habitable – meaning that another dense entity can attach to an aura of this condition. Please don't gather with non-advanced beings who drug themselves to accept life. Change this one thing and make a major difference in your ascensions ability. Drugs are not an avenue to more awareness. They control the mind during the experience and anchor another answer to man's ability to be divine in his caring and accepting. More drugs become needed to open the veil and no difference in attitude or behavior is sustained without drugs, only a different view of man's dream. Not reality to be sure, only a different dream.

No drug user is going to ascend. My clarity about this is now delivered. No drug users are able to qualify. So, if this is an addition to your awareness, give it up now. What about drugs used in alchemical ways like peyote and ayahuasca? Neither of these are addicting so neither are in this category of drugs that my message is directing its meaning to. My dear ones, I am including hashish, cocaine, heroin, mushrooms, ecstasy and methamphetamines. Marijuana is not a drug of this characterization. More drugs than named are also considered control drugs, so don't say "this one was not on the list" and deny my meaning here. Control drugs include anything that cannot be dispensed with instantly. I am not talking about medical assistance drugs, only those used as mind altering deliverers.

Choose to be in the body, totally present and completely content in all aspects of being human. False opinions about drugs abound. No chela will be able to ascend who controls his mind with drugs. Give this decision to the heart and these drugs will no longer be used.

New conditions are coming that will demand clear thinking and drugs will create mental escape, not clear minds. Battle this demon now if this is needed.

Ascended Master Saint Germain

Anchoring Light and Life after Ascension
24 July 2011 ( Ascended Master Saint Germain )
Are my chelas able to give me their total delight about ascension? No, many are controlled by their ego and cannot access the total happiness of their Master within. All Masters are completely happy – regardless of how their body exists in the physical world. No demons are considered major obstacles to life as a loving being. No needs are an obstacle to their acceptance of love and giving love to all they meet. No major disaster keeps them negative about anything they experience as a consequence. And no entity that dismays them, defeats their complete commitment to being a loving being in all circumstances.
My dear ones, Mental attitudes are energy activators. How they are configured develops the dream and alternate realities in the way they are focused. When I mention the word "dream", I am referring to how the mind conceives its analytical overview of what it actively notices. In mind's mental concepts no alternative options are included, making any one observation a mistaken opinion. In alternate realities that one opinion may not even appear, making it a "dream" of a single mind, not the bigger awareness that is available to Masters.

Anchoring light offers the chela an opportunity to delete these opinions. Canceling mental attitudes energizes action from the heart. Naive attitudes are not good light attractors; deep, open auras attract the most light.

Auras can provide significant contact between an open divine Master and others. If the auric field is large, light can make contact with many. An Awakened one's aura can cover a large area of mass conscious density in just one light anchoring meditation. Please consider negating your unconscious attitudes so you can anchor as much light as possible, NOW.

And my next comments are for those interested in whether man will continue copulation in the ascended condition. No new children will be conceived once man's existence in flesh is discontinued, so no attraction for copulation will occur in a light body. Light bodies are not androgynous, men appear as men and women appear as women. However, men and women are not going to be acting in normal human ways, because they are no longer dense forms that deliver more dense forms; there will be no more dense forms containing Masters who are unable to deliver their full potential.

Children of the New Earth will be awake on delivery, coming out of matter that is not dense at the time of conception. Conception will not include drama or copulation, only mental agreement to conceive. Couples will be near in caring and detached in character attachment. Souls will not get married. Nothing of this dream will be continued.

Finding this not appealing? Remember that human desires are not going to remain. Nor are ordinary mental attitudes going to drive human actions. Collective consciousness currently determines man's actions, but this will not be the case after ascension. Bodies will no longer be the most contact oriented demonstrations of aliveness – Open auras will.

Since density cannot move on to ascension, bodies will dissolve, not deteriorate. Are these additional comments freeing you, or are they instead activating an ego's attitude about the future? Be aware of how the body/mind acts regarding this disclosure. It may be angry about the ending of its dream. It may decide ascension is not desirable. It may distrust the Master delivering the message. Any of thee attitudes are EGO. Completing ascension demands an end to EGO dominance. Clear these mental attitudes, and ask the Master in the heart of awareness that comes with Awakening, to lead you to this opportunity to complete your contract with density.

Ascended Master Saint Germain

Next Day Alternatives
26 July 2011 - ( Ascended Master Saint Germain )
What I am about to say will be a contradiction to all the dogma that has been given about humans living in a different galaxy. No other galaxy is going to accept man and his growth lessons in human form. No other planet will be an attractive alternative to humans who are not ascending. Yes, I previously said this would be the case, but no other planet will agree to this possibility. So now the only alternative to ascension will be death and rebirth in another (different) form for those needing to continue the death and birth cycle. Only another incarnation in this new form on another galaxy will advance consciousness for those not completing an onward detail on Gaia.

Please do not get negative because all other messages talk about another planet accepting man as he is now. My colleagues are not coordinated in their messages about this yet, as my words come to you at the moment my guidance on this matter is revealed. They will now be informed of this change as you are.

Getting agreement to inhabit other planets is about the same as pleasing the leaders of other continents. Mankind is not getting a very warm welcome due to the negative attitudes that will be left (without any love diffusers around) after the two waves of ascension are complete. Chaos may ensue. Given this lack of balance in the mass consciousness of those being considered, all other planets man could exist on are refusing to accept him. Which leaves the Galactic Federation with no landing matrix once they call forth their mandated contacts and their families. No landing areas negates this entire plan. Are we able to control this decision? No. So we are left with no alternative but to inform all who believed in the affirmative (about an airlift to another galaxy), that new contradictory messages are to now be given about this. Soon it will be considered common knowledge that all the other planets do not want negativity to come to them. Aptitude for ascension is now more critical than we originally thought.

Can the dark cabals maintain their demands during the next days? Yes, and its up to every one of you to counter them with love, no matter what occurs. Being in a caring, compassionate mode destroys their dark intentions.

After the first wave of ascension comes the dark days, when night goes on and on with no daylight for a few weeks. It will be very disturbing to those unaware that this is going to happen. Be the aware one in your neighborhood and encourage business as usual. No daylight is due to a contraction of Mother Earth, and an asteroid is moving into the atmosphere of man's domain. Asteroids cannot be controlled, and this one could make an impact on man's continents. Be aware that many of you can disappear before this occurs and you do not need to go through this drama.

My words may sound cold, because the death cycle means that many are doomed. But my consciousness considers this a great opportunity to clear the Earth without the other disasters needing to occur to do it. Asteroids don't cause death in managed ways, only instant death without any lingering, guilt or negative choices needed. Asteroids come to the rescue of those needing an easy way to get out of this human drama quickly. Those ascending are not going to go through human death so they will need no assistance from an asteroid.

Inviting comets or asteroids to complete the disappearance of man's continents is not the agenda of the dark cabal. They desire ongoing life to have something to manage, but only with a minor quantity of nameless agents to be their consummate answer to human degradation. Asteroid contact will decrease many of our remaining unascended souls - do you want to be one of them? Are the days to come attractive? Are they as dramatic as ascension? Absolutely, so why not energize those who need to ascend before this occurs?

Be the agents for change you are now being guided to be. You are the light for the next change.

Ascended Master Saint Germain

Most Important Message
26 July 2011 - ( Ascended Master Saint Germain )
My dear ones. Consider this to be the most important message to date. My contact may not continue after the ascension, so those not ascending need this information.

When ascension occurs there may be no immediate notice. As calls about "missing persons" begin to consume the local authorities for such reports, curiosity about all of these disappearances will arouse the attention of the media. As media delivers its consumate lies to the group not ascending, there will be those who are aware of the cause, and the next opportunity. We need those who are most aware to come out to the media with an outspoken message to declare. It is important that these messages not be deleted if we are going to get the next wave on track.

We need to bring more attention to details than just announcing that there will be another call. All of the leaders of light will be ascending on this first wave, so no attention to the need to be clear of negativity or the need to get quiet to channel will continue being heard by those who do not ascend. How important are these messages? Delivered with continuity, they can bring many more to ascension. So those needing to complete another level of growth before the next wave are asked to come forward, so their awareness can be the cause of many other Masters emerging to ascend.

Choosing to wait to ascend may give the mind a new attitude about not being around to witness what comes of the nations losing the most conscious among them, but will not deliver the needed cause of wave #2. (Actually, this will be the 3rd wave of ascension – many did ascend in consciousness in 2009 who did not disappear. They deliver a light flow that is now moving others to ascend on the next wave.) Many need to disappear so that they cause sufficient curiosity for another wave to be announced.

Clear channeling will be needed to deliver correct messages to the news media in contrast with all the other announcements that will be made about man's next developments. Bringing channeled answers to the media can provide a consistent message to all of the continents. Two continents will need more channels: Asia and Africa. Neither of these areas have adequate clear channels to make a consistent message accepted by others. Any channels who can do this are asked to assist as many as they can in learning how to channel clearly.

More deliverers are also needed as leaders, not only as messengers. Can those who do channel consider opening their attitude to include directing a movement of awareness in their country? The next days additions to the controllers actions may move all who are not declaring their awareness to do so. We are asking that they do.

Will man deny ascension? If there are not enough to demonstrate how it can occur. Our needing a large group is important for you to be clear about. Canceling the ascension is no longer going to happen. Now we need to be certain the impact is not deniable. Changing the date or time is also not going to occur. Only the energy to ascend is needed now, and we can deliver that at the appropriate moment.

False advice has been given to many channels to divert the ascension. No diversion will occur. Those accepting those delivered messages as Truth may miss out on an opportunity their inner advisor can still deliver them to. It is imperative that anyone questioning my content get guidance from their own inner channeling of I Am That I Am. When an active call comes, they can still be on this ascension wave.

Never before has an ascension like this occurred. Belief in its actualization is not needed. Only an open attitude and agreement. Prayers are being answered. More happiness, caring and contributing will come as a consequence. Peace on Earth will need more continents delivering less negativity against others, but no matter how this begins, it will need attention, not a miracle. Ascension is not a dream. Completing your contract to ascend is an avenue to awareness that is about much more than what an ascension brings. Another adventure awaits.

Chelas, give me the contract completion that your own inner director can guide you to. Don't depend on anyone else to decide your destiny. You are a New Earth creator, as the next wave is not the only contract detail that is causing this ascension to occur. This group asked to co-create the New Earth, and an ascension is needed for this to occur.

Bless you all, and give ascension an attitude of "why not?".

Ascended Master Saint Germain

Children Animals and Ascension
26 July 2011 - ( Ascended Master Saint Germain )
Choosing ascension during the night when the call comes may be difficult, but the most conscious entities will not hesitate. Only these will ascend. Are my meanings clear? Only those answering the call with agreement will ascend. No delirium will prevent this, and no call will not be heard. Only an agreement, and action on that agreement, are activating ascension. Macro details have been compiled for this moment. Not on your dimension, in ours. We are asking for your assistance to heal and deliver all who can accept this call. It needs complete agreement.

Children do not need to go on in this life to learn anything. Today's children did not incarnate to be anything less than totally awake in their answer to daily conditions. They may appear dense in an atmosphere of density, but they have no karma left to clear and can ascend at any moment.

Pets do not need to do anything to ascend. Carrying them out of the building (or any demonstration of your intention) does not need to happen. Accepting an alternative condition for them is needed. If they choose to ascend at the moment notification occurs they will, wherever they happen to be. Nothing needs to be done by you to control this. Completely accept that all candidates for ascension, animals included, will ascend if agreement comes on the call.

After the ascension, animals will be given another chance to incarnate or another consciousness to attain as a new species. Many animals will join the human ascension because of the contact we have given them as animals. Most animals never come to ascension because attachment and control by others does not afford them the opportunity to love without dependance. But having awakened companions, or nearly awakened companions, has lightened them and allowed them to adapt to higher frequencies.

Animals clear of attitudes that are acting as non-aligned disturbances can go through the ascension portal. Horses are included in this. Not all animals attached to humans will ascend - only those who are adjusted, caring and all clear of negative attitudes. Clear them with whatever assistance you can provide. Nature can assist. Give an animal nurturing activities in nature and achieve an attitude change to the lessening of drama in their psyche.

Some animals will definitely not ascend. It is their karma to be abandoned during ascension and adopted by other owners who will give them their lessons. Please don't attempt to determine the ascension readiness of your pets. Not knowing is an acceptable condition for this creative dream that is now unfolding. Parents do not need to worry about the destiny of their children or their animals. All have contracts that include the ascension change.

"Presence" in all circumstances MUST be attained to fully be prepared to ascend. Acceptance of the added details given today must also be given. No attachment to anything near and dear can be dominating the chela who ascends. Pure delight in the ascension can only be delivered when complete light is ascending.

"Going up" is not actually the description of what will occur. No arising of the physical body will occur. Ascension is the arising of the lightbody that cannot be seen. Once the conversion to light by dissolving human density occurs, a lifting of nothing visible will happen. Names and minds will be considered leaving, and only an angelic contributor or an Ascended Master will appear as a light image on the dimension of man's anointment. No dense Angels will be dreamt of again by these light deliverers.

Only those who can drop their human desires, attitudes and contractions are able to become Angels or Ascended Masters. Animals can do this with less Angelic assistance than most humans. More than one human distraction can cause a man to deny the call. Animals will go directly to their destiny, as no distractions will deter them.

Are the dogs, cats and other creatures able to ascend? Act like they are and they will be.

Ascended Master Saint Germain

Be a Gift to Those Who Need Light
31 July 2011 ( Ascended Master Saint Germain )
When the days are hot and mentally draining there is no need to be guided to do anything. It is not necessary to always be given material about another goal to follow. One day to do nothing is more caring to the man or woman than doing a number of tasks that are called for by the Masters. My chelas do not need many more answers. All has been written that any candidate for ascension needs to know.

Are the days getting more life draining or are they getting more enjoyable? All the days that continue the mood of drain are an opportunity to anchor light. Be quiet and let the light that the Masters are able to deliver be a contribution that you make to the planet. All areas need this. None is completely light or completely doused by those who can channel. Channeling an ample amount of light can do a lot of giving to those able to accept it. When our conduits are open, there is an amazing amount of grace available to clear out dark attitudes and open more to accepting their own awareness as "the way". Masters do this without "doing" anything. All they do is clear their mind and continue to accept the light that is coming to them.

Marijuana is not a deterrent to ascension. Neither is any natural substance that is not made into chemical compounds like heroin or cocaine. Nature created marijuana as a material to be consoled with when in great distress. Marijuana was not delivered as a drug or a mental attitude adjuster, only a light dampener of distress. Anyone using natural cannabis is not giving out an anti-consciousness, dense, contracted manifestation. No other caution need be given other than to get clear of all of its effects before driving or attempting to communicate from an organized mind. Mind altering conditions are not negative – drugs that cause health disturbances are.

Can the drug of choice be happiness? My preference is to have laughter and games meet the need of doing something to get "high". "High" is a condition of mind. No drug, or altered state is needed when a natural condition of happiness is the one and only way to live. Awakening the divine nature that lights the world delivers this needed attitude as well.

Protecting one's children from the negative attitudes of their own mind needs attention. Children can be damaged by a negative contact during their early years. In these coming days, the needs of children will be an important consideration. Please help them delete any negativity they are carrying in their mind. No, I don't mean calling attention to the dismantling of their light – only do an attitude adjustment by delivering a different way for them to perceive the object of their distress. Give them the understanding that the cause of their distress is an opportunity to learn. Are children able to grasp this? Of course. It only needs to be brought to their attention. Give the children a chance to clear attitudes that don't give them an answer that leads them to their own light.

Are you able to do this for them? Good, also do it when negative attitudes arise in your mind. Practice changing negatives into positives as they arise. Cancel negative attitudes with a very simple alteration of their nature. My way is: "All of my negative attitudes are a lie I've taken out of context." In this dialog: the negative thought is the lie, and the context is the Divine's gift to man's growth. Humble acceptance of one's own misunderstanding works well.

Have a good time making the negative domain a clear way of transformation for all concerned. Be the guide to an apex of light in anyone you can contribute a dose of attitude adjustment. When the heart can dissolve mind's negativity, another drop of God's nectar is contained in the darkness.

Ascended Master Saint Germain.

Some Questions are Not Answered Because . . .
29 August 2011
( Ascended Master Saint Germain )
Are these questions about ascension an expression of your mind's fear? Yes, they are. No awakened master asks for details of a pending event because no answers can be given.

At the moment of ascension, all who are not ascending are to be left by those who are. It is their karma to be left. All who do not ascend are able to be on the next wave if they get ready. When the first wave leaves, those remaining can no longer claim they have no knowledge of an ability to ascend, and they may decide to go for this themselves. We are hoping this will happen. All who do get the call are able to cancel their choice to leave at any moment. No force is going to make an unwilling man ascend.

Canceling may mean that another chance exists, but it may not. All depends on the other conditions that are going to occur during the following year. We are not going to present to you again all of the opportunities that are pending, as we don't have details about any that have not yet happened in your dimension. Your choices can alter anything that we assume. How you choose becomes the foundation of what comes next. Patience and allowing each learning (as it appears) must be chosen now.

Why despair during the next months when you can be delivering more love on the way to ascension. This will provide others the opportunity to give their ascension more consideration. Closing the door on one ascension does not mean there will automatically be another. The future is not yet "here." Give your attention to NOW. Give as much as you can. Play when you can. Help others with no demands made on them.

Change to the continents are to continue. My Master Messages give many details about what can occur. "When" is still not possible to disclose. Those meant to go through these changes need only one bit of advice: Act like an angel and give an angel's help when you can. Angels decree their divine consciousness. When needing assistance, they make this statement: I AM THAT I AM.

Should an angel come to meet you, tell it: I AM THAT I AM. This makes the angel aware that you are able to ascend at the moment of death. Be calm during any catastrophe and aid others in getting calm. Breathe deep when caught in fear. Change no material conditions now, only bring love to where you are.

Practices you can do to get prepared for what's next:
1. Meditation
2. Act as though your heart is your only advisor
3. Creative thinking coming through the heart to the mind means "DO IT!"
4. Cheer on those who don't agree with your opinions. Accept them as they are.
5. Answer all attacks with only caring about the entire group involved, including the attacker.
6. Welcome whatever happens as God's divine will.
7. Ask again when you don't get an answer that makes sense.
8. Practice humming, chanting or singing OM as a mantra.
9. Be courageous.
10. Accept whatever comes as the next awareness opportunity.

Facts about ascension are not available. We are all guessing about how and when. No matter how or when, come when called. Give up your doubts and your concerns.

Ascended Master Saint Germain

Your Contracts are for Advancing Your Consciousness
29 August 2011 - ( Ascended Master Saint Germain )
Are you wondering about the content of your contract? All is easily available. Call an astrologer to get a printout of the chart for the date, time and location of your body's birth. Amazingly accurate, all the learning opportunities are there. Making a conscious, detailed plan and then matching it with all the alignments the planets make during an entire lifetime! Can you conceive of this having been done in such detail?

Cancellation? Only death or enlightenment. All the constellations are constantly moving during man's incarnation and this cannot be altered. Your active dream will be created along with this movement. Is your life effected by this? Absolutely, and unless you are contributing only grace to the manifestation, the dramas that unfold will include all the karma clearing possibilities that you designed. Only what is in the contract will become manifest in your dream. Your free will cannot override this. Free will is what determines your response to what unfolds. If you don't get the lesson the first time around it will appear again in another form. And when you do get it you will be tested.

Graduation from the life contract is not about completing all the dramas that were included in the original design. It is about changing your relationship to them. When you made up that contract you gave yourself many opportunities to learn to love. Once you are an angel in human form you will see that unloving circumstances can still move a body into cause and effect dialog. In the moment, it may appear a disturbance, but this disruption is only to notify others there is an attitude they are generating that is still needing their attention. In actuality, the angel is not disturbed by anything, God has mirrored an appearance of disturbance for the one needing that lesson. The delivery of certain appearances that are needed is love being brought to "others." The angel is just the deliverer, not the cause of any new karma for any one concerned.

I am discussing this because this is the opportunity most who awaken continue to be, as others need this mirror to add the lesson to their experience. Once awake, a body can be this angelic delivery container because it is no longer acting out any personal feelings. Patterns of behavior that lead to cause and effect manifestations disappear once the light of an awakening floods in.

As for the ascension. I have made many attempts to describe what can appear in the day or night as a call to ascend. When it comes the body's light quotient will be increased and others will not be able to continue to dialog with that container. However, only the container will move out of sight; awareness will remain until it is no longer identified as a person of this, or another dimension.

After the first ascension drama those not on this wave have one more chance. In about one year's time another call will come, and those able to hear it and accept can ascend. No other ascensions will come as a demonstration of mastery in this dimension. One wave has already ascended in consciousness, but these bodies have not yet disappeared as they were needed for assisting those continuing toward this next wave. No more will their bodies be depended upon to deliver messages, or be heard from in 3rd dimension, once the next wave occurs.

Are you able to get your guidance direct from the heart? Are you able to deliver caring in every circumstance? Are you attached to anyone that will not be ascending (many children will be ascending with their parents). Only the adult children (13 and older) can choose for themselves.

Will Starseeds accept the ascension call? Absolutely, they are not here to get any more lessons themselves, only to anchor the awareness of love. When the next ascension occurs those not ascending will not get called Wake up NOW! Answer the call when it comes with "I AM THAT I AM." Clear the mind and delight in the anointing of ascension. Never before has this occurred as a group call. We are very close to this anointment. Get over your dismay at human dis-ease and ascend. Ample opportunity for delivery of assistance to those remaining after ascension will exist. Bring your love of life to another level.

Regarding the comet Elenin. The changes it makes to the atmosphere are enough to cause damage to the continents. No direct contact will occur. Niburu is not the asteroid mentioned in my other message. An asteroid will appear when Elenin is closer.

Blessings to all,

Ascended Master Saint Germain

Changes and What Will Not Change
29 August 2011 - ( Ascended Master Saint Germain )
For one year now my messages have given you an accurate teaching about man's ability to change, and an ascension contract that most of you adopted before coming into a body. What needs to be clarified now is not the things that your mind wants to know, but rather how the life contract composition fits in the big picture. Comets and their effects are not important enough to be the news from our realm, only waylaying their destruction is. My dear ones, telling you that the destiny of man will be completely altered by this comet is not the news I bring. It will disturb. It will necessitate more darkness as the sun will disappear and come back again. But no dramatic scenario will be actualized by our desire to alter things.

Ascension is on track. It is coming soon. As I said before, no dates or times will be announced. My words about the second wave are still accurate. No cancellation of either ascension plan is considered an option. Those who are able to ascend will do so by magnifying their light on the call of Angels.

There is an asteroid behind Elenin that may also come close to Earth. If so, this could cancel our prediction for a second wave. As we now see this asteroid's potential impact, it will not actually collide with the continents, but the energy it brings could destroy a lot of today's creations in a second. If this happens, no one will care because of the nuclear crisis this would create.

Ascension is still scheduled for "the next months." The comet's energy will not alter this. After ascension an asteroid will be the next destructive manifestation in the cosmos. What I have continually said is: choose to ascend now before things on Earth get much worse. An asteroid can destroy everything. It doesn't appear to be moving at a calculated degree of contact to the land, but that can change. One thing at a time: awakening and ascension are not connected to the movements of either of these material objects.

Is NASA accurate about Elenin? As accurate as can be managed to know now. Elenin will not come much closer to Earth than NASA predicts, but its trace of contact is enough to be very destructive to the Earth. This is why I asked for more assistance to lead it away. No, it will not be between the Earth and the moon and yes, it will be brightest during the week of mid-October.

Will we cancel anything because of Elenin? No, no change from our end. Are the ascension calls coming before the closest contact with the comet? Maybe, maybe not - this is God's decision and no one knows. We will all be guided at the moment God decides.

Facts cannot be given because the actual data can still be altered. I am not concerned about Elenin. I want many to ascend and our "take" on this is that no damage that is caused by Elenin will have any effect on ascension. The ascension will be a moment that has more impact on consciousness than either the comet or the asteroid.

As we observe the comet and the asteroid we allow them to lead to a certain degree of contact before we attempt to change their course. We do anticipate using the light of our chelas to help us do this when the time comes. Whether they have ascended or not doesn't matter. Not having a dense body will not change the amount of light available from your heart.

All is as it needs to be. Free yourself from mental concerns about future events. None of this matters to the dance of ascension.

Ascended Master Saint Germain

Comet Elenin and our World
4 September 2011 - ( Ascended Master Saint Germain )
The children of God are all being called upon to find the love that has been activated within them, not only ascension candidates. All of humanity has been powerfully contacted in their etheric awareness about how their mental decisions are needing to be more caring. This can mean less damage will occur when comet Elenin moves between the sun and the earth. Both pieces of the orbiting comet are now coming towards an anti-gravity cavity, and when they enter the vicinity of this cavity their presence will begin to lower the density of man's continents as the comet pieces continue to make their way around the galaxy.

Careful change now can delete the cranial disturbances that the effects of this event may cause. It is not possible to eliminate the comet's contact, as mandates of this kind do not change the course of a comet, they can only lessen the effects by influencing the proximity of the path in some degree.

What do humans need to change? Words and attitudes that are not caring, and actions against any of God's creations. Why? To adjust the frequency of mass consciousness to match what will occur when Elenin goes into the influence of the anti-gravity cavity. When this occurs the elimination of dense contact will change in the way all of God's children are connected in kind. As this comet continues its orbit, any contained dense charge within the atmosphere of cohesion of mass consciousness will be deleted by the increased comet dross. What you can anticipate is death and destruction. But please realize the odds against a man being able to transform his negative contribution to mass consciousness on a moment's notice. What can be done NOW cannot be done after the comet enters the anti-gravity area.

Caring about the effects of the comet is not the reason for this mention of it. My comet revelations will add incentive to creating a higher consciousness for those who choose to act upon this message. The gift of the comet is to bring the entire planet to more awareness. Why? Changing mass consciousness can delete many disasters. Comets are dangerous and can destroy many. Can you do the one thing that can cancel these effects? Meditate, get quiet. Be aware, not afraid. Close any concepts about dismissing the comet with your mental ability. Pretending there are no effects can cause more unwanted challenges than canceling your negative thinking. Please don't give my words any disturbed attitudes, realize only more choices that come from the heart. Continuation of the current negative attitudes calls to man's world major alterations to the planet's configuration, with other effects to follow.

Change is on the way. Never before has a comet connection been so tenuous. An asteroid comes behind it. Are you able to defer to its way around your universe? You can. First deal with the Elenin disturbances in a conscious manner. Welcome all of these disturbances and let go of any mental upset you have about any topic. Feel awkward, dismayed or confused, but not afraid. Fear is not going to favor the candidate's delivery to ascension. Being positive and caring are my messages for today.

Are you able to differentiate between caring and admitting fear, and allowing fear to dominate the face of your body?

Tell us your fears, and give them an avenue to be released. Act like they are okay, but not needed. Face the fear and give it to our mastery.

Ascended Master Saint Germain

?Saint Germain Pt 1: The Man Who Would Not Die?? - YouTube48

?Saint Germain Pt 2: The Man Who Would Not Die?? - YouTube

?Saint Germain Pt 3: The Man Who Would Not Die?? - YouTube

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