Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Saint Germain & the Ascended Masters Planetary Update!

Live! International Tele-Activation

Saturday May 1, 2021  9:00 AM  (Pacific Time) - $35

Butter cream cupcakes, magic swords, chocolate éclairs, positive energy spheres, Danish pastries, bundles of cash and other rewards are very beneficial for stronger connection and enhanced motivation.  Those who know how to bestow blessings and what gifts to give at the correct time are held in high regard both on Earth and in the heavens.  This is a rare talent that we will discuss and give to you in this joyful presentation! We will also be gathering together to send healing energy and light around the planet to humanity and all life streams living here. See you there!


New Replay Session! 


The "Replay" session is for all of you who live in different times zones and for those who cannot attend the morning session.  The 1-1/2 to 2 hour 'Replay' link will be available and sent to you by 6:00 PM (US/Las Vegas/Pacific Time) and will close at 8:30 PM (US/Pacific Time) make sure you start listening to the session by 6:15 (US/Pacific Time)!  Also, your payment is for one session only....after the dial-in codes or replay link is sent to you, we cannot refund or transfer your payment to the later or different session.



For more information please visit....  




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