Sagittarius Full Moon in Opposition to the Sun of Gemini Occurring on June 14th
By Djwhal Khul, via Christine Mahlariessee My Dearest Beloveds,
I am Master Djwhal Khul bringing forth a message for this full moon lunation for June 2022.
Expansion is the key word I want to use for the present energies coming into the planet.
It is a time to fully allow what you experience in your higher states of awareness to become a reality within your physical, etheric (chakras), emotional, and mental bodies. There is so much that can be achieved internally and externally through the present energies if you allow it to happen.
Now is the time to experience your higher states of Awareness to become the focal point of your consciousness. You must not let anything stand in your way no matter what issues arise through the challenges of your pathway.
There is a state of openness that is occurring; allow it to be part of your physical walk, your emotional energies, your mental faculties and expand your chakra system with the ability to walk through any doorway, any darkness, to command within yourself that the Light you have received in the Wesak energies can now be part of your true essence.
But you must believe it to be otherwise there can be infractions that are placed upon you that you may not even know about, and then all of a sudden you must deal with the elements around you. They are not you; they are just representative of the world that was you in your past incarnations.+++
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