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Rockefellars out in open playing god according to this report

Kinti Mining Lmtd.'s (KMLD) Announces Supriem David Rockefeller and the Rebuilding of the 3rd Jewish Temple in Addition to Frank Love Commencing the "Temple Now Project"

January 29, 2010: 12:01 AM ET

Kinti Holdings Group (KMLD) (OTCBB: KMLD) President, Frank Love, and Director Supriem David Rockefeller, states the following, "Kinti Holdings will be raising funds to go towards building the third Temple in Jerusalem in strict coordinance with The Temple Institute, Rabbi Hiam Richman and The Palestinian National Interest Committee (PNIC) and supporting Husam Bajis for President of Palestine. Prince Husam Bajis and the PNIC support our mission to build the Temple and to create a One Israel-Palestine state.

About Kinti Holdings Group. We are a division of Kinti Mining Lmtd. that is publicly traded under ticker symbol (KMLD). Our corporation has 50 Million shares Authorized, issued and outstanding, with approximately 80% being held tight within the corporation and its friendly stakeholders.

Please visit our website ( for our disclaimer and links to the "Temple Now Project" and Temple Institute.


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Comment by simpleman on March 2, 2010 at 7:02pm
He wants to build this temple so he can sit on a throne in there and rule the world.
Comment by Lea Anna Cooper on March 2, 2010 at 3:48pm
I guess Rockefellar is trying to 'save his soul'...but it's too dark to save. He's pure evil in the most extreme sense of the word. Thanks for the post..hugz, Lea
Comment by Trudy on February 6, 2010 at 7:32am
I do not believe, that the Palestinians would go for this... no sir... !!

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