We are headed toward another major completion point via the Paschal (Libra) Full Moon…the first full moon of spring (in the north)…on Saturday (4/16) in which both the Sun & Moon are being squared by Pluto in Capricorn. There is a palpable pressure to shift & evolve out of old karmic patterns…to choose Love over fear, Heart over head…what reads like an intentional initiation before we enter into Resurrection Season the following day (4/17).
And tho we’ve technically been in eclipse season since the Aries new moon (4/1), the Taurus new moon at the end of the month (4/30) is when the first (solar) eclipse takes place. These next two weeks are helping us to break free from our personal prisons…to emancipate our minds (from lower ego traps) and come to grips with what has been holding us back (potentially for lifetimes) in order to fully embrace our new life cycle.
Overall, a lot of big energies are building to our deliverance, the quantum shift point of liberation from our karmic lives, roles, missions, duties, responsibilities, and most importantly…our biology.
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