Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Ringing In My Ears By Tunia through A. S.

Ringing In My Ears
By Tunia through A. S.

Question: Hello Hakann and Tunia. I’m in Louisiana and I’ve been experiencing ringing, buzzing in my ears for a couple of years now. It doesn’t hurt or bother me just wondering is this a higher frequency coming in? When I meditate or just remain quiet it really amps up. On 8-08 the lions gate it was stronger than usual. It is constantly there. Why is this always with me? Thank you.

Answer: Dear questioner,

This is Tunia speaking. I appreciate the opportunity to connect with you today. I love you very much.

When Light workers ask about ringing in their ears, this is generally related to their body adjusting to higher energies. You can think of it as leveling up spiritually.

In the previous Q&A we received a similar question and we told that person that no action on their part was needed. ...+

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