Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Resistance Decoded! Compassion Required.


AGAIN, the paradox of “pushing AWAY” from where we want to go is coming up loud and clear. You MUST feel it! Even those who still refuse to believe that there even IS such a thing as energy… well, bless their hearts, they’ve been dragging for such a long “time” already that the intensity of this push/pull energy NOW will be very scary as they feel it…. and they WILL and DO feel it, without question. That is the point of these push/pull energies, actually. NO ONE CAN RESIST FEELING THEIR OWN ENERGY ANY LONGER. 

Please be aware of that and have COMPASSION with those around you who may be freaking out in some way (there are many ways), or trying to shut down (that is even more dangerous, because they CAN’T). The missing piece for the many, of course, is WHY NOT? And why would I feel such RESISTANCE to creating a NEW experience that I feel so powerfully PULLED to create, anyway?

Therein lies the paradox… the integration of the opposites.
Until YOU see it, however, it remains a puzzle that only YOU can put together, for each one of us has pieces that are precious and unique unto ourselves. BUT– if you re-read that question carefully, you will find YOUR missing piece encoded within it! If you WANT to. Whether you want to or NOT, it IS there in you. And it will not go away, because it is YOURS.
Most especially right NOW, have compassion with YOU.

Whoa, this is a BIG POST! And it’s all about why I LOVE MY “WORK!” Which is NOT work…. more like being a mid-wife (or mid-husband, if I were male).


If you would like  a private “mid-wife” session, let me know via email Do not worry about “cost”… there is no such thing in our NEW Paradigm.  I can tell you all about that, too. 


Copyright©2016, Judith Dagley-All Rights Resreved.

You may copy and redistribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice

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