Replaying Atlantis
By Teri Wade
Posted on April 3, 2023
The splitting of two worlds couldn’t be more apparent with the ushering in of the last few years. Right now on the surface humanity is going to extremes, chaos is boiling over in the streets and humanity is being forced to pick a side. What’s happening is we are replaying Atlantis, we are replaying the Orion wars.
The Atlanteans were highly spiritual and very advanced technologically. Again, we are replaying Atlantis meaning we have highly evolved technology and what’s happening to the human race right now is we are advancing spiritually on a rapid scale. This Awakening...
Tags: atlanteans, atlantis, boiling over, chaos, diversity, extremes, no coincidence, orion wars, replaying, replaying atlantis, splitting, teri wade, ushering
Join the ‘Shakeup’ of the Sleeping Mob
By Peter B Meyer
Posted on April 3, 2023
It is time to stand and shake up everyone
Globally, the financial system is an immense fraud that bankers have been getting away with for hundreds of years. Through this financial power, the Deep State elite has “bribed” governments, industry and media. The power of money, even if completely fake, gives them total control over the entire banking system and our society.
Control over the creation and distribution of money, is the Deep State mafia’s true source of power on our planet. Bankers learnt early on that by applying the...
Tags: bribed, deep state, deep state elite, elite, fake money, financial power, financial system, governments, immense fraud, industry, joint, media, peter b meyer, power of money, shakeup, sleeping mob, total control
By The Galactic Council
Channel: Asara Adams
Posted on April 3, 2023
We are here now. We love you.
We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.
Beloved One, the Divine Light within you shines brightly and is perceived throughout the entire Universe.
This Divine Light calls forth the presence of higher dimensional Beings of Light, including your Galactic Family of Light, to assist you on your ascension journey through the dimensions.
Every moment you get a glimpse of your own Divine Light and the Divine Light of those around you, we celebrate the...
Tags: asara adams, divine light within, ego, ego mind, galactic council, galactic family of light, illusion, illusory, shines brightly, universe
Riding the Waves of Inspired Action
The Angels
Channel: Ann Albers
Posted on April 3, 2023
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
So many of you put so much pressure on yourselves to”get moving,”
“be productive,” or “do something worthwhile” when you might otherwise want to rest, ponder, and dream. You might not yet understand that in your rest, pondering, and dreaming, you are taking time to recalibrate your vibration into a higher and happier space. You are leveraging energy vs. action. It is wise to listen to these urges when they arise.
The tendency to be harsh with yourself when you are not producing is unnatural. It is not native to the soul to...
Tags: ann albers, dreaming, experience, inspired action, physical universe, riding the waves
Poof Said for April 2, 2023
By Steve Beckow
Posted on April 3, 2023
Greetings and Salutations,
We can safely say that inch by inch progress is being made. You do not know the plan but trust us there is one; there are plenty of folks who are quietly observing and awaiting the agreed-upon signal to put the next phase into motion.
No one but the key people understand or even know what that is but again the powers that can move the Earth in the White Hats camp are doing what needs to be done. Just trust that it would be nothing but...
Tags: awaiting, being made, change, checks-and-balances, knowledge, motion, new media talkers, next phase, poof, steve beckow, the signal
The Impact of a Change of Vote
By Steve Beckow
Posted on April 3, 2023
Our love and blessings go out to President Trump as he responds to the sealed indictment this week.
Blossom’s Federation said these events will see the beginning of “Phase 2.” SG Anon in File 47 also said this marked a new phase.
But, while having one eye on what’s happening there and elsewhere, I still am drawn into deep introspection.
What I’m looking at right now is the result of my having changed my vote around a year ago from coming into life from the negative side to coming into life from the...
Tags: asanas, change of vote, deep introspection, dropped, early childhoodtrauma, embracing the new, experiencing, impact, negative, new phase, old paradigm, positive, rlationships, shift, steve beckow, tension
“Be still and know that I AM God”
By Kenneth Schmitt
Posted on April 3, 2023
This state of Being is what comes to us when we release everything we think we know about ourselves, requiring complete openness in trusting our eternal presence of awareness beyond any beliefs that we are limited in any way. We are Creator Consciousness expressing ourselves as humans with inner awareness of the Source of our conscious life stream. We can call it intuition. It is the realization of our infinite essence of life. The essence of Creator Consciousness that we share is a fractal of the entirety of universal consciousness. Through our...
Tags: awareness, beyond any beliefs, complete openness, creator consciousness, eternal presence, i am god, infinite essence of life, inner awareness, kenneth schmitt, quantum field, release, source, state of being, trusting, universal consciousness, within
What We Do with Your Emotional Data
The 9D Arcturian Council
Channel: Daniel Scranton
Posted on April 3, 2023
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are totally and completely engaged in all of the goings on there on planet Earth. We have been following your stories for quite some time, and we are very interested in capturing the essence of what it means to be human and living on Earth at this time. We want to know what it feels like for all of you to have the experiences that you have, and when we gather that emotional...
Tags: arcturian council, circumstances, co-create, daniel scranton, emotional data, experiences, goings on, higher-vibrational states, new realities, romantic relationship
By Matthew Ward (Matthew)
Channel: Suzanne Ward
Light vs dark progress; lightworkers as mentors; ET spacecraft landings when safety is assured; sending love light; false information; densities; some evolved civilizations
Posted on April 3, 2023
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. During this final act of the ages-old battle between the light forces and the dark forces, Earth is aglow with the light of volunteers, off-planet civilizations, and growing numbers of awakened and awakening souls.
It is due to ever-intensifying light that you are seeing more and more...
Tags: assured, densities, et spacecraft, evolved civilizations, false information, falsified statistics, illuminati, landings, light, light vs dark, lightworkers, matthew, matthew ward, mentors, progress, safety, sending love, suzanne ward
Ascend the Emotion Scale
Thought Adjuster
Is The Teacher
Message received by Anyas
Posted on April 3, 2023
Oregon, USA, December 4, 2021.
“Love is the ancestor of all spiritual goodness, the essence of the true and the beautiful.” [UB 192:2.1]
Thought Adjuster: “It is a no-brainer to accept that love is what animates goodness — its essence. It is why goodness feels good. Because divine love is authentic, its byproducts are infused with truth and nothing but the truth.
Water results from bonding two atoms of hydrogen with one of oxygen. From this perspective, one could say that the substance of love consists...
Tags: ancestor, anyas, ascend, beautiful, emotion scale, essence of true, goodness, progress group, spiritual goodness, thought adjuster
Eclipse Gateway Activations
By Meg Benedicte
Posted on April 3, 2023
The Eclipse portal reaches peak power with the Solar Eclipse at 29°52′ Aries on April 20, 2023.
The gateway will last for two weeks, culminating in the Wesak Full Moon Eclipse at 14°52’ Scorpio on May 5. Eclipses are turbo-charged new or full moon events, sending shock waves through the field. Eclipses activate the north and south nodes of destiny. These eclipses are shaking loose outmoded beliefs, behaviors, and reactions. Examine where you may still be stuck or rigid in your life and allow the powerful eclipses to unlock and open your energy.
Tags: activations, astrology, eclipse gateway, gateway, meg, meg benedicte, moon eclipse, solar eclipses
The Sum Total of Who We Are
Master Kuthumi
Channel: Lingenfelder
Posted on April 3, 2023
Dear ones, as you enter through the portal of the Life-Giving Force Field kicking and screaming (as it is very traumatic to be birthed here) you take on an intended divine imprint of authenticity which is programmed by several sub-templates. First, there is the template of soul-spirit decisions, which are pointers that indicate your pre-projected route, from arrival right through to exit opportunities.
This is overlaid by your template of influence, which include nudges from your guides, synchronicity, and your intuition. Then there is the all-important map of point of entry,...
Tags: divine imprint, guides, intuition, kuthumi, life-giving force, lingenfelder, master kuthumi, template of influence, traumatic
April 2023 Ascension Energies
By Samantha
Posted on February 28, 2023
Hello Awakened Soul!
April’s Ascension Energies will guide us to expand our soul wisdom, when our 9th, Blue Star Chakra aligns more fully with our second chakra to support us to express our individual co-creative power.
True co-creative power involves the union of our feminine and masculine creative energies, fused with spiritual intention. When we own our co-creative power, we can create our lives, and use it to be in service to ourselves, each other and our planet in a balanced way.
A gentle reminder that beyond the 1st-8th Chakras, there exists...
Tags: ascension, ascension energies, blue star chakra, chakras, co-creative power, creative energies, energies, samantha, second chakra, soul wisdom, spiritual intention
This is How You Stretch and Bend Time
The 9D Arcturian Council
Channel: Daniel Scranton
Posted on April 2, 2023
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have an abundance of time on our hands, because we have no limitations when it comes to time, and because we have no limitations when it comes to time, we get to be timeless. We invite you to experience yourselves as timeless, even though you do still use clocks and calendars to keep track of things there on planet Earth. Yes, it is easy for us and challenging for you, but you...
Tags: arcturian council, bend time, challenges, daniel scranton, stretch, stretch time, time
Our Empirical Trance
By Kenneth Schmitt
Posted on April 2, 2023
Being in the dualistic empirical trance of humanity is powerfully addictive; however, it is possible to expand beyond body-consciousness. In this state we can transcend our limitations and enter a state of greater awareness beyond polarity. In our emotional expressions we are naturally magnetic, attracting resonating patterns of energy. This is how we create the qualities of our experiences.
Expanding beyond body consciousness is a process of allowance, but just being present in awareness and allowing ourselves to expand beyond our physical presence receives resistance from our limiting beliefs about ourselves. We have believed that our...
Tags: body-consciousness, empirical trance, expand, experiences, kenneth schmitt, polarity, powerfully addictive, transcending
A Vision for Being There
The Vision Alignment Project
This Vision is a quote from our Intenders Facebook Founders Circle page that was posted there recently by Ivan Silovic. It is short but says so much. Thanks, Ivan
Be there. Go there now and never leave. Imagine that your dreams have already come true. Live your life from that mindset. Predicate your behavior on that reality, not the illusions that now surround you. Filter every thought, question, and answer from there. Let your focus shift and be born again - because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest...
Tags: a vision, alignment project, being there
How Many World Wars?
By Steve Beckow
Posted on April 2, 2023
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Everything we need to know we learned in kindergarten |
Nothing of the sort.In my opinion, our history doesn’t demonstrate that democracy has failed or that mob rule always threatens below our unruly surface.
What it’s shown, it seems to me, and I speak as a former cultural historian, is that we as a world have to avoid extremism.
Extremism of the right and the left corrode society faster than anything else I can think of. They destroy the bonds of society and force us to start all over again.
Extremism in a couple’s behavior...
Tags: avoid extremism, democracy, democracy has failed, everything we need to nnow, mob rule, news, steve beckow, unruly surface, we learned in kindergarten, world wars
CDC Alarmed over Spread of Fergie … errrr … Auris
By Steve Beckow
Posted on April 2, 2023
The CDC are announcing an outbreak of Candida Auris or what Blossom dubbed “Fergus the Fungus.”
I’m not going to print the full article. Just to let you know that the cabal is now launching its newest product line.
I think laughter is the best medicine here, the best vaccine for this kind of send-up.
Deadly fungal infection spreading at an alarming rate, CDC says
The fungus, a type of yeast called Candida auris, or C. auris, can cause severe illness in people with weakened immune systems....
Tags: alarme, anxiety, auris, bioweapons, black operations, candida auris, cdc, change, chemical spills, corruption, cover-ups, covid-19 variants, dark plan, derailments, epidemics, exaggerated covid deaths, factory fires, fake news, fake science, fall of the cabal, false-flag operations, fergus, fraud, fungal outbreak, fungus, minimized vaccine deaths, pandemics, planetary management, spread fergie, steve beckow, viral threats
The Power of Blessings
Message from Archangel Gabriel
Channel: Shanta Gabriel
Posted on March 26, 2023
Take time to bless that which you have and ask for what you want
To bless means to confer energy upon a person or situation that has your focus. It is a wonderful way to bring Divinity into your daily life, and this practice honors the Oneness within us at all times.
It is important to bless all that is manifesting. Without that space of honoring what we already experience in life and being grateful for what it is, we are not in a place of magnetism for what we want...
Tags: archangel gabriel, ask, bless, daily life, divinity into, experience in life, oneness, oneness within, power of blessings, shanta gabriel
Repeating Earlier Lessons
R'Kok trough A. S.
Posted on April 1, 2023
Greetings, Earth humans. This is R’Kok speaking. Hakann was kind enough to let me use his channeling spot for this week.
I am the so-called reptilian who has killed millions of people in the past and now greatly regrets that. I currently serve as a military advisor for the galactic confederation. I am hoping that via this message I may serve you today.
Note that the difference between “confederation” and “federation” is that membership of a confederation is voluntary, while membership of a federation is not. Of course, membership of the galactic confederation...
Tags: a. s., awareness greater consciousness, complete separation, consciousness, earlier lessons, narcissistic, repeating, rkok, selfish, separation, separation consciousness, unity, unity consciousness
Transformative Wisdom and Evolutionary Leap
By Alberto Villoldo PhD
Posted on April 1, 2023
We are witnessing an era of history drawing to a close. Before us is the possibility of humanity developing a grand new understanding as it emerges into the “fifth sun,” as the sages of Middle America describe this time.
The Andean shamans believe that it is the time of prophesied reintegration of the peoples of the Four Directions. With their counterparts in other areas of the planet, Andean shamans are making offerings to Pachamama, Mother Earth. They do this to facilitate the bringing of a new order and harmony to the world....
Tags: alberto villoldo, earthkeeper, evolutionary leap, transformative wisdom, wisdom
8 Traits of a Super Empath:
Find Out If You Are One
By Janey Davies, B.A. (Hons)
Posted on April 1, 2023
What is a super empath? You might think it means an empath with heightened sensitivity. You’re right, but it’s complicated.
Super empaths feel other people’s emotions more intensely. It’s like having a superpower; you can use it for good or evil. In this article, I want to examine super empath traits, how they differ from empaths and how they cope with this
8 Traits of a Super Empath
1. You can dial your emotions up or...
Tags: emotions, empath, find out, hsp, janey davies, personality, rmpathy, super empath, traits
Expanding our Realizations
By Kenneth Schmitt
Posted on April 1, 2023
Being able to focus our attention when we’re quieting our mind and slowing our brain waves is possible by being present in awareness without distraction. It is a state of quiet ecstasy and unlimited awareness in alignment with the vibrations of our heart-consciousness. We can practice always being joyful and grateful, transcending our belief in vulnerability. Our awareness is eternally present. It is not bound by time and is the source of our creative intent.
We are always aware, even if our body is in a coma. We always have thoughts and feelings that serve many purposes....
Tags: awareness in alignment, brain waves, expanding, focus attention, heart-consciousness, kenneth schmitt, present in awareness, quieting, realizations, without distraction
Letter from Zimbabwe, March 31, 2023
By Cathy Buckle
Posted on April 1, 2023
The Story I Cannot Tell
Dear Family and Friends,
Writing this Letter From Zimbabwe to you every week or fortnight for the last 23 years has taken some effort, and that’s an understatement! Some weeks it’s easy, words pour out faster than I can type them; other weeks I sweat blood, stare at the blank screen and wonder exactly how to tell you what’s really going on.
It’s often a dangerous business writing this story of Zimbabwe; without exception those of us who do it in one form or another...
Tags: cathy buckle, steve beckow, zimbabwe
Us: Transcending the Transcendental
By Steve Beckow
Posted on March 31, 2023
There are seraphim in our midst. Since I opened the blog in 2009, I’ve had Michael directly or indirectly acknowledge three and another perhaps four have credible claims to it.
But I don’t want to be “outing” anyone. That can subject them to ridicule and injure their missions.
InLight Radio was financed by a seraph, R (for Rosey). Rosey is now restored to her golden seraphic form; I bow to her for her generosity.
They really are among us, to guarantee that we get the job done, as Michael says.
The saying about entertaining...
Tags: ascended masters, ascension itself, atman, seraphim, steve beckow, the self, the transcendental, transcendental
The Dream
By James Gilliland
Posted on April 1, 2023
Last night two events happened. One I was on a boat landing on an island. I was greeted by a Grandmother with a beautiful hug. She said we have been waiting for you. As we walked from the pier and through the town the people acknowledged her, smiling and bowing and she would bow back to them. The Grandmother said I want you to take some time to assess the village. I was not sure what she meant by assessment. We met many of the people, many beautiful men and women yet there was a sense of...
Tags: acceptance, bliss, dream, frequency of love, grandmother, james gilliland, joy
A Breath of Fresh Air
By Steve Beckow
Posted on April 1, 2023
In Canada, the Liberal and New Democratic Party seem to be in service to the World Economic Forum.
Enter stage right, Pierre Poilievre, now leader of the Conservative Party. Confident and balanced, Pierre seems alive … I won’t say “woke” … to many of the issues of the day.
In fact, he made such a succinct definition of “woke” culture recently that I’d like to draw attention to it:
“’Woke’ has one purpose. Only one purpose. Plenty of pretexts. But only one purpose. Control. It is designed to divide people by race, by...
Tags: awaken, breath of fresh air, conflict, dictatorships, dissent, divide people, eligion, ethnicity, freedom, gender, pierre poilievre, race, steve beckow, vaccine status, woke, world economic forum
Carving or Releasing a Form?
By Steve Beckow
Posted on April 1, 2023
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Michaelangelo’s Pieta |
Imagine you’re a sculptor. Are you carving a form out of marble? Or are you releasing a form from the marble that obscures it?
If we were talking about spiritual unfoldment, would it not be the latter? The spirit is already in form. The spirit is “driving” the body, looking out through the eyes, operating the virtual-reality levers and switches that make the body go. (1)
I’ve experienced two of the qualities of that spirit or Self – purity and innocence. (2)
That experience is what is unreachable for us as long...
Tags: arly childhood trauma, ascension itself, carving, existing spirit, gradual aspects of ascension, innocence, qualities of spirit, releasing, rising light energy, sculptor, spirit drive the body, spirit is in form, spiritual unfoldment, steve beckow, sudden aspects of ascension, upset clearing process, vasana, vasanas
Have Hope
The Galactic Federation of Ligh
Channel: Krista Energeticleigh
Posted on April 1, 2023
The path for us to reach you is through thought. Do you want to see a change in the world? Visualize the change in your thoughts. You do not need to speak verbally, mind patterns are what we pick up on. Right now in the minds of the US Nation anger is what is going on in peoples minds. We pick up on all the anger. My friends switch your thoughts. You cannot change the world with anger. Take that anger and turn it into what would be the positive outcome. You...
Tags: change, discernment, experience, galactic federation, harmony, higher dimension, hope, paramount f, positive outcome, prepare, return, survival, thought, visualize
Ascension is the Focal Point
Mira of the Pleiadian High Council
Channel: Valerie Donner
Posted on April 1, 2023
Greetings: I am Mira. I am from the Pleiadian high Council, however, I work full-time with the Earth Council for the ascension of the planet.
Ascension is the focal point on the Earth right now. There’s nothing more important and it is moving swiftly in this process. This is a transitional time for the planet. It is not time to follow the anxious path but to follow the path of light. Some of you may be having recurring dreams, or new dreams, about what you will be...
Tags: ascension, focal point, mira, pleiadian high council, valerie donner
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