Remove 666 Matrix Codes
By Meg Benedicte of 2022 we are immersed in the magical ‘2’ energy. 2 represents Divine Mother, the High Priestess, the Goddess essence.
The 2022 feminine infusion will alter and transform the global operating system from the dissolving hierarchical patriarchy into a more equitable circle of collaboration, community and sustainability. This year is a threshold moment for humanity and Gaia. It is an entry point in a new direction, launching a new paradigm on planet earth.
In numerology 2022 also adds up to a ‘6’ year. The ‘6’ life path is learning how become a responsible adult, being accountable for our actions. This ‘6’ year heralds a call for earthlings to be more responsible with each other and with our beloved planet. It is time to up-level to more conscious living.
On Monday, June 6th the cosmic 666 gateway initiates a clearing of the ancient codes or ‘mark’ that enslaved humanity. Since the Fall, when the fallen consciousness swept the planetary field, an artificial top-down pyramidal hierarchy power-system has controlled the earth plane. There has been astral interference targeting incarnating Souls at the earthly entry gates. These gateways have been controlled for thousands of years by the fallen presence.
Every incarnating Soul had to agree under coercion to enter the control Matrix simulation at the hi-jacked entry gates. Upon agreement, incarnating Souls received +++
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