Reminder to be grateful in lifeAngelic Warrior GroupArchangel MichaelThrough Sharon Stewart am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group.
As you see, this is week 66 of our group and this is a sign of the group's strength and power. Sixty-six is a divine number indicating power and this group is growing in strength and fortitude.
This is a reminder to be grateful in life. Your path on earth is not an easy one. You have no idea of the ease of life because many of you don't remember any lives abroad, you only think all life is as toilsome as your life on earth is. They are not. The secret is gratitude. Being grateful for what you are given, being grateful for what you are shown about yourself and others is all intended to keep you on the easiest path to walk on earth.
Gratitude is your connection to the heavens. It is your call to God, your call to say, “thank you for watching out for me, thank you for loving me.” It is your call to those who can hear you and who will reward you for stepping into your own powers of love.
In this vein, we are asking you to send your loving energy into the grid. It is so important that more people wake up as now new campaigns are being launched in order to make you fear and to keep you sick. ...+
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