Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Remembering One Who Serves and Shoshanna By James McConnell and JoAnna McConnell

One Who Serves and Shoshanna
By James McConnell and JoAnna McConnell

Om, mani, padme, hum; om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum. Greetings to you! One Who Serves here. Shoshanna is back with us, wonderful! And we are ready to continue on with the show.

And we use that term purposefully: show, movie, play, however you want to look at this. But that is exactly what it is, as you look at the illusion that is all around you, and fully realize more and more that it is an illusion. It is a moving playing out. And you are all the actors, and the directors, and the producers, and the fans! You are all together in this! So continue to see it as it is meant to be seen by all of you that have awakened. You have opened your eyes. You have opened your ears. To be able to see and hear all that you have been missing up until this point.

But not much longer. Because as you continue to awaken into the higher vibrations, the higher vibrations will continue to be there, and will continue to help awaken you. And as you awaken more and more in those higher vibrations, then your vibration continues to rise higher, and will continue to awaken you more. And then the memories will start coming back, the remembrances.

All of this is coming. It is a part of your expression of who you are. So be patient. Be patient. It is coming. We have not been lying to you. All of us have not been telling you fibs and all of that. We have been bringing the truth to you. And you just to this point at times have not been ready to hear it. But you are more and more now ready to receive the understandings, the remembrances, and all of the truth that is coming forward here. So prepare yourselves. It is coming. ...+

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