Remember Who You Are
By Isis
Through Dana Grozdanova

You do not need to be afraid for I am with you and within you. With all that you are going through you need to remember that you are not alone and you will never be alone. The things that you are facing as a collective are becoming more clear and the fears that have been hidden are now being shown for all to see. This can bring up many emotions and trapped energies within your body. But this is nothing to be afraid of, these energies within you will calm down and you will feel at peace. These changes within you will help you to hold more light and you will receive more light in this new month.
Your light is shining brighter, your energy is moving faster and you are moving in a direction that is guided by your highest self. Though you may not see where you are going you are collectively moving forward in union. As you are moving further more will join you on your way and you will receive the help that you need from others that are in alignment. You all share different visions and views and herein lies your strength, you are here to find your path together and create a way where there is none. ...>>>
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