Remember the SunBy Catherine Viel is not far to the stars,
Not far for them to lean down and whisper…
Sunlight, I am mad with your light.
~Alice Corbin Henderson, Song of Sunlight
I’m finally getting around to transcribing a session I had with Dr. Peebles last January. I started transcribing it a year ago, but wasn’t enamored of the message, so I quit. It’s the first and only time in my more than a dozen sessions with Dr. P that I was thoroughly disenchanted with what Spirit chose to relay.
I now realize my dissatisfaction stemmed from not receiving the answers I wanted about a health issue that hasn’t improved as I’ve been “promised” it would. In fact, it’s gotten worse. (Granted, I haven’t followed through on every single recommendation, but Dr. Peebles always says, If it feels like homework, by all means, ignore it, these are only suggestions.)....+
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