Remember JoyHeavenlettersVia Gloria Wendroff said (to me):
When you feel tense and uptight, you are away from joy. You have put a sense of urgency above a sense of joy. You have forgotten what matters. Getting something done is not what matters. Having joy in the doing is what matters.
Perhaps tenseness comes from a sense of not being worth enough and trying to make up for it, to prove to someone somewhere and yourself that you can do it, whatever it is, and that you are, after all, despite everything, quite good enough.
The truth is you have nothing to prove but joy, and joy is not to be proved. It is to be enjoyed. Enjoy joy. Allow it. You are not in a race to rack up the most points.
Seriousness is not better than joyful. Adultlike is not better than childlike.
What is joy but being in the moment?
What is sense of urgency but not being in the moment?....+
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