Releasing and Healing
Adama of Telos
Through Asara Adams, Beloved Ones.
We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.
Dear Ones, part of your Ascension journey is the integration of your
I AM Presence into your being and world.
Your I AM Presence is the individualized aspect of God, and you are the physical embodiment of it.
As you went through countless embodiments, you have accumulated more and more human discord within your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.
This process cut humanity off from their I AM Presence.
In the Ascended Realms, such as Telos, the Ascended Master Realm, the Angelic Realm, the Cosmic (Galactic) Realm of Light and the Elohim, we have fully integrated and are one with our I AM Presence.
That is why we speak about the I AM Presence and how you can become one with it so often.
As you are releasing and healing more and more of your human discord in your four lower bodies, it is important to continue to invite your I AM Presence into your being.+++
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