Ready for A Breakthrough?
Envision A New Start
By Selacia year as our collective society experiences a new threshold of mega change and uncertainty, you will be required to adapt to many new things. A new level of spiritual testing is unfolding for awakened souls. Continue reading for context about breakthroughs and new starts you can orchestrate for yourself.
Each time you have a significant challenge in these times, you can having a corresponding significant breakthrough that can lead to a new start. What does this mean?
Spotlight on The Basement
Compared to previous decades, significant challenges are likely to catalyze a series of unexplored or unresolved inner issues. That’s actually a bonus! However, it may not feel like one at the time. All of us can sympathize with that.
The bonus is that while society’s mega-restructure is shining light in a new way on humanity’s unresolved basement of issues, your personal basement also gets a big spotlight. Even if you don’t know what’s in that basement at the moment a spotlight shines on it, your ego-self is likely to feel very uncomfortable...+
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