Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Rarely Has a Humanity Been as Asleep as Yours The Telosians Through Marie-Josée Andichou

May peace be in you, in your hearts, dear children of the Earth. What disturbances in your beings! Wherever you are, whatever country you live in, we see your energies spinning around in a very disturbed way. We know that you have been living for some years now with events that strongly disturb you and momentarily prevent you from understanding what is happening in you and who you are in this world that resembles a general earthquake.

Since 2012, many energies have increased around you coming from the Celestial Spheres, coming from the Earth itself which is transforming and is only asking to live the return to the New Earth.

Why do we say “return to the New Earth”? Because, quite simply, the New Earth or rather the New Earth existed at a certain moment in the life of your planet. We have already spoken to you about this in previous messages: At the very beginning of humanity, the beings who lived on this planet were beings of Pure Light and Pure Love. This lasted for some time until other beings from elsewhere, from other planets of non-Love, came to take over this wealth that was the Earth. ...+

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