Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

By Kabamur

You can’t research the method of cloning elites use because it’s not the same technology used to clone animals today.

It was given to US military (NSA) by negative ETs in the 1950s. It has been used for profit and power for decades. It will never be disclosed because it’s too advantageous to the cabal, and because people aren’t psychologically able to cope with how deep it goes. After the Shift humans will have full disclosure.

The information I’m sharing comes from years of Pleiadian communication and if you are seeing disclosure that can’t be sourced, the legitimacy should be questioned. There are many truthers saying that because celebrities look different they’ve been arrested and replaced but that’s not how it works.

A fully grown adult can be replicated in 5 months. There is no consciousness transfer. Only memories are transferred. Our consciousness resides with our soul. Clones don’t have souls. The method used doesn’t pass DNA to the clone. Mannerisms and speech are programmed. Important clones can have implanted technology. Clones can’t reproduce...+

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Comment by RichRaelian on July 3, 2023 at 6:40am

Hello! I would like to point out that your discussion of human cloning is worthy to discuss however I regard the negative things you have to say about it as anti-cloning propaganda! If your against cloning that must mean that your in love with death or a deathlover. Cloning will give humanity immortality without the need of a soul within a real human body or a cloned body.Memories of your previous life in your old physical body can be transferred over to your new cloned body and the fact that you said that wasn't possible is a error on your part.Another error you made or claimed is that clones can't reproduce that is also a lie.Humans and clones do have something in common they don't have souls but they do have supra-consciousness as a aspect of Infinity.I could point out other errors you've made about human cloning but for now I will stand by what I said already about cloning being in the positive instead of the negative.Please let go of the negative channeled information and be for human immortality the cloning way.I'll end this reply on that last note a second ago and I hope you come to see human cloning in a new light for what it is immortality! This concludes my response thank you for your attention at reading what is posted here and goodbye!

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