Saviors Of Earth

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Rand Paul: “Bill Gates Is Largest Funder Of Trying To Find Viruses In Caves And Bring Them To Big Cities”

By Steve Watson

Senator Rand Paul teed off on globalist Bill Gates Sunday, heavily intimating that the billionaire’s obsession with funding research into deadly viruses led directly to the COVID pandemic.

Appearing on Fox News, Paul noted that Gates visited China last week.

“Bill Gates is the largest funder of trying to find these viruses in remote caves and bring them to big cities,” Paul asserted, referring to gain of function research.

“So what happened in China is they went eight to 10 hours south of Wuhan, two to 300ft deep into a cave, found viruses, and took them back to a city of 15 million,” Paul further explained.

“There are many, many scientists who think that Bill Gates is wrong in funding this,” he added.

“We don’t need to be searching for viruses that may never interact with man. And it’s worse than that. They bring viruses that we may never interact with, they bring them back to the lab, but then they manipulate them by combining them with other viruses to create viruses that don’t exist in nature,” Paul continued...+

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