We are not able to access the file, it can be for several reasons. However the best and easy way to get the info is the old fashion way, copy and paste the doc, not the link but the actual info and put it here.
I can´t wait to get more info on NESARA.
By the way, thanks for all the info you are giving to us!
Comment by christalm on January 11, 2009 at 3:13pm
sorry guys - I'm not so great at computers - I tried to lift this link from the file page of the new galactic roundtable discussion group.
Comment by Andy (UK) on January 11, 2009 at 12:38pm
Link was not working in chritalm post (copy/past from the page not working), but i was able to take it from html source code.. Heres the link.. NESARA Q&A Jan. 8, 2009
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