Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers


By: Bradley Loves

Welcome to 2016!

It’s a new year…, and hopefully a new way of doing things. One of the new ways of doing things (out of necessity) is to LEARN the art of “puzzle solving” and “dot connecting”.

THIS article that I wrote called: THE PUZZLE, lays it out for you in no uncertain terms, and explains that due to DECEPTION and SECRECY…, we who are living in this realm need to be good at solving puzzles.

The first and foremost “rule” of dot connecting and puzzle solving is this:

…once you have determined beyond any logical doubts that a certain dot…, data point…., or “factoid” is legitimate and sound…, THEN…, you MUST USE that dot, data point, or factoid in EVERY EQUATION, and every problem you are trying to solve FROM THAT POINT ON.

We could call this Rule # 1…, or Principle One…, or just “common sense”…, if this is getting a little bit too mathematical for you.

The reason that I am putting this as RULE ONE..., is that I have witnessed some very intelligent people (at least I consider them intelligent), trying over and over again to solve difficult problems (problems that we are facing today) while leaving huge amounts of known data OUT OF THE EQUATION.

This is not only stupid…, but a “fools errand”.

You can’t build a “model” of explaination for a problem you are facing if you leave out some of the PRIMARY DATA POINTS!

Naturally this is why Critical Thinking is a tool that you are NEVER TAUGHT in school…, becuase this is one of the very first things that you would learn.  The Cabal does NOT want you to have this tool or this knowledge…, because if you did…, then HOW could they LIE to you?

Critical Thinking is an “art”!  It is also part of what is termed: LOGIC.

The first rule in solving a problem in LOGIC is that you must take all of the data points and consider each and every one carefully and deeply before coming to your conclusion.

Sometimes…, the conclusion sounds either ridiculous, stupid, and even may go against popular belief…, but if the puzzle solving technique that was used was sound…, then SO IS THE CONCLUSION..., regardless of how strange it may seem.

My current list of PRIMARY DATA POINTS is very long…, and growing daily.  Becuase of the way that I approach problem solving…, it is usually very easy to see what is really happening in the world around me…, and what the TRUTH actually is for MYSELF!

I do not need to go to the corrupt NEWS MEDIA to tell me what has transpired…, NOR do I need to run to some web page on the internet and write a desperate e-mail to some channeler and beg them to get in touch with some out of body ENTITY to please tell me what is happening on the planet.


Let’s look at my very long list of dots or data points, that (have been determined by myself and others) to be basically TRUE…, and therefore need to be placed into EVERY (this means every single one) EQUATION.

  1. We live in a Holographic Universe, where Reality can be created through thoughts, emotions and actions…, and these thoughts, emotions and actions are better known as:  FREEWILL CHOICES.
  2. Each and every living man, woman, and child is “very powerful” when they are born…, and contains within themselves the “power of the souce”…, which allows them to be very effective CREATORS.
  3. This “realm” of space and time that we live in…, is currently under ATTACK by outside forces that are quite negative.  These outside forces do NOT want to see human beings making their OWN choices, because this “realm” in it’s entirity has been, and is currently being “used” as a “power source” (a battery) for other realms which are dying…, and thus have NO POWER of their own.
  4. The “energy” that is created here in THIS REALM…, is literally being “sucked out”…, and is the energy that feeds theirs.
  5. Becuase our RELAM is the battery (or jumper cables) that feeds their REALM…, they do not want humans (or EARTH as a whole) to ever progress or move forward to the point of understanding that this is really what is happening to us. In other words…, they want us to ETERNALLY FEED THEIR REALM.
  6. This conceieveably could have been going on for hundreds of thousands if not millions of years now!
  7. The enemy that we face is an “out of body”, or “other dimensional” enemy, and lives at a slighty different frequency than we do…, and for that reason, for the most part…, they are unseen.

Okay…, so let’s call these the MAIN SEVEN data points…, that need to be taken into account…, BEFORE we can really understand and grasp the next set of data points…, which (once looked at in concert with the above data points) make total sense.

  1. Living among us…, and walking around in “human form” are a group of so called “Blue Bloods”…, or genitically compatible men and women who stay in full contact with these outside forces and SERVE THEM as masters, while plotting against those who appear to be their own kind.
  2. These men and women have been given the priviledge of RULING over the masses ONLY becuase they are willing to sell the masses out to the outside forces.
  3. NO HUMAN BEING ever gets to rule with real power if they are NOT willing to sell the rest of humanity out to these forces.  There are NO HERO’S in the WHITE HOUSE, on DOWNING STREET, or on any other street that houses a world leader.
  4. Those who are in the positions of “real power” know full well what is going on…, and in order enjoy their position and their power…, have CONSENTED to serve these outside forces…, and thus are “granted” the positions and the roles they have.
  5. The men and women who “rule over the masses”  for these outside forces follow what is known as an OLD WORLD RELIGION!  This Old World Religion was created for the “Blue Bloods” by the outside forces and is known as Lucifereanism or Satanism. HERE, and HERE are two Youtube Videos done by Jay Parker that explain the basics of this.
  6. Because we have men and women who live among us who are not only willing…, but DO IN FACT serve these outside forces and are playing AGAINST HUMANITY at large…, we are in serious trouble and need to work hard to uncover this and EXPOSE IT for what it is.
  7. The outside forces are Demonic…, or Archonic in nature…, and are able to “possess” humans who are willing to allow these frequency beings to use their bodies.
  8. EVERYTHING…, (and I do mean EVERYTHING) that you see happening in the world is a SCREEN that is being put in front of your eyes to keep you from seeing that this is the way it is.
  9. The NEWS MEDIA is used as a tool of PROPAGANDA…, that in NO WAY tells you the real truth…, but has been put in place to beguile and mislead you.  It is misdirection at best…, and complete and utter lies at worst. It is a bought and paid for medium that is meant to keep you docile, complacent and obediant!

Okay…, these are what I call the NINE sub-data points.  These are things that can be seen happening…, and are the WHY of the first SEVEN dots or data points.  Every part of this information flows very freely and easily upward once you look at it in the whole.

Next are the data points of what has been going on in our world (and why) in order to keep this “satanic system” in place…, in such a way that we are all basically prisoners to it!

  1. Becuase it is our “thoughts” which are the very basis of what we will create here on Earth…, MIND CONTROL has become an imperative for these outside forces and therefore MIND CONTROL has now been introduced into every part of our daily lives.
  2. The CIA has been funding MK ULTRA since the 1950’s in order to find better ways to incorporate the NEW TECHNOLOGIES into the OLD WORLD MIND CONTROL (which was used for thousands of years) that is known as TRAUMA BASED MIND CONTROL.
  3. Trauma based Mind Control is torture!  It is done by beating and torturing the victim so much that their “mind splits” into “alters” which can then be “programmed” by the men and women who are well versed in Old World Magic.  Trauma based Mind Control starts when the victim is very young…, and usually only a small child.  This “type” of MIND CONTROL is still being used by the BLUE BLOODS even today.
  4. RAPE, PEDOPHILIA, and RITUAL CHILD SACRIFICE are some of the basic tools of Trauma based Mind Control that are used by the Lucifereans or Satanists, which according to Jay Parker (as told to him by his mother) comprise between 10 to 12 percent of the entire world’s population!
  5. That means that in the USA (which has slightly over 300 million people) there are at least 30 million OLD WORLD SATANISTS living and working in this country as we speak.
  6. This also means that if we have 7 Billion people living in the world as we speak…, that there are easily over 700 million OLD WORLD GENERATIONAL SATANISTS (men, women, and their children) who follow along with this agenda of serving the outside forces. This also means that one out of every 10 people that you know personally is one of them…, even if they have never told you so.
  7. These people KNOW for a fact that they are in league with and working for these outside forces.
  8. DECEPTION and SECRECY is one of their PRIMARY TEACHINGS, which is why they NEVER let on what they are doing.  (….”The first rule of fight club is that you NEVER talk about fight club….”     a quote from the Movie called:  FIGHT CLUB)
  9. Now instead of getting depressed about this…, and throwing in the towel…, it is important to know that 270 million people living in the USA are NOT Satanists and therefore we out number them!  There are also 6.3 Billion people living in the world who are NOT Satanists and so we outnumber them by a huge margin.
  10. The problem is that the “Satanists” are the ones who get “elected” into office and are also (sometimes but not always) the “Judges” the “Lawyers” and the “Police”.    Therefore it becomes imperative for us to recognize that those who are in the POSITIONS OF AUTHORITY…, do not deserve our respect… NOR our obediance!
  11. If, after placing all of the above data points or dots into the “EQUATION”… you can not see this…, then YOU YOURSELF are under MIND CONTROL, and are of NO USE to the goal of freeing HUMANITY because your “mind” has been over run and you can not think clearly!
  12. The 1988 Movie called: THEY LIVE…, was actually written and made to describe what was happening here on the EARTH!  HERE is a link to the 90 minute movie called THEY LIVE on Youtube which you can actually watch for free!  Please do so right away since I have noticed that within a month or so, many of my most important links on Youtube that involve TV shows and Movies have disappeared.

These Channeled and Out of Body “ENTITIES” (for the most part) have NO REAL CLUE what is really happening here on the EARTH!  If they did.., they would talk about it…, and they NEVER DO.  They pretend they know what is going to happen here…, but they are not privy to all of the information that they claim to be privy to. If they WERE in the know…, they would have KNOWN that no ascension was ever going to take place in 2012!  In addition to just not being very knowledgeable about what is happening here, if they ever were…., (some of them) are acutally working for and with the Demons and the Archons and have given their allegiance over to them!  The question then becomes how do you sort out the LIARS from those who are really trying to tell the truth?

This is the final set of dots or data points that must be taken into consideration when trying to understand ANYTHING NEW that happens here on the Earth. You can not understand anything unless you add these to the equation…..

  1. Chem-trails being placed into the air = MIND CONTROL
  2. GMO foods being produced in large quantites = Change the human DNA so as to starve, re-configure and weaken the immune sysem! (this in turn makes MIND CONTROL easier)
  3. Flouride in the water = MIND CONTROL
  4. Vaccines placed into your body = Changing your DNA and making you more susceptible to MIND CONTROL.
  5. GWEN TOWERS and HAARP are tools which propogate waves and frequencies which are there to change your moods and ultimately CONTROL YOU through these frequencies.
  6. Endless technology has been kept away from humanity and hidden because that is the ONLY WAY to control us and keep us from throwing these outside forces of control off of our backs.
  7. The ELITES and those who are in positions of power (government) have sworn allegiance to the other dimensional DEMONS and the ARCHONS, and have pledged to do their bidding and their will (in secret of course)!   Because of this…, they do not serve us…, and therefore deserve neither our obediance NOR our respect on ANY ISSUE PERIOD.
  8. Many of the “mid-level” minions of the New World Order (paper pushers, clerks and statistitions) have no idea that those above them are Satanists! They do their job for a paycheck without knowing that they are both serving and reinforcing a SATANIC SYSTEM.
  9. Secrecy and Deception (read CIA, NSA, NRO etc..) have effectively blocked all knowledge from the people and have therefore doomed humanity to continued enslavement if they are not stopped.  Those who work for these agencies will be damned after they pass from their physical bodies…, and have to face SERIOUS COSMIC CONSEQUENCES for the evil they have perpetrated upon the innocent.
  10. Those men and women who work inside super secret “agencies” like the NRO and the NSA are being RECORDED on the higher levels as we speak…, and every day…, each and every single “act” that they take in thought, word and deed that goes against humanity at large is both catalogued and documented!  These men and women will NOT ESCAPE JUSTICE like they think they will!  The equation will be balanced down to the last penny and ounce, they can be assured of that!  The Archons and the Demons know this…, but have convinced those who serve them willingly that they can somehow escape the Universal Justice System. (which is A LIE).
  11. The NEW AGE..., is 100 percent incorrect when it says there is no such things as “bad” in the Universe…, and that there are NO CONSEQUENCES FOR EVIL DEEDS being done here on Earth. (OH YES THERE ARE), but this is also part of the LIE coming from the ARCHONS and the DEMONS.
  12. Corporate America…, and those who build super secret technologies have been let in on “some” of the secrets but have continued to aid and abet these outside forces because the Capitalistic System (which is all about profit) is a SATANIC SYSTEM that is used for control…, and they do not make money unless there is a PROFIT.
  13. Lastly…, there is a super advanced and SECRET SPACE PROGRAM that has been kept under wraps which is being used to gather both information and technology for the ELITE…, and to possibley create a way for these ELITE to escape this realm or reality.  They have decided to abandon the rest of us to the control of the demons and the archons rather that UNITE with us in a battle against them.  THEY ARE PURE COWARDS who do not deserve to breath the same air that we do!

Finally, something positive!

There is a REALM of PURE LOVE!  There is a REALM of PURE JOY!  You gain entrance to this realm by creating your own entrance to it!

The lock and the key into this realm is both “magnetic” and “frequency” driven, which means that your own personal “frequency” or vibration is only the first key.  The second key is a magnetic one that includes all of your actions AND inactions on the EARTH and what you did AS ACTION OR INACTION to help humanity.

If your magnetics (polarity) is totally balanced…, meaning you have no outstanding issues to balance with regards to your thoughts, words and deeds here…, then (and only then) can you turn the second lock.

Each and every man, woman and child of the OLD WORLD RELIGION who practice Satanism…, will be locked into the lower realms of darkness for eternity UNLESS they balance out the darkness they have done with good works so that the slate becomes clean.

Every New Ager…, who has done NOTHING to help to spread the real truth…, and has simply regurgitated channeled messages to the masses, and who are therefore supporting the Satanic System becuase they are either Cowards…, or because they could profit somehow from it…, will also be locked out of the higher realms until THEY BALANCE the equation they created by helping and serving those men and women who they felt were NOT THEIR RESPONSIBILITY.

We are our “brothers” keeper.  Their pain is our pain!  Their distress is our distress!  We are ONE…, but NOT in the way the NEW AGE says.

Bombs dropping in Syria, and Yemen, and in other countries IS IN FACT OUR PROBLEM! To say that it can somehow be ignored…, because it is “their KARMA” to be living there…, and that they CHOSE THAT…, is the biggest DECEPTION OF ALL…, and that lie comes straight from Channelers of the NEW AGE!

All of my love…..


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