Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Putting Yourself First
By Nicky Hamid

I am hearing, and seeing at this time so many who are, one way or another being gently nudged, or even “forced” to put themselves first.

This brings up all kinds of fears and doubts, questioning and action choice making.

As human we have all had a great deal of experience of being judged, warned. and punished for being “selfish”. So much so that the spiritual ideals are saturated with subtle self-deprivation, deprecation, sacrifice and martyrdom.

Even well meaning and loving parents encourage achievement and success while encouraging the quelling of public displays of self-celebrating or even external displays of joy.

And so at these times we are all dealing with guilts of the past in choosing ourselves first. This is especially so as we are seeing the Shadows rise and become totally exposed of “service to ego self” rampant and extreme.

These are times when these issues of self-direction and public approval must be resolved. And what better way than to “go private” for longer periods to really feel what it is like to fill yourself with your own JOY of hearing, seeing, doing and Being.

I look at it this way.

It is natural to want to share our Joy our Light. ...+

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