The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
By Preston James, Ph.D on April 22, 2016
Never before in history have the masses had instant access to information about the dark side of the Evil Establishment Hierarchy and the Select Few wrinkled up old mass-murderers and perverts that run it.
For the first time in history deep state secrets and previously hidden information about the secret Babylonian Talmudic Occult Network has been made readily available to the common man.
This has occurred because of the Worldwide Internet and its Alternative Media.
These disclosures are only going to increase and this will be followed by the whole world turning against the evil beasts who secretly control the levers of power, and there will be increasingly powerful mass demands and efforts to bring them to justice.
This is creating pressure on the existing USG and American societal controllers which are run, lock stock and barrel by the Khazarian Mafia (KM). The KM is best described as the Hierarchy, which is based on a secret Babylonian Talmudic occult network of what most refer to as the Mystery religions.
There is unprecedented access to information about the secret world of the Babylonian Talmudic Occult Network (aka Synagogue of Satan, Illuminati, the Olympiads) that has controlled most human institutions for hundreds of years.
This Occult Network has exerted such control by establishing and repeatedly deploying a well-defined method of infiltration and hijacking, followed by the formation of a pyramidal Hierarchy, which takes parasitical control and runs all authorities in the state and federal governments of nations.
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