Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Predictions, Depictions One Who Serves and Shoshanna By James McConnell and JoAnna McConnell

Predictions, Depictions
One Who Serves and Shoshanna
By James McConnell and JoAnna McConnell

Om, mani, padme, hum; om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum. Greetings to you! One Who Serves here. Shoshanna is here. And what a wonderful message that was from our Dear Sister KaRa. Beautiful! Wonderful!

And we do not have message to follow up on with that, so we will simply move on with your questions, if you have them. We are ready. You can unmute your phones if you have question.

Guest: Hi, I have a question.

OWS: Yes! Dear Thomas, yes! Always the one to bring up the first question here.

Guest: I try.

OWS: And that is good, because when you ask a question, it can bring answers to others that are wondering about the same question, that are somewhat shy or what you might say reluctant to come forward and ask that question. So it is answered in this way.

Guest: Great.

OWS: Yes, your question?

Guest: Of the telling of KaRa, and the healing chambers, I know that you don’t give dates when we can take part, but I was just wondering approximately what can you give us more about when we can take part in those healing chambers?

OWS: First we would say here, again, yes, no date can be given here. But we can say that your

“med-beds,” if you wish to call them that, that is what they are being called at this time, it may change here though, they are the precursors of the healing chambers as you visited here with KaRa....+at

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