Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

I know others have put up requests for healing here. I now do the same. My best friend told me today that the doctors have  given him only 6-9 months to live. He has been in terrible pain for the last few weeks and has now been diagnosed with cancer. He is a father to two little ones and he loves them deeply.

If you too can send my friend healing energy, you can help us try to make him better. Thank you brothers and sisters.

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Comment by patrick on December 18, 2010 at 7:30pm

Thank you


Comment by CHRISTINA on December 18, 2010 at 5:22pm
Dear patrick, my prayers and intentions for your best friend to be healed of cancer and to be healthy and well in every way.
Comment by Trudy on December 18, 2010 at 2:42pm

Much prayers for your friend and you dear Patrick ... with positive thoughts  of Life with  Love ... with our Heart intentions close to eachother we reflect the abundance Light of Healing ~*L*~

In lak'eck Namasté beautiful Souls

Comment by nonya on December 18, 2010 at 11:24am

I got your back Patrick. All my thoughts and intentions on their way.

Comment by Claude on December 18, 2010 at 10:59am

What are Dr. Hulda Clark's findings about Cancer?


Dr. Clark's work is based on an audio oscillator circuit (the Syncrometer(TM)),
with which she determines the ACTUAL CAUSES of cancer and other health conditions.
Knowing the cause will open the door to prevention and treatment.
For this purpose Dr. Hulda Clark used a large number
of approaches in natural medicine,
but ALL TARGETED AT THE EXACT CAUSE of the conditions.
In her first book about cancer "The Cure for All Cancers",
Dr. Hulda Clark examined the EXACT CAUSES of malignancy, i.e. cancer.
In an update 1998 she added the make-up of a tumor,
which comes before a malignant tumor mass.

If you have a beginning cancer, with just a small tumor,
less than the size of a marble,
you may be able to clear it up with the simple program given in this first book,
The Cure for all Cancers.
Many patients reported that they did.
But in that program only the malignancy part of the tumor was stopped.
Then a major clean up program for your lifestyle:
teeth, diet, home and body products were all cleared thoroughly
from those things that burden your immune system.
After this your own immune power returned to remove the tumor
without clinical help.
You were advised to stay on a Maintenance Program of killing parasites
regularly and keeping a clean environment.

Nevertheless, you should remember that you WERE TARGETED.
You were targeted by a specific parasite, specific bacteria and a specific virus.
Your immune system rescued you even while you neglected many important things,
That is the magic (not yet understood) power of the immune system.
But once targeted, you can never be "untargeted".
Therefore, if you choose the beginners' program from the Cure for all Cancers,
be sure to add the prevention program described in:
The Prevention of all Cancers book.

Never before has there been a way to prevent cancer with certainty.


In her second cancer book, "The Cure for All Advanced Cancers",
Dr. Clark mapped out a lot more steps from a healthy individual to a person
with cancer.
It includes a lot more information about tumors,
low immunity and how to shrink tumors.
The "21 Day Program" is laid out in this book.

If you have a cancer recurrence, or a tumor has started in a second organ,
you should consider yourself advanced You have no time to lose.
You are entered in a race, not of your choosing.

The race is between your cancer and your immune system.


Her third book about cancer is called the "Syncrometer Science Laboratory Manual".
It contains the procedures for shrinking tumors in the "Mostly Zapping Program".
Her fourth book about cancer and prevention is entitled:
"The Prevention of all Cancers".
To stamp out an advanced cancer completely,
you need to add either the 21-Day Program from The Cure For All Advanced Cancers
or choose the 3-Week Program from The Prevention of all Cancers.
The difference between these two is that the earlier 21-Day Program uses
mainly supplements plus regular zapping,
while the 3-week program reduces supplements to a minimum.
They are replaced with "plate-zapping" and "drop-taking" (called homeography).
If you are very hardy and determined, you can do both programs together!

Speed is important.
You can jump into action but you must do each program completely.
If parts of any program are left out you are taking the risk of failing!

(From: "The Prevention of all Cancers";


Dr. Clark continued her research in the field of cancer.
Her great sense of helping mankind conquer this debilitating disease, 
compelled her to write another book on cancer.
It is an update of
"The Prevention of all Cancers" book  and contains all her latest research on cancer.
In this new book, she reveals that cancer is not a one-cause disease,
but rather is formed by a "cancer complex"
that includes various partners that act together.
Find out about this and more in her newest book entitled
"The Cure and Prevention of all Cancers>>>
Dr. Clark found cancer is -- not surprisingly --
a complex mechanism, involving factors from environmental toxins to toxins produced in the human body
by certain pathogens to parasites, fungi and bacteria.
But unlike other research she does not enumerate dozens of "possible contributors",
but names the exact factors that can be found in EVERY case of cancer,
in EVERY tumor.
Starseed Claude

Comment by Claude on December 18, 2010 at 10:47am

Diseases are Bacterial, Viral or Fungicidal,they cannot live in Oxygen!


Try Oxygen For Health, Energy, Cleansing,Balanced Weight & Metabolism.

Even removes hardened old fecal matter built up on the colon walls.

Helps remove all toxins, anaerobic pathogens, parasites,

heavy metals and other pollutants.

Improves absoption & assimilation and eliminates putrefaction

or breeding ground for anaerobic pathogens...


* Unique O3 Oxygen Ozone Process
* Cleans + Detoxifies + Rejuvenates
* Harmless, Safe, Gentle & Effective
* Will not weaken the colon muscles
* No cramping or bloating
* More effective than psyllium or herbal products

BIOXY CLEANSE is the ultimate colon conditioner.


* Delays onset of oxygen-debt
* Cuts recovery times by up to 50%
* Increases endurance, stamina and aerobic capacity

The Next Generation in Superoxidization. Bioxy Cleanse Capsules is a great product for overall detoxification.

A specially formulated Magnesium Peroxide compound
with Oxygen (ozone) enhancement and pro-oxidant VITAMIN C with Bioflavonoids.

Even removes hardened old fecal matter built up on the colon walls... NATURAL DETOXIFIER...
Helps remove all toxins, anaerobic pathogens, parasites,
heavy metals and other pollutants. REJUVENATES...
Improves absoption & assimilation and eliminates putrefaction or breeding ground for anaerobic pathogens...

Cleans + Detoxifies + Rejuvenates + Harmless, Safe, Gentle & Effective Will not weaken the colon muscles,
No cramping or bloating, and is More effective than psyllium or herbal products.

Bioxy is a whole body oxygenater and energizer. It detoxifies and cleanses wastes,
pathogens and plaque in the gastrointestinal tract, colon, arteries, and blood.
It is unique from other "intestinal cleansers"
in that it oxygenates the entire body, detoxifies and cleanses the gastrointestinal tract and arteries,
energizes both physically and mentally, neutralizes acidic conditions that may promote pathogens,
enhances weight loss, supports collagen production, relieves constipation.*

As a result of poor diet, lack of exercise, polluted air, shallow breathing, and stress,
many of us are in a low oxygen/toxic state. This creates inefficient metabolism,
causing the body to accumulate waste products faster than it can eliminate them.
This leads to a favorable environment for the proliferation of
pathogenic microbes (viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc.) which, in turn,
create disease conditions (flu's, herpes, Candida, chronic fatigue, cancer, AIDS, etc.).
If, however, the oxygen level around these anaerobic pathogens is increased,
they die, unable to survive the high-oxygen environment.*

As the material reaches the stomach's acid environment and continues into the bloodstream,
the vitamin C and bioflavonoid complex break the magnesium peroxide bond releasing the ozone and peroxides,
softening the intestinal and arterial plaque, and killing pathogenic microbes throughout the body.
The ozone and peroxides further breakdown into oxygen which continues to purify and energize all cells in the body.
As the liquefied plaques and dead pathogens move toward leaving the body,
the magnesium creates a colon flushing reaction, increasing bowel activity and preventing re-absorption of the toxins.*

Suggested Protocol:
For gradual Detoxification or Constipation,
Take 1-2 Capsules at bedtime on an empty stomach.
For greater Detoxification, Take 2 capsules 3 times daily on an empty stomach between meals,
or as directed by your health care practitioner. Repeat every 3-6 months or use as needed.*

I love this product ! as well many of my friends and clients really like what is does !



Starseed Claude

Comment by Tony on December 18, 2010 at 10:22am

Sorry to hear of this Patrick, he will be in my thoughts and prayers.....


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