Greetings and Salutations;
There are those who ride the wave of the status quo and there are those who use their senses for more than an annoying distraction from the 'real world'. My dad was into ham radios and our old stereo picked up shannels floating about in the atmosphere from foreign lands. Communication of all kinds was available and there was less clutter, so you could hear beyond the local daily blah blah. Because so much more is available now, people have a tendency to congregate close, and just lock onto an easily reachable frequency that's agreeable to the thinking processes. Some call this an agreed upon reality and from that point all else in the world is judged by that perceiver, as fact. Truth then, becomes what ever is agreed upon within the group. We laugh now about those who believed the earth was flat, no one was laughing then. In certain areas, you could get killed believing otherwise!
This closes out my 10th year writing on sunday, speaking of things to come. I have written about events coming that went over many people's heads, until more and more began looking at things that plain made no sense. Ripples in the fabric of the that thick velvet curtain, that one would pick up out of the corner of their eye. Those who upset their own comfortable view of things and decided to investigate deeper, found things that scandalized their personally held beliefs. This is what's behind that bumper sticker that says, 'The truth will set you free, but first it may piss you off'. Who wants to acknowledge that their own parents filled their little heads with believed fantasies? Yet, we all stand at a crossroads where, all we held as the real truth is going to get challenged and even the gov knows things may not go down very easy.
Putting big money in your hands and redoing the banking in this world isn't the scary part for the miscreants who've been operating things in this world. It's the knowledge that comes with it. If the status quo just kept rumpling along, nothing would change, they'd simply take your money and keep the crap kickin'. The announcements beginning to reveal to the people of the world, who's being doing what for a big chunk of history, now that's scary! How 'the people' have been used, so others could sit up high and manage life below them. Records have not been lost and things are not the mystery, they've been portrayed to be. Hard data exists and it is what is being delivered to this world. The money was never anymore than the tip of the iceberg. The big work has to with how you manage what is being redistributed, across the world. The tech to clean the atmosphere, the water, the garbage, etc, already exists, this is about pulling the stuff off of the shelves to be used. Disease will be taken care off, and the drug companies who worked against those cures, will be vanishing. Those who set themselves up as the planet's managers, failed miserably because of their greed and selfishness. Now universal physics visits to realign the mess.
It is now a proven scientific fact that 'thoughts are things', our own thoughts have an effect on all kinds of things, stuff. Measurable with machines. Prayer is measurable, with the latest equipment. What if the whole world began praying in specific way, unselfishly towards a focussed goal? Prayer doesn't need to be in a specific language, it is the emotional power put behind each one. That comes, when it is accepted that they, prayers themselves have a listener and the listener has an opinion. I am taking you to an incredible idea, the 'personhood' behind all we have experienced is real and has thoughts about it. Calculations that make a Kray look like a child's toy, keeping everything in a balance and the worlds from exploding willy nilly. If things were left to those most folks think are running things in this world, we'd be heading into 'mad max world' because, these guys use 'rule or ruin' as their philosophy. A vast intelligence behind all perceivable to mankind, with an opinion, scares even the hindus. 'Nothing', actually being something, and having an opinion...oh, how profound and worrisome. It is a fool that says, all is an accident.
I am quite aware of where this newsletter goes. The readers all over the world, need to consider what is about to happen. History is rarely noticed when it is being lived. This change will be spoken of for years to come. Crazy people were carving stuff on rocks years ago, we are now living. But they weren't stuck with the left sides of their brains either, everything wasn't 'logical'. Something's are what they are and, defy logic as we've been taught. What if something does move faster than the light? Like thought? Yea, my teachers didn't like that comment either. How dare I challenge great minds...hrrumph young man!
The funds that are being shifted to new hands now are ancient. The ideas of the last few hundred years are being thrown off the boat because they proved to be lacking in the full appreciation of what must happen now. Basically, too small minded. I'm not writing this to name off a whole bunch of guilty people, that's not my job. I also know all about the bush family and they are in deep doo doo despite what you think or what they think. Something bigger is crashing thru their roof and the reality they created. The old man was given a 'shot', he crapped all over it and believed he was running something. "If you use my money to make money, and don't pay me back, that's my money too'. That's all the chinese royals are laying down at this instant in time. Even Rocky, told the old man he was running into water over his head. Arrogance has defeated many in history and apparently giving the queen a memory jog all the way back to the east indian tea company. History books will be rewritten.
The instructions are written on a 3rd grade level, just put one foot in front of the other. Don't start making stuff up and getting creative. This is the finish of what happened in 04/05 with vast improvements. Take advantage and use what the good lord gave ya, common sense. I will attend to the consultations as quickly as I can. People have locked their lips and it's the black out from hell. The universe is always trying to fill a vacuum and there's a huge empty space of info right now, so no telling what somebody will be saying out here. Stop making yourself crazy because, no info is flying around. You'll get your shot with a knock at the door and you will handle that accordingly. Donations needed and accepted at account As I said, this is much like 05.
See ya later after you've cleaned and cleared the grey matter and you're ready to get busy with other things.
This is my new t shirt entry.."Free Will is a Waste of Time"
Love and Kisses,
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