Aton; Commander Hatonn
Through Anne Bellringer
Posted on April 21, 2022

I AM THAT I AM. I Am Creator God Aton of the One Light of Creation/Creator Source. Many of you know me as Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn from the Phoenix Journals.
At this time, I have summoned Anne to give you a message for these End Times. I have watched and I love every single soul upon Earth Shan and in the Astral Plane and even the Void.
Because of the work of the Lightworkers of Sananda’s Flock, and asking help from the Lighted Realms, millions of ones on the Astral Plane and even from the Void have been able to graduate! What is so heart breaking is that so many ones of you great Masters, who reincarnated upon Earth to help her and your great soul growth are still caught and shackled to the material things of 3D dimensional illusion. You still have not awakened to why you came to Earth, or even remembered the great mission you set for selves.+++
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